Everyone experiences a little stress in their daily lives. Right now, though, prolonged exposure to heightened stress levels is a massive problem. It has affected millions. If you’re one of them, now is the time to regain control of the situation.
Here are 10 simple steps that will lead you to a far healthier position throughout the pandemic and beyond.

Get More Sleep
This is a time for your body to regulate the stress hormone (cortisol) and will leave you in a far more relaxed position. The fact that your body will feel energised and look fresh is also crucial. Be sure to get Zs each night.
Organise Your Finances
Financial worries are the most common source of stress. While you can’t suddenly make money appear out of nowhere, organising your finances by calculating income and outgoings will pay dividends.
I often struggle with this one a-lot, and it causes endless stress, if you’re struggling with your finances here’s how to set financial goals.
Go Green
An eco-friendly lifestyle brings many rewards. Reduced stress comes from the more natural way of living, as well as helping society. Plastic free beauty products are a great starting point. Home appliances and green cars are vital too.
Stay fit
Regular exercise releases endorphins to combat stress on a hormonal level. Meanwhile, the chance to break up your day and actively improve your looks can work wonders. Especially if you choose something you actually enjoy.
Eat well
You cannot live a healthy lifestyle without adopting a health nutrition plan. Conversely, eating the wrong foods for your body can cause bloating and digestive problems that inevitably lead to more stress. The key is to do what’s right for you.
Gold Bee supplements are a great way to boost your immune system with vitamins that will help your wellbeing. Taking supplements as part of a balanced diet is a must.
Avoid bad influencers
Whether it’s disruptive friends or needy relatives, stepping away from the negative influencers will work wonders. Likewise, it’s not a bad idea to delete influencers from socials due to anxiety risks. Their ‘perfect lives’ add stress.
In 2020 I unfollowed a-lot of influencers on my social media, particularly twitter. I prefer following those who are authentic with covid19 content. I also found that unfollowing those with large amounts of self entitlement did wonders for my mental health and stress levels.
Clean The Home
Home surroundings will have a greater influence on your life than ever before due to the time spent there. Cleaning your home needn’t take hours. And when you have a clear living space, your mind should quickly follow suit.
I’ve found that trying to have a minimalist lifestyle not only keeps my home clean but also improves my mindset.
Control The Controllable
It’s easy to dwell on the past or issues that you cannot change. Try to stop worrying about those. Instead, focus on the issues that you can combat. The progress will reduce your stress, as will ignoring outside issues.
Living a generally positive life will naturally establish a very strong platform. However, many benefits can be gained from incorporating a little yoga or meditation into daily life. Just a few minutes can see the stress flood away.
Speak to people
Perhaps the most significant of all is to avoid bottling things up. Human nature means your brain will run away with the worst possible outcome. Seek advice from friends or experts, and a weight of stress is instantly lifted.
As they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.
Reduced stress levels won’t suddenly make your life perfect, but they will certainly have a positive influence. Get the situation under control now before maintaining the right habits once normality returns and you’ll never look back. You’ve got this!
If you enjoyed this post let me know in the comments the ways in which you try to combat stress in your daily life.

If you enjoyed this post, check out My Experience With Imposter Syndrome and 8 Great Habits To Start In 2021
These tips are very helpful! I need to focus on staying fit. It’s been a struggle since the pandemic started. 😣
This post is super useful ❤️
Thanks for sharing
Lovely advice – ever since I did some research into the benefits of sleep, I’ve found it remarkable how important it is (more so than food apparently) I can agree of detaching from negative influences too, particularly reducing social media – thanks for sharing!
These are all great tips! Exercising has helped me a lot, so I will concentrate on finances and improve my sleep, which i am sure are going to help relieve any anxiety and stress. Thank you for sharing x
All of these are so right! I could definitely do with getting more sleep at the moment – I just can’t seem to switch off though!
Hi Kayleigh!
I think I miss a lot of them. I have to say that cleaning my home, or any a room or any specific part truly helps to reduce some stress levels. I could definitely use other tips here.
– Arfa | shemeansblogging
Fab tips here! I think having a social clean out is so important – I unfollowed so many influencers that didn’t fill my feed with inspiration or positivity xx
These are some great tips. Especially the one about controlling the controllable. I also find that taking time out for me even if it’s just 20 min, where I’m allowed to do absolutely nothing is a big help.
I love how you talked about avoiding bad influencers, like you said, it doesn’t have to be the ones online, it can be people in your family and even friends! These are amazing tips Kayleigh x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
These tips are great. Cleaning always helps me. I love that you’ve included the finances section because I think people forget that it adds a lot to stress levels even when people aren’t thinking about it.
These are such great tips! I’ve started working out more often last year and it did wonders for me. This year I’m focusing on keeping a clean, mindful environment (at home and online) as well as managing my finances better. Cheers to less stress! x
Some good tips, some I need to adopt! Thanks fir sharing, stress us so destructive.
More sleep! How about, more hours in the day! All good advice…thanks!
These tips came at the perfect time, I’ve been feeling a little more stressed than normal lately. “control the controllable” is such great advice. Thank you so much for sharing!
Such a useful post. I think eating well and exercising are things we often forget to do if we’re stressed but they can make the biggest difference.
Tash – A Girl with a View
These tips are so helpful, thanks for sharing! Even something so simple as to getting the right amount of sleep or getting out for a bit of fresh air can make the world of difference!
It’s been such a stressful time and I have been in and out of stressful dips all year. I’m finding that the warmer weather is helping and being able to get out and go for a walk has made a lot of difference. Some great tips in this post – I am defo one who could do more meditation!
Great post. Thank you for the tips.
dealing with my stress is always one of my biggest issues and there are some great tips in here to combat that so thank you hun!! xx
These are really helpful tips to help combat stress. I haven’t tried meditation yet but it is something I have been wanting to try. To combat stress I talk to my family, my partner and relax by watching my favourite tv shows. Thank you for sharing Kayleigh.
Lauren Bournemouthgirl.com
These are helpful tips! I definitely agree getting enough is beneficial & having a clean home makes me feel less stressed
Thank you for sharing this! I have been trying to de-stress with doing what I mostly love which include journaling and reading. I have been practically stealing some times to do just that in order to refresh. Love all the points especially the part where we just have to learn to control what looks like it can be controlled.
I find organising my finances ever so relaxing, it helps me stay in complete control of my money and also knowing my income and outgoings! Meditating is one way that works well for me in terms of combatting stress, it’s just so good to just take deep breaths in and out! A great post Kayleigh! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Good post. I need to get better about my meditation. I’ve really lost trace of my practice because of stress.
All good points, being careful who you follow on social media is a really good one, especially in a time where a lot of our lives are online x