It’s a given that everyone wants to have fun while traveling and make the most of their trip. But you might underestimate the heat and humidity of your destination. While high temperatures and sunny skies sound great on paper, they can cause major problems if you don’t dress appropriately.
Wearing the wrong clothes can contribute to overheating, sweating, and dehydration. If you want to avoid all this, here are some tips to stay cool and still look stylish while traveling.

Bright Colors
When packing your suitcase, you need to focus on items that can reflect the sun rather than absorb it. Because of this, opt for bright colors over darker shades like navy blue or black. Compare this to sitting on a sunbed that’s been out all day. A darker shade is more likely to retain heat, while white ones may be hot but not as hot. This is important if you spend all day in the sun and want to stay cool.
Loose and Relaxed Styles
Similarly, pick clothes that have loose and relaxed styles. Tight clothing does not allow your skin to breathe, so it will feel like you’re even hotter than you are. By choosing relaxed clothing like loose button-ups or floaty dresses and skirts, you encourage ventilation all over your body, which will keep you comfortable all day. Just watch out for a breeze that blows your dress up and showcases more skin than you wanted.
Put Your Hair Up
Wearing your hair up is one of the easiest ways to overcome the heat. You don’t feel strands sticking to your face or around your neck and the humidity can also encourage frizz that becomes impossible to deal with. Wearing it in a ponytail or braids looks cute, and combining this with the best hair accessories can add style to any travel outfit. But remember that the back of your neck and shoulders are more exposed, so wear sunscreen!
A hat also provides fantastic protection from the sun, and the wider the brim, the better the protection. Of course, you don’t need to wear a sunhat with a brim that extends over your shoulders. A regular baseball cap or even a straw hat can be effective as it protects the top of your head from the sun and shields your eyes. Speaking of your eyes, combine it with some large 70s sunglasses to complete the look.
Drink Lots of Water
Protecting yourself from the sun’s effects isn’t just about what you wear. You should also drink lots of water to avoid dehydration which could even lead to sunstroke. It’s exhausting being in the sun all day, so if you want to look your best when you go out to dinner later, staying hydrated will keep your energy up and your skin taut during your trip and avoid the risk of wrinkles.
Spend Some Time In the Shade
Likewise, while you want to get a deep and natural tan, spending too much time sunning yourself on the beach or by the pool can lead to problems. You will sweat a lot, for one, while forgetting to reapply sunscreen could also cause a nasty sunburn that makes you not want to leave your hotel room for the rest of the trip. Take some time off each day to get out of the sun and cool off so you are ready for the rest of the day.
Love Linen
There are various fabrics and materials that you can wear to keep cool. Cotton and sportswear are one option, but linen is arguably the very best. Here, you have the best of both worlds. It’s breathable and comfortable while still looking stylish enough to wear for any occasion, be it a day wandering around local markets or going to that one restaurant you saw recommendations for everywhere online. Linen clothing comes in many forms, from shirts to pants, and it also goes with just about anything you can think of, so accessorize, baby.
Try Wearing Layers
For the uninformed, wearing layers to stay cool sounds ridiculous. Why would you want to add more layers when you’re trying to avoid sweating? However, a sweat-proof undershirt is an excellent way to avoid sweat patches on your clothes, which can be embarrassing and even ruin your clothing. The underlayer will remove moisture from your body and help you keep cool, while the top layer helps you look good. Besides, you can always remove the undershirt later on if you need.
Breathable Footwear
People often forget about their footwear when they travel. Flip flops and sandals are great for walking around town or visiting the beach, but they are not the only answer, especially if you’re on your feet all day or going on a hike. You need stable and supportive footwear that is also breathable so your feet don’t feel like overheating. Stable shoes can prevent you from rolling an ankle on uneven ground so look at running or walking shoes designed for hotter climates, but don’t wear them without socks. Try bamboo socks or socks you would wear to the gym as these have moisture-wicking qualities that will keep your feet cool and comfortable.
Quick Drying Items
Your dream might be to live in a bathing suit, but if you’ve ever spent all day in a damp one, you know how uncomfortable it can be. Your thighs might chafe or the straps dig into your shoulders and you always feel too cold because the material is still damp. Instead, look for quick-drying swimsuits or quick-drying clothing to wear throughout the day, especially if you’re taking a dip in the pool or ocean. Combine this with a mesh dress or a sarong and you’ll have no trouble feeling good all day.
Looking Good, Feeling Fresh
Underestimating the heat in any climate can be a recipe for disaster. You’re sweaty; you’re tired; you feel like you’re slowly turning the color of salmon. Remember these tips the next time you travel to ensure you look good and feel fresh no matter how high the temperatures get.
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