Hey lovelies, I’m so happy 2016 is over – it has been the worst year and I’m so ready for things to brighten up! I’ve started today at work and it hasn’t been the best experience but we all started celebrating at 2am after work and have drunk more alcohol than is ever needed. But here are my goals for the year.
- Twitter : Reach 10k followers – for me this would just be amazing, I managed to reach 5K this year and would love to continue that growth/engagement in the new year.
- Photography: Improve my flatlays – I feel like I’ve improved so much with my photography in 2016 and I just want to get my flat-lays up to standard, I’d really be able to make beautiful complex flatly but we will see!
- Instagram – Really I just want to fall back in love with Instagram – I might make a new account and start from scratch.
- Blogger chats – In December I really struggled to be active in some of the chats because of uni and working ridiculous amounts but I’d love to get back into them this year.
- Bloglovin – Try and reach 2K followers.
- Finish uni – 2017 is the year I graduate so for me just reaching the finish line is amazing. I struggle with severe depression so if you’d have asked me there years ago if I’d would have seen myself as this point – the answer would have been no.
- Graduate – Enough said.
- Apply for masters – I’m lucky enough to have been offered full scholarships at a three institutes, even though I’m taking a gap year. I just need to pick where I’m going or if I’m staying!
- Move out – So because of finishing uni I will need to move out anyway but I’ll be moving into a new place all by myself ( potentially with the boyfriend – not sure right now haha) and this will be such a big step for me.
- Work work work – This girl likes spending money so working is a given.
- Self confidence – This will probably be on my new years goals for the next 10 years but I really want to feel comfortable in my own skin.
So here are my main goals! I’ll be posting monthly goals too every month so we will see how it goes. I’d love to know your goals for the new year.
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