While aging is inevitable, the good news is that you can delay the process and its effects on your body. As you age, your body begins to break down, and increasing aches and pains can slowly take over. Your skin may start to lose its suppleness, and there’s always the likelihood of developing various health conditions. Thankfully, taking the right steps to care for your body can ensure you continue to look and feel good regardless of your age. Here are some proven ways to slow down the aging process.

Fill up on fermented foods
Yes, you read that right; fermented foods are great for your body the older you get. Yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut are excellent examples of such foods, proven to have immense gut health benefits, particularly giving your body a healthy dose of probiotics. Probiotics aid in healthy digestion, but even better, they can specifically slow down skin aging. According to some studies, probiotics can regulate acidic skin pH, alleviate oxidative stress, improve skin barrier function, and attenuate photoaging. They can also help prevent other age-related diseases. Apart from the probiotic content, fermented foods have excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These work together to neutralize free radicals, repair oxidized membranes, prevent joint aches and chronic inflammation, and reduce peroxide concentrates, among other benefits.
Eat foods that help your body produce more collagen
Collagen is one of the most important substances in the body, acting as the ‘glue’ that holds the body together to maintain its shape and structure by binding tissues and cells. Reviewed evidence shows that collagen can improve skin moisture, elasticity, and hydration. It can also reduce skin roughness and wrinkling. It also causes an increase in fibroblasts in various skin layers and extracellular matrix proteins while decreasing metalloproteinase. These fibroblasts can enhance skin health and slow down aging. Unfortunately, natural collagen production slows with age, and cell structures weaken, speeding up the body’s aging process. Eating more foods that help the body produce more collagen is advisable. Chicken, egg whites, fish, bone broth, citrus fruits, berries, and tropical fruits are great collagen-rich foods. But you can also opt for collagen supplements like Vital Proteins collagen peptides to replenish the body’s natural collagen production.
Scale back on salt
Salt is one of the main culprits responsible for creating a heavy feeling or bloating in the body. Its high sodium content retains water, and the more of it you consume, the more dehydrated and unhealthy you look. It’s no surprise that salt triggers a similar effect on the face, creating a puffier and sagging-like effect under the eyes and at the cheek areas. That can easily make you look and feel older than you are. So, cut back on the salt. Of course, that does not mean you should eat flavorless meals. Only add a little salt to your cooking if you must. Otherwise, opt for salt-free flavor boosters when cooking. You can use various herbs, lemon juice, and garlic as healthier alternatives to common salt, as they’ll leave you less bloated. Plus, a low-sodium diet means a decreased risk of developing high blood pressure – another common health issue among the older generation.
Bone marrow is my go-to when I need my collagen up! It helps my hair and nails! Wonderful post, thank you!