Self-care is a trend that is becoming increasingly popular throughout the country and even the world. The idea of taking time for yourself merely for yourself is no longer seen as selfish, and people are finally starting to understand that everyone needs some time to recharge. But if you’ve never given yourself this time before, it can be challenging to know where to start. Do not fear, though, because here are 3 surefire ways for you to give yourself some much-needed me-time.

Pamper Yourself
Everyone loves to pamper themselves, whether they are male or female or old or young. Pampering yourself doesn’t just mean giving yourself a manicure, either. It can be anything you want that puts your mind at ease and removes the stress of the day.
Taking a long and deep soak in the bath is a popular option while taking advantage of the minutes of gorgeous weather and treating your skin with Colorscience products will help you achieve the glow that has seemed too far away for far too long.
Often, you only need one day of pampering to get you back to your best, but you don’t need to restrict yourself to just one day. If you’re feeling stressed, anxious, or just plain bored, pampering yourself is a fantastic way to unwind.
Catch Up On Your Favourite Things
Life gets far too busy far too quickly, and this often means you neglect the things that you love to do. We all have something that gives us the chance to unwind, and dropping these habits because you’re too busy, or indeed too exhausted to do anything can have severe effects on your mental wellbeing.
To avoid this, you must find or create the time to do what you love to do. You might not want to force yourself to do anything. However, forcing yourself is often the best way to get you in the mood.
If you love to run but can’t find the motivation, force yourself outside, you will soon start to enjoy it. Likewise, reading, writing, or drawing are all passions where you can easily find a flow. If you want to sit on the sofa and watch a garbage movie, however, that’s perfect, too.
Find a New Hobby
While catching up on your favourite things will give you the chance to relax, finding a new hobby can also be beneficial, especially if the hobby is not too demanding.
As much as mental stimulation is useful, there are also times where we need something mindless and low-cost just to keep ourselves busy. Hobbies such as gardening or knitting make this possible, and even though you may not need to put too much mental energy into doing it, you can still feel like you’re doing something. And, if you did want to do something a little more exciting, you could look into a new sport, or even online gaming. When it comes to gaming, there are so many options out there, from multiplayer games, to classic arcade-style games, to games on places like these brand new UK betting sites that can even make you a little money on the side. How amazing would it be if your hobby could actually help boost your bank balance whilst also being great fun?
You never know, you may discover a love for these hobbies that you never considered before, and this will give you something else to do when you don’t feel like doing anything else.
Time All For You
Taking time for yourself is essential for maintaining a positive attitude and giving yourself a break from the world. No matter what you do, you mustn’t feel guilty about embracing the me-time, because everyone needs it at some point.
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We’re always in need of that much needed me time, especially nowadays. Even my skincare routine that I do in the morning is a form of pampering myself! Lovely post as always Kayleigh! x
Lucy |
So true. We all need wonderful break from all your responsibilities. 😊
A good pamper evening is definitely my favourite way to get some much needed me time!
Me time should be given importance..Your post about me time is a great idea!!
Lovely post. I love the tip about pampering yourself. I forget that sometimes.
Thanks for sharing, we all need a pamper day sometimes 🙂
Nic | Nic’s Adventures & Bakes
I so need to do this! After three months home 24/7 with the kids save for grocery pickups and to drop off recycling I’m about to lose it!
I always find that my day seems a lot better if I start it with doing something that I love! For me that’s reading and commenting on blogs tehe. i really need to pick up a hobby though that allows me to relax as I’m forever being called a “workaholic”!
Since I’ve gone back to work I definitely need to take time out for myself on my days off and evening. I love to pamper my self by having a hot bath and face mask, that always makes me feel better! X
Love this! Such a great little reminder to take some time out for yourself… Especially love the pamper night idea x
I love watching something on Netflix or Disney + as part of my me time, and have been loving reading and other hobbies that I don’t usually have much time for!
Finding a new hobby is such a good tip – that’s what happened to me with our garden, although now it’s become a bit more of a hobby, more of a part-time job, haha! And I can definitely lose myself and unwind while I’m doing it, although I do have to concentrate too, I don’t want to prune the wrong thing or pull up something by mistake 🙂 Lisa x
I’ve found a new hobby lately and honestly it has been so good for my mental health!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
I love pampering myself but I haven’t done that in a while, I would love a good massage, visit the beach and enjoy the nice cool weather but for now I’m pampering myself with movies and alone time
I wish to have time just for me. When I’m not in the office working, I’m home with my one year old kid who’s running around the house all the time. I’ll try to find some time just for me.
These are some really good tips. I love this. Me time is often forgotten and very neglected but I think these tips are easy to incorporate into our daily lives.