AD | Hey lovelies, we’ve recently hit quarter four of the year which is good news for bloggers, it’s the quarter of the year where you have more opportunities to collaborate with brands because of cyber weekend, Christmas and New Year’s. As someone who has been lucky enough to work with brands such a Debenhams, Urban Decay, Nikon and Panasonic, I thought I’d share 5 tips to help you work with more brands.
This post includes links to my own products, which is why I’ve marked it as an AD.
Check Social Media
As a blogger utilising social media is something you need to do. Facebook and Twitter can be particularly good for finding campaigns during the last quarter of the year. On Twitter you can search the bloggerswanted or PRrequest hashtag to find any callouts for work. You can use this to find PRs who regularly tweet about job opportunities too. The same method is used on many Facebook pages for freelance work and for bloggers. I recommend finding some that don’t have thousands of followers so you have a better chance of booking in work.
Research The Brand
Before you send any form of pitch, you need to research the brand. Even if it’s a brand you know a lot about, I’d still recommend it. This allows you make sure they accept blogger campaigns in the first instance, to see previous blogger campaigns they’ve done, and to find any extra information that may be helpful to your pitch!
You want to make sure that the brand and your brand align, researching the brand often highlights or brings to light things you may not know about their ethos and other factors that might be important for you when deciding whether to work with someone.
Advertise Your Gift Guides
If you’ve previously created any form of gift guide then I highly recommend that you start sharing them on social platforms as soon as possible. Not only can use this to bringing in a higher affiliate earning (My affiliate sales for beginner’s e-book covers this). This because brands actively look for them.
Advertising that you’re creating guides can be a really good way to outreach brands on twitter. I’ve never tried this on Facebook, but I’ve heard that it can also be very successful.
Purchase My Latest eBook
Now this is a shameful little AD, on Wednesday I released my second eBook and I am so happy with it, and I’ve had such incredible feedback from it already. The guide is titled Pitching To Brands & Creating Lasting Brand Relationships it covers, examples of pitches, some tips and tricks for finding collaborations and much more. I tried to make this a product that would have helped me when I started blogging, something that would have got me more brand partnerships.
It also covers something that I think people don’t often talk about, how to continue working with a brand once your initial collaboration is over.

I also have a very special bundle with my friends Christmas ebook, which is more than perfect for anyone who is trying to plan their Christmas content, monetise and work with brands. This will only be on my store for a limited time, so please do check it out! Blogmas + Pitching Bundle. To sweeten the deal, you can get 40% off anything on my store with the discount code ‘pitching’ – this includes all the bundle deals.
I’d love to know if you’ve started reaching out to brands/ booked any work in this Christmas, let me know in the comments.

If you enjoyed this post please check out my A Guide To Sponsored Posts and sign up to my mailing list below!
Holidays are indeed fast approaching and I need to get my content together soon. I want to make a fee gift guides and a couple of party wear posts. This inspired me to do better xx
I can’t believe how quickly the holidays are coming! I’ve not yet pitched to any brands for my gift guides this year but I will be following reading your guide x
Great post. Ive only just started to consider working with brands as I didn’t think that it was for my niche and should just stick to affiliate marketing. But I will use your help in approaching brands
It is really the best time of year to work with brands but its really important to start working on it now!
I am so rubbish at pitching (yes, I have got your new pitching e-book!), I’ve only every pitched twice and both times it worked so I don’t know why I’m so under confident. I know it’s something I really need to work on because I know I’m missing out on all sorts of opportunities. Thank you for the gentle kick to get me moving in the right direction! xx
Lisa | http://www.lisasnotebook.com
A very helpful post when pitching to brands or advancing a blog. Thanks for sharing.
Fantastic holiday guide for working with brands!
As always Kayleigh I hang on every word! Fantastic post such great advice as always. You’re such an inspiration!
I can’t believe that it is almost Christmas! I am both happy and scared at how fast this year has gone! I’m starting to get organised for my Christmas content but a part of me doesn’t want to yet! But, of course, with blogging, organisation is key!
I actually can’t believe how quickly Christmas will be upon us and I’d really like to schedule in some time off!
Love your tips, I’m constantly contacting brands and reaching out to see if we can work together
I haven’t started working with brands yet so this post was incredibly helpful to me. I think I should start considering about it and start working on it.
Thank you!