The popularity of ebooks has continued to grow and more and more authors are looking to get in on the act. While this is great for those looking to learn and consume information, it may start to make the marketplace look a little crowded. That being the case, you need to be working to drive your sales and stand out.
If you don’t want to be just another ebook creator then you’re going to need to boost your sales and, along with them, your credibility. Here are four tips that you can implement to starting driving sales:

Give your landing page the attention it deserves
Of course, your ebook content has to be the very best, but before people can appreciate this, you need to get them to buy it. That means that you need to give as much thought to your landing page and its content as you do your ebook itself.
Your landing page gives you the chance to strengthen your brand and to show potential buyers what you are all about. You should be giving enough information to draw people in and to generate interest. Your page must make it easy for people to purchase your book otherwise, no matter how much convincing you have done, they will simply go elsewhere.
Get social
Whether it is Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, or Snapchat, your potential customers are somewhere on social media. Your job is to find out where. Each platform has its own demographics and you will need to spend some time researching which has your target age range and interests.
Once you’ve found the most suitable platform, it is time for you to start the conversation. You can’t sit back and wait for potential readers to stumble across your masterpiece. Instead, you need to be hanging out where these people are and you need to be talking to them. Be helpful and give a glimpse into your area of expertise. Don’t go for pushy sales just demonstrate how knowledgeable and helpful you really are.
Consider a giveaway
You have faith in your ebook. You know the research that has gone into it and you know that it is invaluable. You have the ideal opportunity to show people just how great your product is by offering them the first chapter for free. Using your landing page, you can capture email addresses in return for allowing people to download the opening to your ebook.
By the time your first chapter has been read then the reader will be hooked. They will either go on and purchase the book in its entirety or you’ll need to gently prod them with your email marketing to get them to take that final step.
It’s all about reviews
People need to feel that their actions make sense. No one wants to look stupid or to have their level of intelligence questioned. That means that they might not be prepared to take a risk on an ebook if they have not heard of you. How do you get around this? Reviews instil confidence in potential buyers.
You can give away free copies of your ebook in return for some honest reviews. Get these reviews listed everywhere where your book is referenced and boost the confidence of your potential buyers. You will see that something so simple will often give an immediate boost to ebook sales.
If you enjoyed this post and you’re looking for some advice to help you grow your blog check out my 35 Useful Resources For Bloggers
Giving copies away in exchange for reviews is such a good tip! I don’t have an ebook but I’ve always wanted to write one.!
I’m actually considering on writing an ebook on self-care and mental health. How should I go about starting an ebook?
I created a Gumroad experiment last year. The perfomance was better than expected. Mine was a social media freebie. I would love to write a book in future and I love these tips!
This is very handy advice. I have ebooks but they are all stories. I do hope to write a guide soon.
Great advice for promoting an ebook. I did a lot social media with my nonfiction.
Thank you so much, I needed this. I’m not so good at promoting, don’t like to get pushy but this post is helpful