When it comes to our collective intellect, we’re quite a smart species. We do a good job in some areas, a bad job in others. We happen to be absolutely outstanding in some areas, too – we have discovered so much of this Earth in such a relatively short space of time. For that, we should give ourselves a big pat of the back. Something that people seemingly either have or don’t have in this world is the mystical, magical common sense. You know what we’re talking about here – you’ve witnessed a human being that knows what they’re doing with life and has all the confidence in the world to get fundamental aspects of life sorted. And you also know about pretty dopey individuals that struggle with basic tasks.
This sounds like a dig at the latter – it’s not. Some people just take a little longer to get to grips with some things. Common sense is what we call the ability to get basic and fundamental parts of life handled with a degree of competence. Those that cannot simply just need a little more experience and practice.
Do you feel as though you’re currently someone that lacks a little of the coveted common sense? Well, don’t panic if you actually are because there are a few things you can do – during this isolation period and also once it’s all over – to become less of that kind of person, and more of the calm, collected one you’d like to be. Here are some ideas:
Go Out And Fail At Things!
We touched on this a little before, but you need to actually go out and to try things. Whether you fail or succeed doesn’t hugely matter, but failure is probably a better result as you’ll learn what to do going forward. This sounds counterintuitive as failure is usually seen as a bad thing, but it’s really not as progress often gets made afterward.
Do Some Research And Actually Ask Questions
People don’t only learn through experience; they also take the time to sit down and actually figure out how things are done. It’s boring at times, but it’s necessary. If you sit around and think ‘I can’t be bothered,’ then guess how things are going to turn out for you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s to do with your finances, how to get an id card, or basic domestic tasks – if you know what to do, then you’re going to be more competent overall in life.
Build Up Your Social Skills
Being socially awkward and lacking that kind of confidence is often linked with common sense. If you head out in public more often and see your friends and family more, then you’re going to improve yourself each time. Staying indoors and shying away from the world will get you nowhere, and you’ll have lots of time to overthink.
Don’t Shy Away From Your Tasks And Errands
When you have things to do – do them. Don’t put them off or get someone else to do them for you. You will not learn anything if things are handed to you on a silver platter. Be sure to recognize this sooner rather than later or suffer the struggle of being incompetent for much longer.

I agree with you about getting out and socializing with people will improve your common sense. We’re created to interact with others at some point in life and you’re doing yourself a disservice by staying inside your personal bubble and hiding your wisdom from others. Great point!! I really appreciate this type of post, it’s so informative 👏🏾💯
Natonya | https://JustNatonya.wordpress.com