Guest Post | Today I have a guest post from the lovely Lauren from Bournemouthgirl. I hope you enjoy Lauren’s post as much as I do.
Journaling is a powerful tool for improving mental health. The practise of journaling can improve your self-esteem, mood, anxiety and depression. It is a way of speaking more kindly to you.
Journaling involves the practise of keeping a diary/journal. It is where you can write down and explore your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. If you struggle with anxiety, stress and depression, keeping a journal can be beneficial. You can gain control of your emotions. All you need is a notebook and a pen.
Using journaling prompts can be helpful if you are a journaling beginner and need some guidance. You can use one prompt a day to help you write every day or just use them on days you want for guided journaling. Writing in a journal has been a proven effective form of self-care.
I have been keeping journals and diaries since I was young. I loved writing down my thoughts and expressing myself. I have been, in recent years, using journal prompts in my journaling routine and they have been helpful when exploring topics I wouldn’t usually. Being able to discover new thoughts and feelings can be very enlightening.

What are journaling prompts?
A journal prompt is a simple statement or question that is designed to inspire you or to provide an idea of what to write about. No matter how much you love or hate to write there will be times when you are unsure what to write and that is where prompts can help you. Prompts are also perfect for beginners to start getting into the practise of journal writing.
What are positive benefits of using a journal?
Journaling has some huge positive benefits that will help to improve your life. The art of journaling can help you to prioritise your problems and your fears. Tracking your day-to-day activities and feelings can help you to identify triggers and learn ways to help control them. Writing in a journal can reduce stress and studies have shown you are 4 times more likely to heal faster from trauma. It is good for your mental health.
Journaling can also help to:
- Reduce depression
- Reduce anxiety
- Increases dopamine to lift your mood
- Improve your writing technique
- Boost your memory
- Allow you time for self-reflection
- Inspire your creativity
How to start a journal?
If you are new to journaling it is important to start small so you do not become overwhelmed. Your journal is not meant to be perfect. It is a personal collection of your thoughts, feelings and fears that shouldn’t be shared with others unless you wish to do so. All you need to do is open the page and get writing. Practise daily until it becomes a habit.
Journaling prompts can promote positive mental wellbeing when the journal prompts are focusing on self-love, self-esteem and your self-worth.
Here are 30 journal prompts that focus on your wellbeing:
- Where is your safe space? Why does it bring you peace?
- What does your self-care routine look like?
- What are 12 things that you do well?
- What do you love about yourself?
- What are your mental health goals for the month?
- How do you fight low moods?
- What does your support system look like?
- What are your coping skills? Do you feel they work?
- Name 3 things you are grateful for today.
- What is one kind thing you did for yourself?
- What is your greatest challenge in your life right now?
- What are 5 things that can always make you smile?
- Write about a time you overcame an anxious time.
- How do you show yourself love?
- What 3 things have gone well this week for you?
- What are some of your greatest achievements?
- What do you need to get off your mind today?
- What are your care values?
- How can you love yourself more today?
- What are 3 things you would like to improve in your life?
- Who are the people that make you feel happy? What is it about them that bring you joy?
- When was the last time your felt proud of yourself?
- What do you like most about your family?
- What are 10 compliments you can give yourself?
- What are 3 goals you want to accomplish by the end of the year?
- How do you spend your time alone?
- When do you feel the most confident and why?
- What do your family love about you?
- What is one of your favourite things to do to treat yourself?
- What is one weakness you want to work on?
- What is one problem on your mind right now that you want to work on?
- Write 10 positive affirmations about yourself
- What are 5 things you want to remember when times are difficult?
- I forgive myself for….
- What are positive quotes that help inspire and motivate you?
- What are 5 things you wish others knew about you?
- What inspires you?
- What songs help to lift your mood?
- What are 3 things you did right today?
- What is one thing you are looking forward to this week? Why are you excited?
Using these prompts can help you to explore your thoughts, feelings and goals to keep your focus on positive mental health and well-being. If you are new to journaling start using one prompt a day to get into a writing routine.
Do you keep a journal? Do you use journal prompts? I’d love to hear in the comments.
If you enjoyed this post check out my 10 Top Tips That Can Actually Help You Combat Stress and 5 Top Tips For Your Well-Being As Summer Approaches
I really enjoy journalling, I find it so relaxing! These prompts are amazing too!
These are some really great tips, thank you so much for sharing! I’ve never really been into journaling until recently! I’ve found that it’s really helped with my anxiety. Xo
Elle –
Thank you for letting me guest post Kayleigh! I really appreciate it. I hope everyone finds it helpful.
I love journaling but it’s not something I’ve done properly for years. My blog was a journal when I first started it but it’s evolved into something else, but I do enjoy doing journal-style posts from time to time!
I’d love to get into journalling more and all of these prompts are so helpful!! xx
I keep a diary, but sporadically. I use it more when I need to, to ease stress. All of your points are valid and useful. Thank you.
I love these journalling prompts! They really help me when I’m having a bad day x
Journaling is helping me so much! I have the malpaper planner, which is great for what I look for in a planner. I always start the day with gratitude and affirmations. And it helps me a lot!
Xoxo Annaleid
Amazing prompts! I use to journal a lot when I was younger. I’d definitely like to get back into it. Starting with the prompt “what do you need to get off your chest today?” Such a simple and powerful prompt! Thanks for sharing these!
I always have trouble knowing what to actually write in my journal as I don’t like it to be repetitive. That’s one of the reasons why I have trouble being consistent with journaling. I’ll definitely try this journaling prompts.
Antonia || Sweet Passions
Journaling is perfect for self-reflection. Thanks for sharing these prompts! These are great to look at things positively.
These are lovely and positive journal prompts Kayleigh, positive thinking can definitely go a long way! x
Lucy |
Any wait to use these positive prompts in my next journaling sessions. Thank you 🖤
Loved reading this post, ladies! I’ve been a keen journaller since my teenage years, and have found it even more useful in my adult life. I’ll definitely be bookmarking this post for some New Year journalling.