The Essential Guide To Practicing Self-Care Daily
Guest Post | When you think of self-care, what is it that first comes to mind? Is it #selfcaresunday, taking long bubble baths and putting on face masks? We reduced self-care to one day a week and to activities of pampering our skin and having an excuse to drink wine in a bath tub. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a day devoted to pampering yourself, whichever way you seem fit. But self-care is so much more than that. Self-care is about those small day-to-day tasks and rituals that together add up to huge improvements to your wellbeing and general health – physical, emotional and spiritual. This is why it should not be reduced to pampering your body once a week.
Developing a consistent self-care routine isn’t about reaching a certain destination, rather enjoying the journey of caring for oneself. When we don’t take good care of ourselves, it affects all aspects of our lives – we might feel tired, agitated, like we are always running places, lost in our thoughts, unsatisfied with life in general. It might seem hard to set aside time to take care of ourselves each day, but if we don’t, our wellbeing will eventually suffer.

The beginning of the self-care journey is the hardest, but there is a trick to making it easier. When you incorporate small and effective day-to-day activities into your life, eventually they become a part of your daily routine, a habit, and you simply do them, without giving them much thought (like whether you have time or willpower to do them). They become something you look forward to and your mind, body and soul feel grateful for. It stops feeling like a luxury and starts to be a necessity – as it truly is. Just as you wouldn’t skip a day without water or food, you shouldn’t skip the things that feed your soul, nurture your body and take care of your emotional state.
Whether you already have a certain daily routine of self-care acts and moments, or you are an absolute beginner, here are 5 easy tips that are not time-consuming or expensive on where and how to start, or what else you can incorporate into your daily activities:
Morning stretch or workout
Before reaching for the phone, start your day with movement. Whether you prefer something with some cardio or just a morning stretch, moving your body when you get up energizes you and sets you up for a better mood throughout the day. I personally practice yoga in the morning. I’m usually really sleepy and tense at the same time first thing in the morning. Yoga helps me with both – softens the muscles, the body, while energizing it at the same time. For more inspiration, find out the reasons I love to start my day with a yoga practice.
Meditation and mindfulness breathing
Mindfulness meditation is my go-to in dealing with stress, when feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or when in need of some mind decluttering. Our minds work non-stop and we can often get lost in thought, overwhelmed by emotions those thoughts can bring – and all of this with us barely noticing it. Take a couple of mindful breaths throughout the day. Bring your focus back to the present, on what’s happening right now. Examine how your body feels. When your thoughts take you somewhere else, notice that without judgement, and come back to the present. Notice how you feel after practicing this – I bet you’ll feel better.This takes only a couple of minutes thought the day, and the benefits are priceless.
What I do: I listen to a guided meditation (about 10 minutes) in the morning, starting the day off with more mindfulness. Then, as I lose focus throughout the day, when needed I take a couple of mindful breaths (I simply stop doing whatever it is I was doing, and focus on my breath and the present moment).
Make time to read
Set aside time for reading each day. It can be just a couple of minutes when you have little time to spare, but stay consistent. Choose a time of day – morning, evening, lunch break, whatever works for you. Move your phone away from you, be alone with your book. As time goes by, you will start to cherish those minutes. Regular reading is an amazing self improvement technique. Find books that will help you grow and evolve, but also enjoy a simple fiction novel – for the soul. Whatever works for you really.
Practice journaling
Ways of incorporating journaling in your daily routine are numerous, as are the benefits. You can write a morning gratitude journal (where you write down 3 things you are grateful for every morning), or an evening reflective journal (every night you write down the things that put a smile on your face that day), or even both. Consciously being grateful and looking for what brings you joy is an amazing practice of self love.
When feeling overwhelmed, you can write down what you are feeling, pouring those emotions into words, and letting them go. Journaling can sometimes feel almost cathartic. As with everything else, try out different approaches and find which one works for you.
Unwind with a soothing herbal tea in the evening
Relaxing in the evening, finding healthy ways to unwind is essential to a good night sleep – you can see now why this is important in your self-care routine. A great way to unwind in the evening and get ready for bedtime is having a cup of soothing herbal tea – all you have to be careful of is that you choose a herbal blend that is for relaxing (and not waking up). Whether you drink it curled up with a good book, or simply relaxing by the window, you’ll be enjoying some wonderful me-time. If you wish to add even more zen to your evening unwinding – try diffusing essential oils in the room (look for the ones who are used for relaxing and unwinding).
The most important step: be kind to yourself. Take it slow and progress from wherever you are. If some days you forget something or you’re just not in the mood – don’t beat yourself up. Day by day, it’ll come naturally and you will enjoy pampering yourself more and more.
Post written by Common Unicorn
If you enjoyed this post, read 3 Ways for Some Much-Needed Me-Time and How To Reflect On The Past Year In A Healthy Way
I 100% agree with the morning workout. I find that working out first thing makes such a difference to how I feel! I also love journaling too – it helps so much with my mindset! Gx
Just having 30 minutes on the piano is a huge help to me! I hardly get to play anymore because of the baby and my usual 2 hour daily practice sessions are out of the window but just having a small amount of time makes me feel so much better!
This is a wonderful post – I find for myself moving in the morning and having tea in the night are consistent, the rest I try to incorporate when I can such as meditation and journaling but aren’t as consistent, still working on those! Thanks for the gentle reminders in this post.
Great post! I have been trying to improve my self-care routine and I agree, doing small day to day activities is the trick. It helps create a habit. Thanks for sharing!
I am so bad at self-care and it’s actually something I’m trying to build into my routine this year, because I really think it would do wonders for my mental health. Meditation and yoga is definitely on my list!
Awesome post! I am actually doing a speech on the benefits of Journaling for mental health so that was my favorite part 🙂
Great tips! Great intro too, self care isn’t a once in a while thing, it’s an every day thing! It ought be part of our lifestyle just like getting up and going to work is. Thanks for sharing these tips.
I am not always consistent with self care. I will do it once every couple of weeks where I give myself a full pamper, or journal etc. I need to work on being more consistent with being better at looking after myself. These are some great suggestions.
Lauren xx
All of these ideas are amazing. I journal everyday and it really does help to clear my head. I read before bed too, it helps me to switch off before I go to bed.
Great guest post! Thank you both for sharing. My self care routines are something I’ve been focused on so much over the last 6 months or so. I’m really in tune with what I need now and it’s amazing x
This was such a great read! I am so inconsistent with self care, but I am trying to add something every other day in my to do list, so I can’t avoid it. I read every night and it does really help, also skincare is my go to for a bit of self care. thanks for sharing x
Love this post, it’s exactly what I need right now!
Yoga and meditation have really helped me during the pandemic – giving myself time to connect with deep throughs and feelings and then stretch them out has kept me really level headed!
An amazing post about self care. I am trying to be more consistent with my self care routine. I try to journal every morning and try to meditate a few times a week. Thank you for sharing.
Establishing a self care routine can make a world of difference in physical and emotional health. Thank you for sharing these great ideas to inspire people to prioritize self care!
My self care is what you could call hit and miss at the best of times, or so I think but actually I do a lot of this already which is reassuring.
Thanks for sharing x
This is such a lovely post! I totally agree with you, self care shouldn’t be just for one day a week only, it should be a little self care everyday. I always take time out in the morning to just breathe and write down 3 things I’m grateful for. Xo
I love all of these suggestions! Meditation and journaling are techniques I use daily. Thanks for sharing. x
Every woman should follow a self-care routine. Staring the day with a brisk walk and following meditation is my tip to stay fit and productive all day..
Self-care is so important for the mind, body and soul and these tips are brilliant! Great post x
OK, yes to all of the above!
Especially the reading bit, although I could be a bit biased. But it really does make a difference.
I try to take some time earlier in my day for a cup of tea that’s just for me – not just caffeine and something to wet my throat. I let myself daydream as the kettle boils, I make it properly and take my time, I let my mind wander as I drink it. I try to go outside for it too and combine it with fresh air.
Cora |
These are some great tips and pieces of advice; self-care is essential and it’s good to see so many people prioritising it more these days!