Hey lovelies, honestly 2019 has been an absolute banger for films; there has been some cinematic brilliance and I’m excited to share with you the films that I liked the most. Most of these will be darker films; so this post may not be for everyone.

Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar was cinema brilliance if you ask me, it’s weird, it’s gory and perfect in a way in which you can’t categorise. The film follows the story of Dani, who has been traumatised after her sister murders her parents and then herself and her relationship with her douchebag emotionally withdrawn boyfriend Christian, and their trip to the Sweden with friends for the celebration of Midsummer. The film follows the disfunction of their relationship why they are also lured into the cult. The film is super gory in to places, but for the most part is tasteful horror (if you can call it that). I enjoyed this film so much that I’ve currently seen it three times at the cinema, and hope to get a fourth time in.
Crawl (2019)
If you haven’t read my post about the experience, I was lucky enough to be invited to the UK preview of #CrawlMovie during Fright Fest Uk (the post can be found here). I watched the film in 4DX and loved the experience so much. The film takes the shark movie trend and makes it something else, it has a perfect amount of jump scares ( it could do with more alligators in parts though) and the 4DX just made it so much more fun. I think once this film is on DVD it would be absolutely perfect for a film night.
Pet Sematary (2019)
Remakes, especially horror remakes often fall really short. There have been a lot of Stephen King remakes this year and not all of them amazing. The original Pet Sematary was not amazing in comparison to the book in my opinion and I felt like this remake had the chance to build on that. I think it did. I think it delves deeper into the fear and madness that Stephen King has in the original book. The plot follows the original, it’s about a man who moves his family cross country and then they come across an ancient burial ground.
MA (2019)
Before we even start here I love Blumhouse horrors, if I see they’re producing something then I go and watch it. It’s an unwritten rule in my life. When I saw the trailer for MA I wasn’t won over by it. The idea of a group of teenagers partying with a middle aged women who appeared even in the trailers to just want to fit in with a younger more popular ground, did not seem like the best premise from me. I was won over by the film. Is it exceptional? No. But it’s an enjoyed psychological watch, it has a little bit of gore horror, but nothing much. The story line has some holes in it but for the most part is watchable and Octavia Spencer is an amazing actress and makes you believe her role as ‘Ma’.
Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
Honestly, I know happy death day one was awful ( I loved it though) but I still got so excited when I saw that they were producing a second because who doesn’t love the stereotypical horror genre where the same day is repeated and repeated? The second film starts with the day repeating for poor Tree again after she has just got the loop to finish in the first film, with some differences, the killer does not appear to be the same person. This slasher films goes multi-universe and is an interesting film. It may not be the best of its genre but the characters are funny and interesting and I didn’t feel like I’d wasted my time giving this bad boy a watch.
I’d love to know what films you’ve really enjoyed this year, Toy Story 4 almost made the list but unfortunately it didn’t
If you enjoyed this post head over to my Books I’ve Loved In 2019 and Crawl 4DX Screening @ Fright Fest 2019
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