Guest Post | Today I have a guest post from the lovely Eleanor from Not So Modern Girl. Looking after yourself in the summer is so important, I hope you enjoy the post and check out Eleanors Blog & Twitter.
Summer is finally on its way, and it’s fantastic to start planning summer holidays, beach days, and sunbathing with friends.
But as we edge towards the spring and summer months, it gets increasingly more important to protect ourselves against the changing weather patterns. In the winter months we face dry skin and we find it hard to get warm. But the summer months come with their own set of challenges.
There’s been a lot in the news lately about how to effectively protect your body and skin during time in the sun- and summer health is definitely not a beauty trend!
In this post, I’ve discussed 5 important ways you can protect your body, your skin, and your health during summer.

If you’re obsessed with skincare like me, you’ll know that SPF is the key product recommended by all dermatologists- and whether you’re focusing on anti-aging or acne care it is the perfect product for all year-round skincare! But during time in the sun you need to wear high-quality SPF on your face and body- especially areas directly exposed to the sun.
Whether you’re sticking to the shade, spending time swimming, or you’re not spending “that long” outside- you still need to apply sun cream and protect yourself.
Make sure to find an SPF product with UV protection, and keep yourself and your skin safe during fun times in the sun!
Get out that sun hat!
Your head and scalp are such important parts of the body and you need to protect them from the sun- especially when you’re spending time in direct sunlight. The head is probably one of the most exposed areas of the body- and the hardest to protect with sun cream- so get out that sun hat!
If it’s a very hot day, wear light layers, plenty of sun cream, and don’t forget to put on a cap or sun hat that covers your head, scalp, and even your neck or face if you need extra protection.
Invest in sunglasses
Sunglasses are a great way to protect your eyes from the glare of the sun during the summer months. They are the perfect accessory to wear when you’re driving in sunny weather, or spending a lot of time in the sun.
Sunglasses are also such a good way to protect against wrinkles around the eyes if that is something you want to avoid. They reduce squinting and keep your eyes feeling fresh and healthy even during time outside.
Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
You need to drink as much water as possible during the summer months, especially on super warm days. When it comes to British summers, we’re not always granted with a lot of hot days- but you still need to stay on top of your hydration throughout the summer months and avoid feeling dehydrated or drained.
Keep a water bottle by your side throughout the day and remember to keep filling it up whenever you can, and don’t spend too long in the sun at once. Hydrating regularly will help you avoid headaches, and also keep you feeling awake throughout the day.
After sun treatment
There’s nothing that will make up for sun damage- so it’s really important to protect yourself while you’re actually in the sun as much as you can.
But after a long day out in the sunshine, I recommend ending the day by using after sun treatment to give your skin that extra bit of TLC. Rubbing on some cooling aloe vera gel or moisturiser can re-hydrate your skin after a long time in the sun- and it can help you cool down on particularly hot summer days.
It’s hard to get to sleep when it’s warm at night, so treat yourself to some after sun treatment and cool yourself down after a day in the sun!
It’s so important to protect yourself from the sun during the summer months! While you’re busy enjoying yourself in the sun- keep yourself in top physical health by hydrating, applying SPF, and investing in eye care.
If you enjoyed this post why not check out How to Keep Your Body and Mind Healthy This Year and 8 Great Habits To Start In 2021 ( Life Changing Habits)
These are some great tips for Summer! I never leave the house without SPF50 on when it’s sunny out as I burn so easily. Even in the UK. It can be deceiving when it’s chilly but sunny out too. I’ve been caught out in the past! Also with you on a sunhat but I never were sunglasses! I do need to invest in some prescriptions ones soon.
Awesome guest post! I truly think many people underestimate the need to hydrate especially during the summer when our bodies need it more than ever!
I would also add the mask to the list, at least for this year so that we can continue to protect ourselves against a covid summer.
So many great tips for summer and now, as we are having a bit of a sunnier time of it at late in the UK. I am applying my SPF as I comment on this, ready for a day out in the garden haha!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Aimsy xoxo
Aimsy’s Antics
Thank you for featuring this post, it looks great! I hope this can offer a few tips as we finally start to experience warmer weather 🙂 x
I love Eleanor’s writing, and this was absolutely no different! All the tips here are my routine in summer especially as I suffer a lot with the heat (even though summer happens to be my favourite season and all). I tend to put stuff in my water like soluble solutions so that I can stay on my legs all day, but to be honest I never do anything for post-sun exposure…need to get that one going!
I really like this post! My moistorizer is SPF 50 which is one of the reasons that I love it so much 🙂 I wear sunglasses but should probably buy a hat…thank you for sharing xx
These are all great suggestions and the one I fail to use on a regular basis is the after sun care. I will invest in some for this summer! Thanks for sharing!
Yes to this post and every point you’ve made! SPF and hydration is so important x
Ooooh some great tips! I never usually wear a hat but then the top of my head would get SUPER HOT and, well, I’d rather not have that happen this year tehe. Plus you can get some really cute ones!
I need to invest in a good SPF… All of the ones I have are super greasy!
So many great tips! SPF is a MUST for us in the sun, it’s so important to keep our skin safe. I want to invest a nice big floppy hat too!
This is a very important post! I think even when it is cold but the sun is shining then the sun cream needs to be on. It is so important to protect ourselves as well during the warmer months x
I’ve skipped out on SPF for far too long. I always forget to apply it to my face and I regret it so much now. I am trying to make this more of a priority but I have trouble finding a good one!
Great post! I get skin pigmentation on my face so SPF is really important to me, I may live in cold Scotland but we do get sun sometimes! ha ha
Awww Summer! These are brilliant tips to keep safe. I am forever in sunglasses. In fact I think it is about time I invested in some really decent ones as I wear them all year round.
SPF is so so important x
All super crucial things for Summer! I need to invest in some prescription sunglasses ASAP!
I absolutely swear by aftersun, its such a lifesaver on holiday!
All my skincare products have SPF in them, as do my foundation and a couple of other things. I can’t go out in the sun without sun protection on as I burn quite easily, my days of sunning myself on a beach are over lol.
I really need to invest in a good pair of sunglasses this summer! Every year I tend to buy a cheap one, but a good one from a good brand can do a lot I think! 🙂