Being in the healthcare industry takes more than most would think; working with people’s lives means they need to endure one of the most challenging qualifications. They need to work early morning shifts, which in many cases turn into late-night shifts too. Medical professionals are constantly juggling between work, social life, and professional development simultaneously. When your life gets this hectic due to work, you should consider changing your time management strategy. This article will look at seven tips to help you improve your overall time management skills.

1 Make a To-Do List
When you start each day, ensure you allocate your available time to specific tasks, such as allocating your commuting time, work time, and study time. All of these should be your top priority. You should also include times for eating as well as time to relax your mind. It would help if you forced yourself to relax as you’ll perform much better when your mind is fresh and rested, so you can watch that one Netflix episode.
2 Use a Calendar
When you start using a calendar, you constantly remind yourself of important events occurring on certain days. It will ultimately ensure you remember more and you’ll never be late for an important meeting. Various calendars apps can also connect to your smartphone, so you’re always in the loop.
3 Always Have Access to Time
It’s easy to lose track of time when you don’t have access to it. So whether it’s your phone, a watch, your car clock, or just about anything that can display time, ensure you have access to the correct time the whole time. Mastering this will ensure you never lose track of time and spend your time on what you need.
4 Set Short Term Goals
It’s a great idea to motivate yourself using short-term goals and to push yourself to reach them. These goals can be anything from building up knowledge or to take your experience to the next level. These will ultimately lead to the success you’ve worked so hard and so long for.
5 Prioritize Everything
When you start to find that you don’t have enough time to get to everything, consider prioritizing everything in your day and begin canceling anything that doesn’t lead to a happy, prosperous future. This will ensure you spend your time only on what matters, and you let go of the rest.
6 Learn to Say No
Eventually, you’ll reach a stage where you’ll realize your time is one of the most valuable assets you have. When this happens, you’ll ultimately start prioritizing better and saying no to anything you don’t have time for. When you look at it this way, you’ll start spending your time on the essential first and then the rest.
7 Keep Track of Time Spent
Using an app to keep track of what you spend your time on could be a valuable addition to any set of time management skills. Reflecting on weeks or even months would mean that you can see what you spend your time on and adjust it as time goes on.
Once you perfect your time management skills, you’ll start seeing the results, ultimately motivating you even further.
If you enjoyed this head over to my 3 Helpful Tips For Returning To Higher Education and 5 Reasons to Study GCSE’s at a College
I am preparing for Med School entrance exams and I’m so sad because I’m pathetic at time management. I’ll definitely be putting this to use.
These are all amazing tips! I am not a healthcare student but can vouch that most of them can apply to other fields of study too. I think that time management and prioritising are a must! Also keeping a watch around is so important too x
Great tips, being organised is your key. I also do my to do list before I leave work in the evening. It really helps me rest easy at night and then start the day raring to go!
Organisation is absolutely key when it comes to things like this. I’ll have to remember this when I eventually go back to pharmacy study! Xx
These are all amazing tips, thank you so much for sharing! I feel like these tips are pretty important for everyday life also. I find it incredibly hard to say no to someone, even if I don’t want to do it, I still will so I’m trying to teach myself to become better at saying no. Xo
Elle –
Watching Grey’s Anatomy now and this is perfect timing. I agree very much! These are great time management skill for all students! So helpful. Thanks for sharing.
These are great management skills for health care students, using a calendar and prioritising is key to manage with all the work! x
Lucy |
These are some effective tips to help people manage their time. If I decide to go to university these tips will be really helpful. Thank you for sharing Kayleigh.
Lauren –