Hey lovelies, I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this isolation, today I’m going to share 8 creative activities to do during isolation! You all seemed to love my 30 Meal Ideas For Isolation and 30 Things To Do During Isolation so I thought I’d add to the collection haha.

1) Get Drawing
Are you someone who doodled a lot at school when bored?? I did! I’m a big fan of getting a pad out and doodling small images when I’m bored, it’s fun and I find myself wanting to get so much better at drawing. I think it’s the perfect creative activity to take away the isolation blues.
2) Write A Short Story
Short stories can be a really fun exercise to warm up for writing, or just for fun, a way to get the creativity flowing. I really recommend this if you’re into writing, maybe set yourself a goal of 1,000 words and see how you get one.
3) Explore Writing Poetry
Writing small amounts of poetry can be so therapeutic, and good for the soul if you ask me. I’m a big fan of jotting down small amounts of words here and there and trying my best to form how I’m feeling with verses. It might sound silly but I can be so fun, and if your self conscious about what you write – you don’t have to show anyone at all.
4) Bake Everything
I know banana bread seems to be the isolation baking trend, but why not have a go at baking something?! I’m a big fan of making cookies or brownies, and throughout isolation I’ve made both. It’s a great way to spend a few hours, and you get something delicious at the end as well.
5) Upcycle Old Furniture
Do you have any furniture that is looking a bit sad? That could use some sprucing up? Up cycling furniture is a great way to give it a new lease of life without replacing it. I’m actually addicted to watching people do budget up-cycles on youtube and can’t wait to try it on some ugly cupboards in my lounge. It’s one of those creative activities that is really handy too.
6) Start A Scrap Book
Desperate to get out and about again? I know I am. Why not put together all your favourite memories in one place! I recently purchased a new scrapbook and I’ve been putting together all my adventures from Berlin and Venice in the past few years, as well as lots of pages about my trips home to see my family.
7) Learn a musical instrument
I know this won’t be for everyone, but if you’ve been dying to finally learn something, now is the perfect time. Personally, I’m trying to get better with guitar, I’ve found it so soothing in my isolation time to out aside an hour where I can and just learn more!
8) Start Your Own Podcast
Now this one might seem pretty out there, but I actually have two friends that have done this during the last three weeks and I think it’s a smashing idea. Do you have something that you really love, true crime? Reading? Why not start a podcast on it? Share your passion with those who also love it. I know this is a time consuming hobby so I’ve popped it at the bottom. I just really love the idea, and I wish I knew enough about any one subject other than art so I could do it myself. It’s one of those creative activities that allows you to learn why you do what you love.
If you enjoyed this post check out my 10 Things I’ve Loved During Isolation and Supporting Local Businesses Through COVID-19
I have WISHED I could get a cello again during this pandemic, because I miss playing it so much, but unfortunately, until I buy a place, it would be too much trouble to move it. I have been writing more though – at least lockdown is good for something!