AD | When considering productivity in an office environment, you need to think not only about how you manage your own workload, but also how the facilities and resources are being used. The more efficient an office operates as an entire entity, the better the company will perform in terms of profit. Business owners will reduce their outgoings in various ways, and this money can then potentially be invested back into the business and the staff. Here are some things to consider.
Write A List Of Tasks
Do you begin each working day deciding which of your responsibilities are an urgent priority? By writing up a list of tasks in order of importance and splitting larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, you will be able to keep on top of all of your urgent priorities and ensure nothing gets forgotten. Try and avoid multi-tasking as this will cause you to become flustered and mistakes will be made. Instead, work your way through your list and cross things off one by one.
Take Regular Breaks
Be sure to take regular breaks throughout the day so that you don’t end up with eye strain or headaches from staring at a screen too long, or repetitive strain injury from typing too much. This will only lead to reduced productivity and poor-quality work. You should also try and wipe out any distractions if you can and don’t be afraid to say no to co-workers or clients when you don’t have time to take on any more work. It’s okay to admit when you’re finding things tough and ask for help from your supervisor. Find ways to conquer challenges such as procrastination and boredom.
Consider Your Resources
As previously mentioned, it’s important to consider how you are using the resources that are offered to you in the office. For example, do you remember to turn off the main lights when you’re the last one to leave the office? Do you switch off your computer correctly or just leave it in stand-by mode? Forgetting to do these things will increase your employer’s electricity bills unnecessarily, which is money that could be spent on your training and development instead, or maybe even a payrise or bonus.
Using Your Printer
You should also think about whether or not you’re using the printer in an efficient manner. Do you reduce the font size to save paper and ink? Do you print needlessly when you could just email a document to someone as an alternative? Again, altering your print habits will save your employer money on office materials, but it will also be helpful to the environment. Perhaps consider researching some green printing tips for further guidance.
Excellent tips, thank you for sharing! I’m very much a visual list person and have just bought my first bullet journal to start from July, and I cant wait to finally have everything organised in one place!!! x
It’s so important to take regular breaks! My eyes get so tired if I don’t and I lose motivation. Great advice here.
I’ve been watching The Office tv series and it’s made me really interested in working in an office environment. I definitely try take breaks when doing uni work at home just because it’s not good to be looking at a screen for too long. This are all really good tips, thanks for sharing!
Gosh I totally agree with the “don’t forget to take regular breaks!” part. Sometimes things at work get crazy and I often skip lunch but then it makes me even more stressed out and tired…
These are really great tips, especially about having a to do list – I find that’s my best way of working efficiently!
Great tips, thanks for sharing. I would add a bullet journal and post it’s 😃
Wonderful post 🙌 I shall be using these tips 😀
Love this! I’m such a fan of a list! I’ll make sure I pop literally everything on there – Even the smallest tasks, just to make me feel productive. It definitely spurs me on so much more.
These are all great tips! I love making lists, they’re such great help during the day! Also taking regular breaks is so helpful during a long day or hours spent on the computer! Thanks for sharing x
I used to love going to the office and working – in my old job, they never let us work from home so in March last year, it was all new to me. Now though, I am sooo much more productive at home!
Some great tips in this post, lists are a most!
Breaks are so important – I always say to my OH how he needs to make sure he’s getting up and outside xx