Being a student is much more expensive than it should be. Your studies mean that you can not work full time, but they cost thousands of dollars a year – thanks to books, tuition and more! This makes it difficult…
How To Get To 100,000 Monthly Blog Sessions
GUEST POST | Hey lovelies, today I have guest post from my wonderful friend Mariam about Pinterest and Pinterest marketing, and you might be looking at the title and thinking this is clickbait. It isn’t, Mariam is a Pinterest Queen….
The Social Media Handbook
Guest Post | Today I have a guest post from one of my favourite content creators Vada, I’ve used and loved her products for a really long time so today she’s telling us everything about her Social Media Handbook! (AF).
AD| Meet My August Advertisers
Hey lovelies, I genuinely can’t believe that it is August already! July was such a crazy month for me, I decided to go Freelance and in just three weeks time I will be. I also released my first ebook A…
Living With Other People At Uni: Some Dos And Don’ts
When you go to university, you inevitably wind up living with other people, unless you have some exceptional arrangements. Almost immediately, you’re either thrown into halls or student accommodation, and you have to get on with the people around you….
Making An Affiliate Sale Everyday In July
Hey lovelies, today you were going to get my sponsored content pricing post, but I had so many requests for this in my twitter DMs and via email. I thought I’d post this today, and move my sponsored content to…