Hey lovelies, today I am going to share with you some films that I fell in love with in the last year and that I definitely think are worth a watch. I prefer much darker films for the most part,…
The Monzo App And How It Improved My Finances
In 2019 I mentioned finance a lot on the blog, mainly because I was in the mist of paying back around £10,000 worth of debt from university and from being an idiot who didn’t really understand how budgeting or living…
My Love Hate Relationship With Valentines
Hey lovelies, can you believe that we’re half the way through the first month of the year? I can’t lie I’ve spent most of it resting after working almost 250 hours throughout December, and reflecting on the months to come….
The Reasons I Don’t Use Instagram For Blogging
Instagram really is the marmite of the blogging world for me. It’s one of those social media apps I enjoy scrolling but I previously haven’t enjoyed it as a blogger or social media person. I Don’t Use Instagram For Blogging…
Improving My Blog In 2020
Honestly I can’t believe how quickly this year came around, 2019 felt like a flash for me. Lots of things in my life changed, whilst a lot stayed the same, but I started to pout a lot more effort into…
Small Goals For The Upcoming Year
Hey lovelies, I’ve already wrote a post about Making 2020 My Year because more than anything I want to thrive and be my best most authentic self. I really want to achieve all the bigger things I want and so I’ve…