Hey lovelies, how is it the end of January? I always feel that by the time that I start getting into the month it’s already finished?? January has been an exceptionally busy month for me with university deadlines, training for…
Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018
Hey lovelies, if you read my blog regularly it is no surprise that I absolutely love everything filmography and so it only seemed right to write about the shows and films I’m dying to watch this year.
January Homeware Wishlist
Hey lovelies, whilst January is a month of saving and regrets for how much I spent in December I thought I’d share with you some homeware bits I’m really loving! I love duvet sets a lot so there are a…
January Plans and Goals
Hey lovelies, I can’t believe it’s a new year already. I feel like time as of late has been going exceptionally quickly, I feel like 2017 was gone in a blink! Anyway, I thought I’d share the things that I…
2018 Resolutions
Hey lovelies, it’s been a long while hasn’t it? Really blogging has taken such a massive back seat for the last month and whilst the break was necessary because I lost someone important in my life, but I’m so happy…
10 Blogs I’m loving this month
Hey lovelies, I thought I’d share with you some blogs I’ve been loving this month as I haven’t done that in a while. I totally recommend following all of these blogs and all of their social medias became they’re just…