Hey lovelies, I haven’t blogged about books all year and considering how much I read I thought that it was time to rectify this. So here are some of my favourite reads of the year.

This Is Going To Hurt // Adam Kay
Honestly, this was book that I purchased off the am anon recommended for you page for £4 and I really wasn’t expecting big things. A funny story is it arrived why I was on holiday and my guy friend bought me the package when I got back and we were sitting at Nero’s opening my post. He was flicking through pages and started reading a few excerpts about medical mishaps, and hardship and honestly we were in fits of laughter and then he read the “dick in a fan” part and we were howling. Then I had to go home and read the rest of the book because it was honestly so funny in places and might be the most that I’ve ever laughed at one book.
Reaching Down The Rabbit Hole //Allan Ropper & B.D.Burrell
This was another amazon suggested read. It’s advertised as a book that follows what it is like when the body tries to heal when you defects of the mind/illnesses that affect your mind. It follows different people with these sorts of problems, the one that got me is early on in the book is the story of someone with neurological issues and honestly it had me in tears as my mum suffers from a very similar condition. It’s such an interesting and heart breaking book. If you need to cry, this book might just be one for you.
The confessions of Frannie Langton// Sarah Collins
When I was at home, my nan purchased this book for me simply because I’ve become a really big fan of Maraget Atwood’s books (no I haven’t read the handmaids tale) and on the front cover off this book is a great compliment from her and Emma Donoghue. The book for me, was quite slow to start. It follows a girl who is being accused of killing the couple that she was a maid for, and the book follows whether or not she is guilty and the story behind the murder. It is such an interesting read but as I said it was just slow to kick in. I can’t really critique it much more without giving anything away but I highly recommend this read.
My Best Friends Exorcism // Grady Hendrix
This book came out in 2016, and I’ve had it since then sitting on my book shelf. I love horror and the 80s and this a perfect mix of both. The book follows two best friends and the weird adventure they have when one friend begins to think the other has been possessed by a demon after a night of experimenting. Now this is a horror story, there are some dark scenes in that I will never get over but for the most part it is lighthearted and features some amazing 80s things that we all love. It’s nostalgic and just brilliant. Also there is a super dodgy exorcist in it and if that isn’t a reason to read it. I can’t wait to read it again.
I’ve enjoyed a few other books but I’m going to split this into more than one post I think! I’d love to know what you’ve enjoyed reading most this year.
If you enjoyed this then read my How To Work Hard And Play Hard and 4 Tips For Making Better Business Decisions
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