Gifted Experience | Hey lovelies, it’s 2am here I’ve just got home from London and I’m absolutely buzzing to tell you all about what I did today! I was invited to a special screening of Crawl @ Fright Fest at Cineworld Leicester Square by the lovely guys at Paramount Pictures and I’m still not over how cool it was.
This adventure started for me Monday afternoon when I noticed a special little email come into my inbox from the guys at Paramount ( this isn’t the first time I’ve been invited to one of their events) so I was so excited to see them pop up. When I saw had been invited I quickly RSVP’d and got straight on to booking my train tickets. Then this afternoon I rolled up into London, ready for what I can only describe as the best viewing experience of my existence.
Prior to today, I had never seen a 4DX screening but I’d heard plenty about it. When I got to Cineworld today, I rolled up two hours early and had to chill at the pub because I messed up the timings. When I got back at the correct time, I’m not going to lie the organisation was bit messy. No one seemed to k ow very much about the screening and the other Fright Fest showings made it really difficult to get any help from staff ( and even then because the event was run by the paramount guys the staff couldn’t really help me). Why this might sound like something really small, after having travelled two hours and then spending over half an hour just bopping about because I don’t know where I’m going made me really anxious and it just annoyed the hell out of my little sister who I took as my plus one. But anyway, once that was sorted we were allowed into the screening where we were met by ponchos, popcorn and complimentary water.
I’m not going to lie here my fat ass had already purchased and extra large cherry Pepsi max and a popcorn bigger than my head, so the only item that I wondered about was the poncho. After having some quite famous vloggers sit next to us and whip the ponchos on, my sister and I thought fuck it and whipped them on and thank god we did.
The film started with a small trailer about the 4DX screening, splashing us with some water, having the chairs vibrate and move around like those stairs outside Dumbledores office, it was a real laugh. After that we got into the main course, the film itself. I’m a massive horror buff, so this film had been on my radar since I first saw the advert.
Most of the film is set with large amounts of rain and water, so as you can guess that poncho came in real handy. My sister and I had opted to sit on the front row, so we were soaked throughout the film. With all honesty I have to say that the 4DX definitely made it a completely new viewing experience, it made every jump scare, or large rainfall very real and actually quite frightening. Why I don’t necessarily want to review the film here, I found it an interesting watch, was it the scariest realease of the year? No. It fell into some really bad troupes, but for the most part was unpredictable and enjoyable, it could of done with more alligators but that’s all I’m saying!
I enjoyed the viewing so much and I honestly hope that I am able to visit a 4DX screening again soon, and a massive thankyou to the team at Paramount for inviting me, it’s made my life/day/week/existence! I was also able to snap up a Crawl poster which made the day even better.
I’d love to know what the best horror film you’ve seen this year is, or if you’ve been to a 4DX screening if you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments.
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