Disclaimer – There are affiliate links and links to my own products in this post.
Creating Pins for Pinterest can be a bloggers achilles heel. Many find Pinterest to be a time-consuming platform with little rewards. There are many reasons as to why your Pinterest account might not be bringing you the views you that would like. But today we will be talking about creating pins, in particular bulk pin creation.
If you’re struggling with bringing in traffic from Pinterest you can grab a copy of my Free Pinterest Marketing Guide.

What Tools To Use
Canva is the most used tool by bloggers for Pinterest. It is one of the easiest platforms to create pins on. They have an entire section on Pin Templates. Canva Pro does have a Pinterest creating tool, but I have personally not used it enough to talk about how to create pins using it.
I also use Adobe Spark as you can create some gorgeous designs on it. This isn’t a free platform so there is a cost if you choose to use it. Theres are the main two tools I use when creating pins.
Use Pinterest Templates
There are so many reasons why you should be using templates, they look good, they speed up your process, and for the most part they can be incredibly inexpensive. You can create your own Pinterest templates but this takes time. These are the ones I use, but you can find some on Etsy, Gumroad or Creative Market.
If you spend 3 hours individually creating pins and pin designs you won’t be making pins quickly at all. Creating pins shouldn’t take you hours and hours. Using pin templates
20 Click-Worthy Canva Pin Templates (AF) – My personal favourite templates as they come in multiple pin sizes! Highly recommend.
20 Animated Pinterest Templates (AF) – Perfect for those who want to make more video pins and only $9. They take away the hard work of having to animate something yourself!
100 Pretty Pinterest Templates (AF) – 100 Templates which are great and easy to use.
10 Eye-Catching Pinterest Board Cover Templates (AF) – Creating Board covers that look good can be a pain. These covers are what I use for my food blog! I highly recommend them.
Mariams’s Viral Pinterest Templates Pack (AF) – Perfect for those who use blog about wellness, lifestyle, manifesting and more, these viral Pinterest templates are gorgeous and feminine!
Speeding Up The Process
When it comes to pin creation this is something that I’m asked often. I manage to produce 400-500 pins somedays. I post 30 a day on my own accounts and 10-30 a day for my Pinterest clients.
How many pins you’ll create and post will be down to what you can fit in your schedule and what works for you. You absolutely do not need to produce the same amount as me.
Create a Pin Schedule
If you want to create pins in a timely manor you really will need to know when you are scheduling them and what you’re making. The power of a goof schedule really will give you the relevant direction. This will save you time.
I create a pin schedule simply by typing the day out, the hours in which I post, writing down the name of the blog post, affiliate link or product I will be sharing and then tally up how many pins of each post I need to make. This means I have the relevant images ready to go.
If you have a blog with a lot of content, you can use this style of scheduling to prep weeks, if not months worth of pin creation. I highly recommend doing it.
Creating Pins Quickly
How quickly you’ll create a pin will depend on a variety of things, how comfortable you are with using the platform, how prepared you are etc. Here’s how I do it.
I will open 3 or 4 tabs with Canva on it, I’ll open a couple of Template designs that I’m currently using. I’ll refer back to my Pin Schedule and insert any images that I need to into the platform. I also create a list of the fonts that I use. This allows me to switch between fonts quickly to create new designs that are also cohesive.
You do not need to create a brand new pin every single time. It really is enough to simply change the placement of the image, the colour of the text, the image, the font type.
I will create a pin, add the image in, text. I will then save that pin, move the image placement, change the colour of background or text, or write a new title entirely. I’ll show you an example with one of my Pinterest clients.

As you can see there is enough difference between them, they’re not the same pin but they have the same design. But they’re cohesive. These pins where posted 2 days apart.
There needs to be noticeable difference but not loads. I use this process to make 5-10 pins per post in one sitting. Meaning I can create 500 pins from 50 posts in just a matter of hours.
I highly recommend when creating a pin, you have folders you save them in which will tell you which have been posted, which are scheduled, and what dates for so you don’t confuse yourself.
Creating Pins: Preparing Your Pin Descriptions
Arguably one of the most time consuming things about Pinterest and creating pins, is prepping the descriptions for your posts. You want all of your pins to have keyword rich descriptions. So if you plan on creating a-lot of pins then you will need a lot of descriptions.
Here’s what I do. You do not need to write 500 new descriptions for 500 new pins. You can just edit the descriptions you all already have.
What you’re going to want to do is, to create a word document or similar. Every-time you write a description you’re going to want to copy and paste it into this document. When you create new pins, you then use the description from your previous pins but with a small change here and there.
How To Add A Pin To Pinterest
Once you’re on Pinterest this is how you’ll add a Pin to your profile.
- Click the plus sign (+) at the top of your Pinterest profile.
- Select “Create Pin” from the dropdown menu.
- Upload an image file from your computer.
- Add a destination link.
- Title your pin.
- Add a pin description.
More than anything when creating pins I would recommend that you practice and play around before making a process that works for you. Unfortunately though it really is important to be hyper scheduled to get ahead of your game with Pinterest. So you need to create a schedule that works for you.
Let me know in the comments what you’re struggling with with Pinterest Marketing. Also if you enjoyed this post, please share it or follow me on WordPress.
If you enjoyed this post, check out my Domain Authority Guide for Bloggers
Hi Kayleigh, thank you for sharing such a helpful post! I’m still a new blogger and using and understanding Pinterest is my main goal at the moment so this couldn’t have come at a better time! I will definitely be reading your Pinterest marketing guide too 🙂
– Dani, http://www.plantsandgoodvibes.com
This is a super helpful post! Unfortunately as someone that works full time I struggle with finding the time to actually create a lot of pins, especially being a hobby blogger so any spare time is dedicated to either writing my posts or commenting on others etc. But I am trying my best with it! I definitely am going to come up with a schedule and try your tips of just opening up 4 tabs and saving the descriptions in a word document and give that a go!
Join the boat! I’m still refining my work balance with hobby blogging too. Every step is a new adventure. I’m enjoying working on improving my Pinterest game at the moment. It’s very early days and my Pinterest does absolutely nothing for my blog :’D but learning is all part of the fun I guess!
Ellie xx
This is so helpful! I’d never thought about using the same description and only tweaking it slightly but will definitely we doing that from now on!
Thanks for so many great tips ❤️
Katie | katiemayonline.co.uk
It’s such a good time saving idea! My annoyingly perfectionist brain is worried I won’t be able to hack that bit though and make each description look organic :’D but, if I think about it, the reach and lifetime of a pin isn’t so repetitive. It makes sense.It’s a new pin to fresh eyes every time and in that sense, a new, unseen description!
Ellie xx
Super helpful post – I’m terrible at Pinterest but hope to get better! Just wondering, I tried to schedule on Pinterest but couldn’t because my blog post hadn’t been uploaded yet…is there a way around this? xx
Caroline |https://envirolineblog.com
Great post Kayleigh! I felt like I was really understanding Pinterest for most of last year but after all the changes to the platform I’ve just never been able to get my impressions and clicks back up to how they were pre-algorithm switch. This is such a helpful post for me moving forward!! X
I spent four hours yesterday to create ten pins, writing pin descriptions and scheduling them and almost gave up! This will truly truly help! I didn’t know you could just tweak the description. Will save this later too, thanks for sharing x
Very Informative post, I look forward to include tips for better results!
I really need to up my Pinterest game! Thanks for the tips!
Katie | katieemmabeauty.com
These are such helpful tips for creating pins for Pinterest, I’ve learnt so much from reading this! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
This is such a helpful post! I swear by Canva and sites like Hootsuite and Later for scheduling to social media! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing this Kayleigh, I’ve started using Pinterest more recently and have noticed my engagement is slightly increasing, slowly and surely! The acing Pinterest in six months guide has been really helpful and I will definitely continue to use it (couldn’t see anywhere to review it but would be happy to do so!)
Hi Thomas! There is an option to leave a star review on the product which helps me out massively. If you’re happy to provide a small review I could use as a testimonial I’d love if you could email one to me. Thankyou! X
Pinterest is one of the best ways of marketing a blog. Your post on creating pins is of great help for pinterest users looking for ways to increase their engagement on their content. Thanks.
I’m trying to utilize Pinterest more so this has been very useful — thanks for sharing!
I will have the question in my mind how to create the pins so quick. Thank you for sharing this.
This is such a helpful guide to creating pins for Pinterest. I have had Pinterest for a year but I still learned some new things from reading this!
I need to up my Pinterest game so this is a super helpful post, will have to schedule some pins!
Creating a schedule is definitely super helpful! And I also definitely agree that having pin templates you can reuse is so helpful and makes everything a lot quicker. Such a life saver x
Nice post. I found it really helpful. Thanks for sharing your tips.
I’ve learnt so much about Pinning from this post I couldn’t be more thankful. Thank you so much, Kayleigh!
As someone still trying to get my head around Pinterest, this is a useful and practical post.
Thank you for this, really helpful tip, I will be using this tips when I want to create and schedule pins.
I am trying to pin more often and this is useful 🥰
Thanks for sharing
When I first started using Pinterest (I was actually doing it wrong 🤣😭 I then realised after reading Miriam’s ebook!) and I have been working on my Pinterest account for the pasted 6/7 months and now that is where I get the most traffic and I have reached 7.3 million. Hard work really does pay off with it. It is not an overnight success. You are right it is time consuming and creating the right looking pin can be difficult. Thank you for sharing this extra information and advice Kayleigh.
I do the same kind of thing with my pins to help speed up the creation and getting them live. Pinterest seems to be ok with it and they follow my theme each time. A really cool read, I’d love to watch you do you pin day one time to see how quick you are!
Thanks for sharing this post it will help us so much! We’re still trying to figure out Pinterest so these are great tips.
Thank you for sharing this super useful post!!
Miki x
I really need to improve my Pinterest. 400-500 pins! You are awesome! I love using canva to make my graphics too and I totally agree about using templates to save time. 400-500 pins seems out of this world though even with templates.
Great tips! I definitely have to improve my Pinterest and the tips in this post will help me to do that. Thank you for sharing!
Such awesome tips here! I’m really grateful for your input. I definitely don’t have the stamina for creating so many pins, but I love creating the few that I do make for each post. I need to get better at switching them up and resharing them, though. And the descriptions. I think that’s where I struggle most!
Oh my goodness stamina is THE word! I would be amazed to pin like this! I don’t know I’d ever be able to achieve that but reading Kayleigh’s post and everyone’s resonating comments it’s actually starting to inspire me to maybe trying a scheduling service like Hootsuite or Later. This is a new me! Haha. :’D
Great post. I picked up a pack of 50 Pinterest templates and it was a complete game changer. I love how much faster making pins is now that I can just plug and play using the templates. Little tweaks here and there make them my own and, since I’ve been using them and applying tips from a Pinterest course that I took, I’ve seen a growth in my Pinterest performance. I’m excited for where this takes me!
WOW!! 500? I am just stunned. I start out thinking that I want to make merely 100 pins for a particular post, etc., and never even get that done. Good on you! And this is great advice. It would save so much time if I had a word doc open with keyword text, the link I’m using, a template and images saved. I might try that today. Thanks for the motivation.
This is so helpful! I’ve been upping my pins from 9 to 15 daily and it’s sooo time consuming. You’re so right. Descriptions are what eat up a majority of my time! Thanks for sharing and I’m pinning this for later x
This is super helpful! I always tell myself to use Pinterest, but put it off because it always takes me ages to do it. I created some templates last time which I’m hoping will speed up the process xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
A word document, so simple but bloody brilliant! I have a pinterest love/hate relationship, I love using it personally but as a blogger I’ve just found it so hit and miss and I get really disheartened by it.
I am going to give your tips a go and hopefully see some improvement, thank you so much for the great advice x
I resonate with your comment entirely Claire! Pinterest never fails to zap my spark when it doesn’t go right. Alas, I think I get 0 traffic from it but I still keep going, haha, and I’ve been blogging for almost seven years! :’D
I’ve been creating pins for all my blog posts over the last few days and god it’s such a huge task but I know it’ll feel like a huge weight off my shoulders haha!
Katy | http://www.katystephenson.com
Kayleigh really is the goddess of knowledge when it comes to blogging isn’t she!? :’D I’ve been following her for a long time but it’s nice for the first time in a while to sit down tonight, read her post and chat with everyone in the comments. I’m currently working on improving my pinterest game for my blog so it’s been a interesting read!
I can’t believe I only now saw this post. This is so helpful as I’m trying to get my head around Pinterest. I guess I need to start making some fresh pins.
Antonia || Sweet Passions