Hey lovelies, look I know I personally want to embrace this season by being four pumpkin spice lattes deep, surrounded by a massive duvet next to a window with rain gently dropping on it but I know that’s not everyones cup of tea. Here’s how to embrace the autumn weather and coldness, and hopefully enjoy it.

Carve A Pumpkin
Look, I know this sounds stupid but there is nothing as autumnal as carving a pumpkin and it is sure to get you in there mood for Halloween. It’s a fun family activity, that you can do on your own or in a group. There is something so fulfilling about completing a pumpkin carving and you can use the insides left over to make delicious pumpkin soup or pumpkin pie!
I personally think the pumpkin is one of my autumnal favourites, from carving it to, drinking them in spiced drinks and having my home smell of them, there isn’t anything a pumpkin is bad for.
Let Autumn Into Your Home
Embrace the colder weather at home, decorate for Halloween, make everything snug and warming. Go get some lil decorative pumpkins and some beautiful smelling candles to warm your home and to make it smell like autumn. You don’t have to go overboard!
Even some autumnal cooking in your house, will get you into the mood for the season. Who doesn’t love a pumpkin pie, or a hot apple pie fresh from the oven. Think of the warming meals, like soup and casserole! I recently bought a slow cooker and I’m looking making this warming meals to come home too after a long cold day. Definitely puts me into the mood.
There are so many autumnal watches you can enjoy too, from Casper the friendly ghost to American Horror Story 1984, if you want some binge worthy shows/films I wrote a post all about them recently that’ll you will love, binge worthy watches this autumn.
Do An Autumnal Activity
One of the biggest parts of autumn is halloween (at least here in the UK) so why not head out and do something a lil bit scary? If not you could always visit your local pumpkin patch? Go for a long walk in the morning, the crunchy leafs are out in full and it’s the perfect weather for it, it’s not too wet and cold yet. Get some fireworks and have a lovely evening in the garden with family and friends and prep for bonfire night!
My personal favourite autumnal activity is halloween decorating, and prepping mulled wine ( I know mulled wine is more of a winter thing but we start serving it at work almost as instantly as bonfire night) I just love the smell and taste of it, and I just love making everything look spooky af
Enjoy/ Create A Fall Wardrobe
Honestly the season of coats is upon us, is there anything better than donning a longline coat and a massive scarf? I think not. Prepping for the colder weather with your wardrobe is a known way to get into the mood. I’m all about plaid shirts, big old coats, scarfs bigger than my duvet and all the boots – I’ve had my eyes on some Blundstone boots for a long time now! I recently shared some autumn bits I’m dying to buy in my Autumn Wishlist.
I’d love to know how you embrace autumn, and the things you love about the season most!
If you enjoyed this head over to my What I’m Reading November 2019 and Eight Must Watch Films
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