Hey lovelies, today I have a guest post from one for my favourite bloggers and friend Mariam from Boss Babe Chronicles, this post is all about the things you should know in your twenties. I really hope you enjoy this and please go give her blog, and social medias a follow!
Your twenties are a time of many life-lessons, unforgettable experiences, and a whole lot of figuring yourself out. If you, at any point, have felt overwhelmed and unsure about what your “next move” is supposed to be, let me fill you in on a little secret.
Nobody has it all figured out
We are all trying to navigate life as best as we can, and we basically just figure it out as we go along. So, the next time you feel like throwing in the towel, pause and breathe, and try again. It’s going to be okay.
With that being said, I have compiled a list of 10 things every twenty-something should know to help them navigate adulthood just a little bit easier. I hope you find these tips helpful!
Know That You Don’t Have To Figure Everything Out Just Yet
People change their minds every day, and if you do as well, don’t fret. If you went to school for something, that doesn’t mean that you HAVE to spend the next 40 years pursuing that profession.
If you’ve lived in one place your entire life, it doesn’t mean you can’t move and try living somewhere new. Nothing is set in stone, and you can definitely figure it out as you go along and make changes where you feel necessary.
Know The Basics Of Financial Planning
If you are in your twenties, you need to make it a habit to pay your bills on time and budget your finances. Saving is something a lot of people don’t like to do especially when they first start making money, but there’s no denying that being good with finances is a huge part of living comfortably. The sooner you start taking responsible measures towards financial planning, the sooner you will be able to save for the future.
The food thing about financial planning is that nowadays, you can find financial information everywhere! From blog posts to personal finance books to podcasts, it is really easy to pick up good financial habits and start getting serious about money.
Know How To Cook A Few Meals
Eating out all the time is probably not the best for your wallet and health. There are so many easy dishes you can learn how to cook which require minimal ingredients and taste delicious! Cooking is such a basic skill and not knowing how to cook anything isn’t going to help you all the time.
There are a number of easy dishes you can prepare at home. Think soups, casseroles, stir frys, pasta dishes and salads. Soon you’ll find that making food at home can take less time than waiting for food to be delivered to you, and you will save some money in the process!
Know How To Present Yourself At An Interview
Your twenties are a time when you get serious about job searches. Having a solid resume and knowing how to present yourself at interviews are both the keys to getting your dream jobs.
Always do your research on the company you are applying to, dress professionally, and if you can, talk to someone in a similar position to the one you are applying for before going in for your interview. You can learn a lot from someone who is already doing the job you want, and it can provide you with a lot of valuable information for your interviews.
Know That Friends Aren’t Forever
You might think that the friends you have in high school and college will be your friends forever, but that’s not always the case. More often than not, people get caught up in their own lives and lose touch over time. And that’s okay, it happens.
Find who truly cares about you and make an effort to keep in touch with them every once in a while, if only on Instagram. And don’t be discouraged if a friend of yours doesn’t make the first move to contact you after a long time. Sometimes people get busy, so reach out first if you really care for that friend. You will then know if this person is just busy, or if they’re just not feeling the friendship anymore.
Know How To Take Care Of Your Health
Treating your body well and taking care of it goes without saying, but many twenty-somethings don’t keep up with doctors’ appointments and checkups. It’s better safe than sorry, so make sure you keep up with all of that in addition to keeping a healthy lifestyle.
The old saying is true- health is wealth. So treat your body right, and that goes for your mental health too!
Know How To Say No
Sometimes you might find yourself in situations where it feels like you can’t say no just because you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. I strongly urge you to practice saying no to things you really don’t want to be a part of.
It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. So the next time someone asks you to be a part of something you’d rather not be involved in, don’t be afraid to gently decline. Establishing boundaries early will help you a lot not only in your twenties, but throughout your whole life.
Know Your Worth
Settling for a toxic relationship, a dead-end miserable job, or being around people who always put you down is a huge no-no.
I know that sometimes it might feel like you are stuck, but you need to realize your worth and know that you are strong enough to get out of your bad situation. Don’t settle because you think there is nothing better for you out there. There IS, and you deserve to go out and get it instead of feeling like you’re stuck in a toxic environment.
Know When To Slow Down
If you’re someone who constantly is doing something and jumping from one thing to another, you need to slow down a little bit. Setting aside a few hours at the end of the day to recharge your batteries and work on your self-care is going to give you the energy you need to actually get through your whole to-do list the next day.
Also, don’t skimp on sleep. If there is anything you take from this, let it be this. Sleeping at least 7 hours a day is absolutely crucial to your physical health, wellbeing and mental health as well.
Your to-do list and all your obligations will wait, but you certainly won’t be able to pour from an empty cup, so make sure that you take the time to slow down and recharge.
I hope you enjoyed all these tips for how to navigate your twenties a little easier! If we’re being real here, these tips can be applied to every stage of life, but I always think twenties are a good time to start. It’s when most of us come into ourselves and really learn about who we are. If you have any tips for twenty-somethings you’d like to share, please do so in the comments!
If you haven’t check out my 2.2 Million Pinterest Impressions In One Month Post.
Am working on understanding finanicial planning and also knowing my worth, this post is really helpful, thank you so much for sharing
Love this post! I definitely agree that it’s important to be able to cook a few meals and understand the basics of finance when you’re in your 20s!
I need to know when to slow down, I think our generation try to take on more than we can handle because of all the possibilities nowadays.
I’m approaching my twenties (eek) and this was really helpful. I think all of these points are so important. Saving money is one I’ve started, it’s good to get in this habit early!
– Charlotte / https://charlottesspace.com
I love how true each of these points are! I recently turned 21 and think these are great tips to share!
I love this post! It’s very important to not get sucked in to the “perfect” images on social media, instead just keep working your personal growth and life skills in your 20s.
These are just so important! The one about friends really rings true to me! Also I wish we got taught more financial information at school because I feel clueless!
These are brilliant and as I am almost 37 I can hands up say these are all of the things I learnt in my 20’s, your 30’s just cement them for you.
Brilliant post x x
I love when you said that you don’t have to have everything figured out yet, when we were in school I think we all assumed that we would have our life together at this point, I’m 27 and nowhere near have my s**t together! A great post! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
I wish I knew more about how to handle interviews and took more interest in my health when I was in my 20s!
The financial planning one really hit me. I’m 25 and I still know very little, but it’s something I want to/need to start learning more about for sure.
I love this post, great advice for 20 somethings. It took me a long time to figure out that everything doesn’t have to be perfect and friends aren’t always forever. Thankfully I got into financial planning early on and did all the “grown up” stuff when I bought my first flat.
Sharon xx
I loved this! Knowing the basics of financial planning is super important in my opinion. I definitely think it’s OK to not have everything figured out though, I’ll be 29 in a couple of weeks and I’ve still no idea what I want to do with my life!
It is such a helpful post for everyone who are in their twenties. And yes I do agree that saving your money from the initial stage does helps.
Also, I think this is the time when one should explore more and more.
It is such a helpful post for everyone who are in their twenties. And yes I do agree that saving your money from the initial stage does helps.
Also, I think this is the time when one should explore more and more.
Nice post. I’m not in my twenties yet but I feel like it’s something I should know so it was nice seeing this. All the points mentioned are really helpful.
Knowing how to say no, and that friends are not indeed forever (and you can make new ones) is so important!
Katie | katieemmabeauty.com