Guest Post | Today I’m handing over my blog to the lovely Lucy Martin who blogs over at Lucy Travels and Reads for a great guest post on tattoos! This is the first time I’ve ever had a guest post on my blog and honestly I love this content that Lucy has made so I hope you enjoy reading it!
“I love your tattoo” is often the way that a conversation starts when I meet someone with a tattoo or increasingly when someone I meet notices the moon tattoo on my wrist. I love this. I think there is something incredibly cool about sharing your love for things through art on your body and I love discussing with people the reasons behind their body art.

It is fair to say that tattoos are something I am passionate about. Ever since I was little, I have saved tiny tattoos into a folder on my Pinterest for when I was older. It would come with little surprise then that not long after my 18th birthday, I booked in for my first tattoo.
I went to a parlour I trusted and had been to before for piercings. The tattoo I had chosen had been something I wanted for a while and I just had a gut instinct that it was what I wanted. This is often the advice that I give to anyone unsure about whether to go for a tattoo. I would say that putting a lot of thought into it is obviously important because it is on your body forever. Also, placement is extremely important because some jobs still require tattoos to be hidden.
Having just travelled solo around Tuscany, I knew I wanted a tattoo that expressed my love of travelling and I had always wanted a heart tattoo so decided on a heart with a plane connected. I then thought about where I wanted it and initially thought my wrist but wanted it a little bigger so the tattoo artist advised me that it would be better on my article. Almost a year on and I am still in love with it. I get so many compliments on it which always puts a smile on my face.
A few months went by and I was set on not getting any more tattoos whilst still 18 because I didn’t want to get carried away, but it truly is addictive. In April this year, I booked in for my second tattoo. This time, I wanted to express my love for nature, and I have always loved the moon and the stars and had been seeing lots of crescent moon tattoos on twitter so I decided to get a crescent moon on my wrist.
This hurt a little more than my ankle (which was surprisingly painless for someone who is not very good with needles.) This was just because it went over veins. Advice for anyone getting a tattoo is to drink water and eat before to make sure you don’t faint. I only have little tattoos so obviously can’t speak for bigger pieces, but I found mine completely bearable.
It is such a shame that there is still such a taboo surrounding tattoos in workplaces. Some professions, such as law firms and accountants, still require tattoos to be covered and I think that this is wrong. I don’t believe that tattoos are viewed as unprofessional as long as they are not extreme. This is what, unfortunately, puts me off having a lot more tattoos.
I do intend to get more though. The next tattoo I would like is a quote or word on my collar bone. I am considering ‘Sin Miedo’ which means ‘without fear’ in Spanish as I am in love with Spanish culture and history and this is something I have wanted for a while or “beloved” as in the Mumford and Sons song which has some of my favourite lyrics ever. I also intend to get “so we beat on, boats against the current” with a sailboat somewhere at some point. This is because F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is my favourite book of all time.
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