Hey lovelies, I thought I’d write a small post about all the things that have made me happy this week because I’m trying to work myself out of my rut of sadness and self doubt, and there are always some positive things going on.

I aced an assessment I thought I’d done shit on – Honestly I thought my formative assessment last Monday went absolutely awfully but I actually did pretty well getting a B+ and it’s lifted my spirits so much at a time when I’ve been wallowing in self doubt. I’m proud of myself and I’m going to keep going.
I bought the cutest cat pin – I’m totally obsessed with Punky Pins right now and they’re amazing, I’ve ordered three times this month and when they had their sample sale I saw the cutest cat pin for £3 so I treated myself to it and I’m so happy I did because it is so beautiful.
I finally started painting again – Artist block has been eating me up as of late I’ve been really struggling to find a new technic to paint with so that I don’t continue the work I made in my undergraduate degree and it’s taken me a lot longer than most to get their (eight weeks). I’ve made plenty of canvases this week and I’m excited to get on with it later in the wee, hopefully I’ll paint something beautiful.
Love, Rosie was added back on Netflix – Not going to lie this is one of my all time favourite films and I was so heartbroken when Netflix removed it and now it’s been added back on I’m really happy. I’ve also been loving The Tudors, Dynasty and Riverdale the past few weeks, as I’ve been binge watching TV shows a lot. I highly recommend Dynasty it’s a really good remake and I’m loving it.
The exhibition I’ve been planning is next week – The stress, the tears, getting ripped metaphorically a new asshole by one of my tutors was all worth it. I’ve collected some really lovely pieces from a variety of artists and the show appears to be coming together really well. There’s going to be a little opening night with drinks and food, and I’m going to get some champagne to share with my best friend and obviously to cure any show night nerves.
It’s just three weeks until my birthday! – I’m normally really excited for my birthday by this point but I’m just not right now, although I am really excited to have a day off work for my birthday which will be amazing and my family are coming to visit. I haven’t seen any of my family since September or before hand so it will be lovely to spend the day with them. It’s also my boyfriends birthday just days before my own so it’ll be double fun.
I’ve had a Christmas Costa and Christmas Starbucks – Does the festive season start before or after you’ve had festive coffees? For me it’s always after, I was so excited to try some of this years drinks and for me Costa has to be the winner! A soy gingerbread latte is the absolute best or a soy hot chocolate. I found that this years Starbucks options were just a little bit boring.
I’d love to know what things have been making you happy lately, even if it’s just something small.
If you enjoyed this head over to my Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018 and January Plans and Goals
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