AD Guest Post | Last year was a very strange year for all of us to go through and required many of us to change more aspects of our life than we’d ever have imagined we’d need to. Maybe you have good memories of the previous year or maybe you were happy to wave goodbye to it, one thing that is universal to all is that new change is now on the horizon.
Lockdown measures are beginning to relax and some normality is beginning to return but there are still many differences to life as we know it. It’s important to take steps to stay healthy physically and mentally.

Tips to Keep Body and Mind Healthy
Get Moving
Keeping yourself active can help keep a healthy beating heart, promoting better blood flow throughout your body with the improved benefits this brings such as better nutrient delivery. By keeping yourself active you don’t necessarily have to perform high intensity exercise but simply doing more such as going for a brisk walk, yoga or taking the stairs more often and using lifts less.
Track Your Steps
Nothing could be easier than tracking your steps. You can find many smartphone fitness tracking apps; simply download them to track your steps all day. Seeing your steps build up is a great way to keep motivated and monitor your progress.
Go Outside
Fresh air is food for your mind and soul. Come rain or shine, getting out of the house and taking a walk can lift your mood enormously. The amount of walking you do is completely up to you whether a 10 minute walk near your home or hiking in the countryside.
Home Workouts
Nothing could replace the effectiveness and convenience that comes with home workouts. While staying in the comfort of your home, you can perform many exercises. The Internet is full of free workouts and training ideas. Choose from 5 minutes to 30 minutes or beyond. Do it at a time that’s convenient to you.
Lift Weights
Strength training is a great way to burn calories, get stronger and get fitter. A pair of adjustable dumbbells is all you need to train your entire body. The great thing about adjustable dumbbells is that you can add extra weight as you get stronger or want to increase intensity.
Home Cardio
HIIT is a good option to get your heart pumping and your body moving and it’s great for burning calories. There are lots of HIIT workouts on YouTube and once you start finding them, you’ll realise just how many more there are.
Go for a run
Perhaps you like new places? The good news is that traveling can keep you healthy. Find a new place and go for a run. Exploring a new place will help keep you motivated and bring all the benefits that running offers. You may find a new coffee shop or discover a new restaurant.
Eating Healthy

Eating healthy and fresh food can bring a new purpose to life. Rather than relying on processed ready meals, learn how to make something from scratch. The beauty of this is that you know exactly what you’re putting into your food – there’s no hidden nasties. There are a lot of great tasting and easy-to-prepare recipes online too.
Add More Veggies to Your Diet
The vegan concept has been around for a few years now and people are incorporating vegan food into their everyday life. You don’t have to go full vegan if you don’t feel it’s for you but why not try introducing regular vegan meals into your diet?
This can be a great way to get more vitamins and nutrients into your body through vegetables and you can do it in a very tasty way. Believe me when I say, vegan food can be very tasty.
You can find hundreds of delicious, meat-free vegan recipes out there which will not only improve your health but show you ways you can cook on a budget.
Stay Hydrated!
Dehydration harms the body and mind. Drinking water helps keep you feeling energetic and it helps concentration and motivation, whatever you may be doing. It’s a great way to stop yourself mindlessly picking at food and also improves hair and gives skin a more moisturised, less dry appearance.
Conversely, lack of water can lead to headaches and sluggishness and you may find yourself reaching for sweet treats little and often.
Be Kind to Yourself
You should make an effort to look after yourself and take time to pamper yourself and give yourself treats (not sugar). Our bodies are as distinctive as our personalities. You should look for ways to keep your body fit and healthy by eating the best food you can afford. If you can afford fresh organic then buy fresh organic. What you put into your body is what you get from your body.
Try not to compare yourself to other people in so much as feeling less worthy of what you are or how you look. Every person is unique. Try to be the best you can be for yourself. There are so many variables that determine how a person looks from genetics to hardships in life. Take time each day to remind yourself that you are winning.
Sleep More
Nothing is more important than getting enough quality sleep. Lack of sleep will have a detrimental effect on your health and can even lead to a shorter life expectancy. Try going to bed an hour earlier and you will start to feel the benefits soon after.
You should aim for around 8-9 hours of sleep and you’ll find this can work wonders. You will feel more energetic throughout the following day.
It’s important to limit your work in the evening. Ensure you switch off at least an hour before going to sleep. A great way to prepare yourself for sleep is to read a few pages of a book.
Try to avoid tech before going to bed. The blue light can affect brain function and cause difficulty in sleeping. If you must use your phone, such as if you read from your phone, ensure that you have a blue light filter installed.
Take a Rest Day
Taking a rest day from the gym or home exercise is important. Remember, you don’t get stronger from lifting weights or pushing your body to it’s limit during exercise. You get stronger from taking enough rest afterward.
Having a rest day can also help with cognitive load. Sometimes you may feel like there is too much to do. Simply take a day off and your mind will organise events and suddenly they won’t feel overwhelming anymore.
A rest day is a good day to go on a walk or try something low impact like yoga. Don’t think of a rest day as a day you have to lie around doing nothing.
Find Balance
If you can find balance in your life then everything will seem to fall into place. Learning to balance work with rest is a great skill that you’ll find brings many rewards.
Make time for your friends and social life and choose friends that bring positivity to your life.
Moderation is the key to achieving balance.
If you enjoyed the post then why not check out How To Make The Most Out Of Your Home Workout and How To Reflect On The Past Year In A Healthy Way
This is such a timely post! I’ve been feeling the effects of this past year so much this week so needed a good pep talk on taking care of myself! The getting enough sleep point really hits home as I feel like a bad nights sleep just has me behind on everything. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
This post came at the perfect time for me, now lockdown is starting to ease and I’m working again I need to spend more time taking care of myself. I have really been enjoying doing at home workouts! X
This post has come just at the right time for me!
Yesterday, I couldn’t shake a sad feeling. I was grumpy and weird.
I decided to move my laptop down to the kitchen, open all the windows and get the breeze on my skin.
Instantly, I felt better!
Getting outside and just walking really helps my mind, it’s so simple but soo effective!
This post comes just at the right time! I have been loving doing some weight lifting and stopped a couple of weeks ago and really felt it! Really need to get back into it and find a better balance for when I will be back at work! Sometimes a bit of movement comes a long way, thanks for sharing x
Great advice here! I was skeptical about vegan food until I was forced into it for my health earlier this year and I cant believe how tasty the food is! All while being healthy! I’ve also been more strict with myself on having a better balance of work and fun these days. Great post!
I love tracking my steps, I find it so satisfying when I reach my steps target for the day! These are great ways to keep your mind and body healthy this year! x
Lucy |
This post couldn’t have come at a better time. We have just gone into another lockdown and it is much more strict than the last few. I need some self-care desperately! Now that the weather is getting better, I really want to start getting outside more and work on improving my overall health and fitness. Thanks for sharing these great tips!
Fantastic post Kayleigh! I’m all about getting outside and moving this year – lord knows we’ve been inside long enough during this pandemic. It’s time to take care of ourselves!
These are all so important to try and do! I’m better at some than others but all of this is absolutely necessary and we shouldn’t take these needs for granted.
I love tracking my steps as it’s such a good way to set yourself goals during the day! I really need to incorporate a little exercise in my day, I have weights I just don’t use them! I love that you included be kind to yourself, that can go a long way and, with a little practice, you’ll find your mood and health and dramatically increased!
I agree with all of these tips especially with tracking your steps! I cannot survive without my fitbit as it really shows you how much or little exercise you’re doing – Especially during lockdown!
Thanks for sharing these.
Amy Jane x
I’ve been doing most of these things, especially since lockdown started a year ago and I’ve felt better than I have in years!
I’ve been doing most of your tips except work out and lift weights. I’m good at running but not with working out. It’s so important to take care of ourselves especially during this time. Thank you so much for writing this x
This resonated with me so much! Every suggestion just opened my eyes to the truth that I’ve not been doing this often haha. Now I’m inspired to do it! Hydrate and exercise every day — make time for it and you’ll notice you’ve done so much work because of the healthy work-life balance. Thanks for sharing!
I have set myself a task this year to get healthier and its really one of the hardest, yet most rewarding things I have ever done! These tips will for sure help to keep me motivated. Thank you!
Olivia |
Lovely guest post! I’ve been so focused on daily body movement and ensuring that I get nutritious foods in me everyday. We’ve only got one body so its important to treat it like a temple! x
Lynn |
Such good tips. We always forget to do a lot of these things. I sure never get in tons of movement as I hate exercise but I ought make it more of a priority.
Love this! They always seem like the most basic things but always seem to be the things we neglect doing! I definitely need to add more veggies to my meals!
Courtney x