Guest Post| Today the lovely Jenny from Jenny In Neverland has written this post on How To Reflect On The Past Year In A Healthy Way. Make sure to give her a follow on her blog, and Pinterest! Her latest 10 Wellness Hacks That Will Change Your Life is a great read.
So, the last year has sucked, hasn’t it? 2020 (and the beginning of 2021) has been a time in history nobody will forget. It’s been an experience none of us thought we’d see happen, let alone live through. But alas, here we are.
A global pandemic is a pretty serious thing and it would have shaped and affected all of us in some way or another. Whether that’s in your health, work, personal life or something else, each and every one of us will have a story to tell about the COVID-19 pandemic.
So it’s going to be no surprise that once this damn thing starts to “fizzle out” (like, I have no other way of describing that?) and the world does start to return to it’s pre-pandemic state, a lot of us are going to feeling…
a bit odd.
How do we just go back to normal after this?
Well there’s a chance that things might never be pre-pandemic normal again and that’s certainly something we’re all going to have to learn to accept.
But in the meantime, reflection can be a great way of handling this situation so here are some tips for reflecting on the last year in a healthy way:

Write a forgiveness list
Let’s get the hard one out of the way first because writing a forgiveness list can definitely feel difficult and draining and might make you completely mentally exhausted. But I’ve found them to be excellent ways of processing negative thoughts, emotions and energy.
And I think it’s safe to say we’ve all felt a bit negative over the last year at some point or another.
So with a forgiveness list, you’ll want to be super kind to yourself. Perhaps make yourself your favourite hot drink, curl up in a cozy blanket or take yourself to a safe space before you start this exercise.
Then you’ll basically want to write down everything and everyone you forgive over the past year.
You might find really specific things coming up, such as “I forgive the lady who was rude to me in the shop last week” or something a bit more general, such as “I forgive myself for feeling like I haven’t achieved anything over the last year” (more on this later).
But what’s important is that you’re honest with yourself and you don’t hold back from what comes out.
Your list can be as long or as short as you’d like and when you’re done with it, I’d recommend releasing it in a way that feels good for you. My favourite thing to do during releasing ceremonies is to burn the paper (but make sure you do it safely!)
Write a gratitude list
Can you tell I like lists?
I’m a big fan of gratitude lists and expressing gratitude every single day. It really has changed my life.
But over the last year, gratitude has been more important than EVER.
Reflecting on the past year doesn’t always have to mean looking at the negatives because focusing on the positives is just as important.
That’s where a gratitude list will be really helpful!
Again, this can be as long or short as you like but just don’t hold back and really feel the gratitude of the things that you’re writing in your chest.
Anyone or anything that made this year that tiny bit better for you – whack it on the list!
Light a candle, say a prayer or have a moment of quiet
This is for all the people that might not have been so lucky. For those who have lost someone they loved, who lost their jobs, who struggled with their mental health. And particularly for the 2.76 million people (at the time of writing) who lost their lives.
Reflection isn’t just for us as individuals. It’s about the collective.
So spending a little bit of time and a little bit of your energy to send some loving thoughts, prayers, energy (or whatever you believe) to those who need it is time and energy well spent.
Know that whatever you did, was okay
I think this is a point a lot of people will be able to relate to, especially after the influx of “use this time to start a business / start a new hobby / get all house re-decorated” etc blog posts and tweets we saw during the first lockdown in March 2020.
If you did manage to start a business, start a blog, learn an instrument or a new language or whatever during the pandemic, then amazing.
But if you didn’t, that’s fine too.
However you got through this last year is okay. Whatever you did, was okay. I urge you not to let people online make you feel like you failed.
Like for crying out loud, how can you fail at living through a global pandemic?
So know that whatever you did during this last year was okay.
Eyy now we’re onto the good stuff.
Has this year been crap? Yes.
But the fact that you survived a global pandemic is a cause for celebration. In my opinion.
Take some time to do something for yourself. Celebrate in a way that feels good for you. That might be having a full pamper day, cooking yourself your favourite meal, staying in bed and watching your favourite show all day, going for a run in the woods, baking a cake – whatever!
Just do something to signify the fact that you made it. You’re here. And it was hard.
Seek help if you need it
And finally, the last way to reflect on this last year in a healthy way is to seek help if you need it.
There’s never any shame or embarrassment for seeking help for any sort of mental illness and a global pandemic is likely to have made people need some additional help.
Chat with your GP, call a mental health helpline, talk to a friend – do whatever you gotta do.
These are just a few ways to reflect on the past year in a healthy way and of course there are many more things you can do to help you come to terms with the past year.
And if you just want to put it behind you and forget it ever happened, that’s fine too!
But if you do feel like you need that space to gain some closure on the past year, I hope these tips will help you do that.
If you enjoyed this check out 8 Great Habits To Start In 2021 ( Life Changing Habits)
I totally agree with this post. I think it is really important that we can look back and reflect on the year rather than just writing it off.
Brilliant post x
Thank you for sharing my guest post – I loved writing this 🙂 the last year has been so tough for so many people. So it’s so important we remember and reflect and move on it whatever way feels right for us x
I really loved this post! I also love lists and love the idea of doing one for forgiveness and one with gratitude. And it’s so point to realise whatever you did in the past year was okay, it was hard for everyone and you didn’t need to achieve everything x
“Fizzling out” is, perhaps, the best description of my expectation!
This is a fantastic post with a well rounded approach for our readers. Thank you!
I must admit, this was a lovely read. This year has been tough but I go through phases where I feel ok and then feel down. I’m not going to waste any more energy on feeling negative!
It has been a rough year but I’ve also had many good things happen to! Such as my son being born! So trying to focus on the positives.
I truly loved reading this! Gratitude lists and accepting that whatever you did or did not do was okay, I think are the best advices we can get while living in this unusual situation. Thank you for sharing x
Excellent points, we need to be less hard on ourselves, and not worry about what we didn’t do or did do that wasn’t great. Forgiveness, gratitude, these are key. So is recognizing we have limitations, that we are only human. Love the way this article highlighted this. Thanks for sharing ladies!
This is the exact kind of post that we all need to read right now. Because writing out a gratitude or forgiveness list really is so important – because it’s been such a funny old year, hasn’t it! Gx
I am a list and gratitude lover too! Over the past year I have had a couple of conversations with my doctor and close friends when things felt like they were getting a bit tough, that really helped me.
A forgiveness list is such a great way to reflect on your past year and how you can come to terms with things and move on. These are some great suggestions by Jenny. Thank you for sharing.
Lauren – xx
I loved the idea of lighting a candle for the lost lives and forgiving everybody who was rude to us, including ourselves. My kid’s Birthday came during lockdowns, and still, we managed to celebrate in a restaurant in our neighborhood.
Great post.