Hey lovelies, how is it the end of January? I always feel that by the time that I start getting into the month it’s already finished?? January has been an exceptionally busy month for me with university deadlines, training for my new job role and trying to get back into a good writing schedule but alas here are my favourites!

New Years eve/day – Now I know sharing a memory may not necessarily be a favourite but honestly, it was the best day of the month for me. New years eve started with me being so upset and heavily grieving, at work, I’d had an argument with my best work friend prior to getting to work. It wasn’t great overall; but the event we had on at work was fancy dress and to be honest it was fun to work. After we had finished work at 3am New Years day we bought a few bottles of vodka and went back to said friends house I’d had an argument with, we made up, we drank vodka and listened to awful music. We got drunk and played hide and seek, we played the drinking app Piccolo (totally recommend downloading) and I didn’t get home till 11pm New Years Day – and yes we drank all through the day and into the evening, and went to Tesco a ridiculous amount of times to buy more vodka.
Writing – This month I’ve been focusing a lot on writing, after submitting my university work I had two weeks free to watch netflix, blog and work and I’ve spent a lot of time working on small writing pieces that I’m in love with. If I hadn’t have picked an arts degree than I would have doubt in my mind I’d have done an English or Creative Writing degree because it has always been something I’ve loved.
Homeware – I love homeware and I think that’s pretty evident from my blog and various homeware posts. I really enjoy browsing and thinking of potential homeware bits that I would love, since I’ve lived in student houses the past few years it has been really hard to buy homeware and decorate. Since I’m moving into my own little flat midway in the year I finally have the opportunity to decorate how I want things and it will be a more permanent residents than what I currently live in I won’t need to worry about being minimal or being careful about what I buy because of moving house.
Fashion – Within my stage of grieving I’ve lost a bit of weight, and since doing so I’ve felt a lot more body confident. Whilst not the best means in which to lose weight, it has forced me to buy new clothes and I tried to buy things outside of my confidence zone. I’ve been wearing slightly more colour than my prior all black wardrobe and opting for slightly more revealing clothes. I’ve also been absolutely love velvet dresses, red dresses and leather jackets. This might be pretty plan for most people but pushing myself out of my comfort zone was so hard and I’m feeling so good about it. Hopefully body confidence will be a thing that flourishes for me in 2018.
Films – It’s no secret that I spend my free time when I’m not at work or university pretty much sitting in my pants watching copious amounts of Netflix but this month I’ve pushed myself to watch films recommended by my work friends that are really out of my regular genre. This month I watched fight club, blade runner and lots of other new films for the first time. I enjoyed them but I really enjoy my regular horror or gross romance type of film.
I’d love to know about the things that you’ve loved this month, make sure to let me know in the comments.
If you enjoyed this why not head over to my June Goals and Urban Outfitters Homeware Wishlist
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