It’s so easy to get caught up in the routine of day to day life. Waking up in the morning, getting ready for work, working the nine to five, fitting in a couple of social plans for the week and rounding things up with some rest. This can be a fulfilling way to live for some of us. But not for all of us. Some of us can easily begin to feel stifled and constrained by trying to keep things running smoothly in this routine existence. It’s important that you feel happy and fulfilled the majority of the time and, for some of us, this may mean making changes to our routine, behaviour and habits. This can maximise your wellbeing and really make your life take a direction that’s much more beneficial for you. Here are some ideas that can help to guide you in the right direction.

Prioritise Yourself
All too many of us habitually put others ahead of ourselves. We do things we don’t really want to, we say yes to everything and we prioritise others’ needs over our own. Now, there are certain situation where this – to an extent – is okay. If you have dependents, such as children, disabled individuals in your life or elderly loved ones, sometimes you may have to do a few things you don’t particularly want to for their benefit. But you need to make sure that you do prioritise yourself too. Listen to your own thoughts and feelings. Do things that make you happy.
Set Boundaries
As you can imagine, if you’ve been putting everyone else first for a long time, you will have to implement some new boundaries in order to protect your new wishes. Private time, doing things you enjoy, focusing on your happiness and wellbeing… all of these things take space, time and dedication to yourself. So, make sure that you create this space for yourself, take this time and really focus on doing what makes you happy.
Reconsider Your Career
Do you find that your job is a negative element of your life? This needs to change. Don’t get caught up in a job that brings you ongoing stress, disappointment, boredom, upset or other negative emotions. Our work takes up way too much of our time for it to be something we dread and can’t wait to get out of. There are careers and roles out there that could suit you better. There are positions in every area focusing on an array of topics, specialisms and activities. Think about it – the difference between roles such as sports coach, book editing, sky diving instructor, employee engagement consultant, factory worker and so many more roles are vast, but they are the right roles for different individuals with different preferences and interests in life. The job market is your oyster. Look around and see what’s out there.
So many of us don’t travel much. Perhaps a holiday every year or so. But longer term travel can be extremely fulfilling. If you’re in a position where you can head away for longer periods of time, consider saving or picking up remote work to be able to see more of the world.
Hopefully, some of the above suggestions will really help you to improve your day to day experience of the world. Give it a try!
If you enjoyed this post head over to my 4 Ways to Get Organized During Spring Cleaning and What You Should Know Before Moving Out of Your Parent’s Home
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