Hey lovelies, heading to university takes a lot of planning. You need to decide what course you want to study. You need to decide where you want to study. You need to plan your move. But one thing you need to plan once you’ve got all of this organised is your finances. For many students, university is the first experience you’ll have of independent living. It may be the first time you’ve paid bills yourself. It may be the first time you have to set a budget for yourself. It may be the first time you look into borrowing and repaying debts. So, having a good grip of your finances and knowing how to manage your money is going to prove essential.
Of course, the bare basics you’re going to need to manage your money is a bank account. There are countless bank accounts out there that are advertised to students, so you should definitely browse your options and determine which is the best for you. Different banks will provide different perks and those that appeal to you the most and that will best benefit you will depend on your individual needs, circumstances and preferences.
Some banks prioritise overdrafts. Some banks will include free travel cards or other freebies that could benefit you and save you a lot of money. Others will prioritise different areas. So, take the time to do your research and find the right account for you.
To help you get started, here’s a short infographic by Happy Homes Project UK – Best Student Bank Accounts 2020 that shows some of the best student bank accounts available this year!
I hope you enjoyed this post, let me know in the comments ways in which you’re hoping to organise your university finances, or if you’ve been to university any tips and tricks you have!

If you enjoyed this check out my How To Get Into University and Living With Other People At Uni Some Do’s And Dont’s
Wow I do not miss the uni days and having to budget for every single thing! My halls were sooo expensive so my first year was tough. When I went into our own accommodation, things became easier. I wish I’d have had access to a graphic like this before I went to uni 10 years ago! It would have really helped!
I would have LOVED to be able to refer to a guide like this when I started university. I just went with our family bank but I’m sure this will be so helpful to other students, thank you!
Absolutely love this and so helpful for students! The infographic is really helpful!
This seems really helpful for those who are trying to manage their finances at university. I honestly wish I had learned more about finance at a younger age, but we all live and learn. Hope this post finds the right people and provides some assistance.
When I went to uni I lived at home which took away a lot of stress about rent and food! xx
This is SO important! I have seen far too many people lose track of their finances entirely during their University years, landing themselves in debt that they are working to pay off for years and years to come. If you can avoid that, why wouldn’t you? Right? I know that looking back, I wish that I had been more diligent about my finances during that stage of my life.
Those student accounts sound really good, when I was a student I only had a £200 overdraft on my account! This guide will be so helpful for students now xx
I’m coming up to this part of my life, and very nervous about this. The was very helpful 👍