Hey lovelies, bloggers need to be more proactive in the marketing of their websites. In many ways, running a blog is like starting a business; you’re pushing a product for people to engage with. As such, you need to find a regular audience that takes in your product and reads your content. From here, as you’re probably well aware, you can earn money through adverts, sponsorship deals, or affiliate marketing. You might be thinking about Google Ads.
Speaking of adverts, you can use them to promote your own blog. Obviously, you’re looking at ads on search engines, not the ones on your own! If done correctly, this can be the best way of growing your audience and finding new readers. How is it done? Let’s review the main things involved:
Create A Google Ads Account
Google Ads is the platform that utilises paid ads for businesses and website owners. Effectively, you have to create an Ads account, where you will be presented with a profile. Here, you have a dashboard where you can run the entire advertising campaign. So, that’s step one; create your account. I’ve linked a video below that walks you through all of the steps involved. Personally, I find this easier to follow than if I wrote down all the points!
Consider Working With An Agency
After following the first step, you might be a bit confused. The Google Ads dashboard can be quite complicated when you see it for the first time. A lot of the time, this puts people off using Google Ads! In which case, it might help to work with a digital marketing agency. If you choose to go down this path, you should look for agencies like Herdl that are Google Ads Partners. Being a partner means that the agency is an expert in Google Ads, so you can see how this would help your blog. Working with experts allows you to take full advantage of the platform and get your ads seen by your target market.
Make A List Of Keywords
Keywords are the driving force behind a Google Ads campaign. The whole premise is that your advert will appear in Google searches based on the keywords you target. So, if you target ‘health blog’ your adverts will appear in this search. Of course, it all depends on how much you bid for the advert. Google Ads is done by bidding on keywords, and the highest bidders get the prime advertising slots. That’s a very simplified view of things, but it’s basically how it works. Therefore, you need to target the right keyboards for your ads to be seen by the right audience. It doesn’t make sense to get ads in searches for irrelevant keywords as nobody will be interested in your blog, so they won’t click the advert. A good piece of advice is to use long-tail keywords as well as shorter ones. This helps you target different searches relating to your blog.
If your campaign is a success, your blog will appear at the top of the searches as an advert. It will be one of the first things someone sees, meaning there’s a high chance of getting clicks. As a result, you can grow your audience and reel in some new readers. Then, it’s up to you to produce content that keeps them coming back for more!

If you enjoyed this check out How To Set Financial Goals and How To Start A Mailing List As A Blogger
I’ve never considered using Google Ad’s but I definitely will think about it!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
I’ve not considered using Google Ads myself, but for some niches it would definitely be a great option. Particularly if you have a product to sell! x
Such an insightful article! I use Google Ads in my day to day job a lot and dabbled last year with it for LoveRosiee but I didn’t go into the depth needed to make it a success. However, this post has my brain clicking and thinking about what else I could do!
Love your blogging tips style posts!
I have not considered using Google Ads yet. Noce post.
I would never have considered using google ads, but this makes it sound really simple. May have to look into this!
I am a lifestyle blogger. The tips shared are meaningful. Mine is one-man show. The tasks are challenging, no doubt. I am, still, enjoying it. Thanks.
Great advice. It is not something I have even considered yet so I am going to have a look in to this x x
I actually set up a Google Ads account ages ago to be able to access Google Keywords Planner but never thought about using it to run ads. I’m a bit wary of spending too much money when I don’t really know what I’m doing so I’ll be having a proper look at the video you’ve recommended. Thank you, Kayleigh! xx
Oooh I’m going to save this blog post for later when I do decide to go down the Google Ads route! Thank you so much for always putting together (and sourcing) really helpful posts for bloggers!
I, like so many other people in the comments, have never thought about using Google Ads!! I think I’ll be looking into it later!! 🙂 xx
I’ve never considered using google ads before!
You have some good advice here. I feel like bloggers latch onto social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram for paid advertising, but they often overlook the opportunities available through Google. However, if you’re trying to target a specific audience, this could be the more cost-effective option (depending on where your audience hangs out/where they are searching).
Thank you ! this was really helpful, I don’t have a Google Ads set up yet!
I honestly never thought about using Google AD’s to promote my blog. You definitely made me think about it,
I honestly never thought about using Google AD’s to promote my blog. You definitely made me think about it,
Antonia || Sweet Passions
Will have to look into Google Ads again! The first time I tried I gave up after a bit, thanks for tips x
I never got google ads to work for me as hard as I tried. Very good article – wish I had had it when I was blogging for myself!
A great post about Google Ads Kayleigh, Google Ads is something I never thought I would get into but after reading this I’m tempted to! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
So interesting. Never thought of using Google Ads but definitely a possibility for my website. Thanks for sharing x
Steph | http://www.stephhannam.com
Good info on Google ads. Thanks for sharing x
Isa A. Blogger
Google Ads sounds like a powerful leveraging solution Kayleigh. Good stuff here. Working with a reputable agency seems like the way to go.