Hey everyone, it’s March which means that I have little over two months left at University before my final degree show and then graduation. I’m lucky to have had some amazing experiences why at university so I’d thought I’d share them with you thanks to Printiki* – Printiki offer a wide range of print services – I personally got the medium squared photos with a border. I went for a matte finish as well.
I got a boyfriend – I was already with someone when I started university, but we grew apart very quickly and became different people. In my first year I started dating my current boyfriend Ryan and we’ve been together two years now – it’s crazy how quickly time flies! He’s a sweetheart and I’m so lucky to have such a lovely guy in my life.
Berlin – I went to Berlin with my friends in the first year of uni, it was a great experience and we all bonded a lot. We saw a ton of art, went to a late night lantern party, drunk into oblivion at an indoor beach cocktail bar and went to the Berlin Zoo and Aquarium! The jellyfish were my favourite by far – they’re just so gorgeous and mesmerising.
Venice – We went to Venice in my second year of university to visit the Biennial, it was a great experience we travelled the island on water taxis everyday, visited both pavilions, ate our weight in pizza and pasta. We were also round the corner from a make your own icecream/gelato shop which we went to almost everyday. I also paid for my boyfriend to come along so it really was the best experience. The only downside was the smell – It was awful and why everyone else got used to it, it made me feel sick everyday.
Oscar – I got my little kitten Oscar just before I started my third year, and I’m so happy I did. I struggle with really severe depression and he helps me so much because I have a reason to get up and out of bed in the morning. He is so cute and looks a little cuddle. He also likes to bite me to wake me up at 5am every morning for breakfast but hey-ho!
Blogging – I started blogging in my second year of university and it’s crazy to think I’ve nearly been blogging two years. I’ve had such a pleasant experience and it’s been really great writing experience for me – I will no doubt be blogging less when I start my masters in September but I’ll still be blogging.
Harry Potter Studio Tour – I’ve visited twice whilst at university as I absolutely love it. I went for my 21st birthday and it was absolutely amazing. I really want to visit again over this coming summer as they have opened up a new part which I’m dying to see.
Wicked – I’ve seen wicked three times why at university – it’s my absolute favourite west end show! I’ve recently booked tickets to go in June before I graduate.
I’m really lucky to have had an amazing time whilst at university, I’ve also run two exhibitions in my two years so far – soon to be three. I’m visiting Rome in September and potentially going back to Venice in October, and starting a masters in September! I’d love to know what the highlight of university experience has been if you went to university.
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