Working from home is something many people experienced for the first time during the pandemic. While back in 2020, working from home was an entirely new experience for most employees, the lockdown necessitated the need for remote working. It meant everyone had to adjust fast to this unprecedented situation. While the initial transition to working from home may be a shock to many, you probably cannot imagine being back in the office full time now you have been doing it for a while. After the novelty wears off and you have become used to working from home, you may be looking for ways to make working from home work better for you.
While working from home offers many benefits, there are also a few drawbacks that can occur. Being aware of potential remote working issues and how these can be avoided is an excellent way to get more from your workdays. Here are some of the possible work from home issues that can occur and how to avoid them:

Slow-Running Computer
Tech issues are a common problem for people working from home, and without IT support, they can become incredibly frustrating. A computer running slowly can scupper your plans for a productive day and mean you spend hours trying to fix technology issues rather than completing your to-do list. The good news is there are plenty of ways to prevent computer issues, such as slow-running systems, from occurring in the first place and ensure they do not create a backlog of work that ruins your day.
The first step to prevent your computer running slowly is to ensure you have plenty of storage space available. When your storage capacity starts to get close to its limit, your Mac will begin fragmenting files, and this can cause your system to become frustratingly slow. Reducing the number of files you have stored on your Mac can help alleviate this problem, but you may wonder how to get started on this. The good news is that you can free up 30 gb of space quickly when you learn how, which can significantly affect your computer’s speed.
Keeping your computer up-to-date is another essential task to keep it running fast and efficiently. Ensuring you don’t keep on snoozing updates and getting them scheduled so that crucial tasks such as driver updates can actually happen is vital to avoid your computer slowing down further.
Cybersecurity Issues and Data Breaches
As well as keeping your computer updated to ensure that it works efficiently and is not slow to load, keeping it updated is also vital from a security viewpoint. The importance of cybersecurity has been highlighted even further since the pandemic, as the number of threats increased during this time. Companies large and small and many home computers have been targeted by cybercriminals and experienced the detrimental effects of cybersecurity breaches since the start of the COVID pandemic. They could potentially leave your computer unusable, so taking action to prevent security issues is a must. Taking care when opening emails and being alert to the possibility of phishing scams and other suspicious activity on your computer is the best way to stay protected. Localised security threats are not the only potential issue, with more companies than ever implementing multi cloud solutions on some level there is an ever growing group of criminals looking to exploit vulnerabilities and remove or exploit data on these networks. Researching and implementing multi-cloud security solutions with an expert is more important than ever to ensure that your business remains safe.
Struggles With Work-Life Balance
Aside from the technical issues that can cause problems for people working from home, it is essential to be aware of the impact remote working can have on your work-life balance. When your home becomes your office, retaining the usual boundaries between home life and work-life can be challenging. A lack of work-life balance can impact both your productivity and your wellbeing, so being aware these issues and how they can be remedied is essential. Maintaining your work-life balance is vital to ensure that you can work at your best while enabling you to relax and protect your wellbeing while at home.
If you struggle to maintain a healthy work-life balance while working from home, you may find it helpful to put some boundaries in place. You can create a healthy balance between your home and work life by ensuring that you stick with regular work times and pack up your equipment at the end of each day. This simple change can make a vast difference and enable remote working to keep working for you.
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