Christmas is the time of year to celebrate family, friends and positivity in the world. However, after the challenging year we have all faced, Christmas may look very different. If there was ever a time to give back and spread some traditional Christmas cheer it is now! We can give back in different ways, some without spending a single penny.
This list will focus on seven ways you can change your buying habits to benefit others, charities that will appreciate your donations and many more thoughtful ways you can make someone’s day during the festive period.

The Big Christmas Declutter
Every year I have a big Christmas declutter to make room for new presents I may lucky enough to receive. It is a pain to do but so satisfying to see your wardrobe and draws organised. Once you have had your big winter clear out, you are left with clothes or shoes you will never wear again. Why not donate them to your local charity shop?
Charity shops rely on donations from lovely members of the public. I know after previously working in a charity shop how much your donations are appreciated. By taking the time to bring down your unwanted goods, you actually contribute to keeping the shop open. By doing something as simple as a declutter you are making a difference this Christmas to not only your home but to different charities that do amazing work every single day. Give yourself a pat on the back, one down and you have already given back this Christmas!
Supporting Small Businesses
Before you rush to a massive retail store for your Christmas shopping this year, why not find a local alternative or shop with independent retailer online? Small businesses need our support more than ever after the challenges many have faced this year. Not only will you make a business owner so happy by purchasing their product, you are also likely to get a more personalised and thoughtful service. The best place to find smaller creators is on Etsy. Etsy is a platform for independent stores often creating unique and homemade products. For example, every year I find my Christmas Eve boxes on Etsy. Small creators put 110% into their products and offer beautiful high-street alternative gifts.
My blog is called Rach Talks Business was created to support small businesses through lockdown. I am in regular contact with lots of small businesses and it has been heart-breaking to hear stories about businesses forced to close their doors after the awful we have all had. Every sale means so much to small business owners. By just purchasing one Christmas gift from a small business you have massively helped so thank you!
There are also ways you can show small businesses support without spending a single penny, such as sharing their social media pages. You can find more ideas in this post, How to Support Small Businesses: Five Unique Ways.
Pick Up an Extra Present for Elderly Neighbours
2020 has been a lonely year for many of us and it is so important to check in on those around us. Many older people have been isolating for much of the year. A small gesture of kindness will honestly turn their year around. If you know someone living on their own or an older couple that has been stuck indoors for some time, why not buy them a little Christmas treat? It does not need to be expensive, just a little gesture to show you care and are thinking about them. Not everyone has a family to spend Christmas with or to buy them lovely presents so be the person to make them smile!
Shop Fair Trade This Christmas
Shopping fair trade this Christmas is a wonderful way to find unique and personal gifts for friends and loved ones while supporting workers in developing nations. Fair trade products are not always easy to find and can be slightly more expensive, but it is so important to remember to do our part in addressing the rights of workers in other countries.
Random Acts of Kindness
Practise random acts of kindness such as buying the person behind you in a line their food or complimenting a stranger. This is not for everyone. Some people find random acts of kindness very awkward and I completely understand that! If you do feel comfortable, random acts of kindness provoke a reaction like no other. I complemented a lady on the train as she was wearing the most beautiful coat from Zara. She said she’d had an awful morning and my compliment had cheered her up! It made her feel amazing and me feel amazing.
Donate What You Can
There are so many charities and various places around Christmas that rely on donations to function. I have touched on charity shops, but I’ve listed some other places that will be looking for donations this Christmas. Each place is different and has different criteria however, each charity appreciates every donation and it a lovely way to give back and support local causes.
Homeless Shelters: You can donate blankets, gloves, socks and hats to homeless shelters. Each item helps keep someone warm and survive the awful winter nights. Homeless shelters are also always on the look out for volunteers if its something you would be interested in; this would be an amazing way to give back.
The Shoebox Appeal: I have taken part in Operation Christmas Child since I was in school. It is run by the Samaritans and is one of my favourite activities to do every year. It is also the perfect activity to get your children involved in too! I love buying presents and wrapping up the shoeboxes ready to send to boys and girls who are less fortunate. It is a heart-warming appeal and helps so many children get a present on Christmas Day.
Food Banks: Next time you have a food shop, why not check your local foodbanks website for stock they are running short on? Adding an extra can of beans or a packet of sanitary towels is often no burden to you but can massively help families who are struggling.
Animal Shelters: Animals who do not have homes should also not be neglected at Christmas. Animal Shelters are always looking for volunteers or specific donations. A quick google search should bring up your local Animal Shelters and again it’s a super small gesture that will make a massive difference.
There are so many more amazing charities and places you can donate too. Look online for charities in your local area. You’ll be able to find places that are struggling or looking for specific items.
Thank Your Key Workers: Give A Christmas Card!
Key workers have been amazing this year, working through lockdowns and keeping the country going. Around Christmas time we always thank our regular post lady and give her some chocolates and a Christmas card. Key workers are often underappreciated, and this year more than ever would be a lovely time to express your appreciation for their work in whatever way you can. It’s a tiny gesture that makes a huge difference to their day.
It does not cost much to put a smile on someone’s face and bless the lives of others. Christmas is a magical time of the year and traditionally a time of giving.
Treat others the way you want to be treated and give what you can afford. Helping others releases so many endorphins that make us feel positive! If you take part in any of the ways to give back mentioned, you should be so proud of yourself. The difference you can make is life changing.
Have the most wonderful Christmas and New Year and leave any suggestions for giving back this Christmas in the comments! Massive thank you to Kayleigh for having me on her wonderful blog!
Rachel x
About the Author
Hi, I’m Rachel from Rach Talks Business! Since graduating I have been looking for ways, I can put my marketing knowledge to good use and decided to create a platform to support small, independent businesses through the pandemic. I formed Rach Talks Business in March and have been building my blog ever since. My blog covers a large range of topics from mental health to blogging tips!
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Yes to all of this. When we had our first child we agreed that every christmas we will pack one extra present for a local childrens home. Every year we added one more, then we had twin girls and we added two more to the extra one. So each year instead of one we add three. This year we are bringing 45 gifts to the childrens home. I love that tradition so much.
Love this blog post! This year I have decided to try and shop more from small shops, especially for Christmas presents. There are so many amazing shops that you just never come across because they are small, that’s one thing positive about this year small shops are starting to be recognised more x
I have bought gifts on Etsy too. It’s an amazing platform to support artisans around the world. At the moment I’m working out my business plan to start a webshop next to having a travel blog. The plan is the buy products from Indian artisans and to give back and donate a part of the profit to projects and charity in India. I will see how the first year goes but planning to set up a foundation as well. I’m very excited to start. Thank you for supporting small businesses.
Adriana //
I loved this so much! It’s really important to give back, especially at Christmas time. These are some really lovely and kind tips xx
Loved this post 😍 These are great ideas, indeed. Last night I was actually thinking of decluttering my closets and see what I can donate. I also have been trying to buy stuff from small businesses in order to show support. But I will keep in mind the other ideas you gave on this post.
Thanks 😊 for sharing!!!
I love these ways of giving back this Christmas, I try and donate to charities at Christmas and buy their Christmas cards from them, it’s so important to give back at this time of year! x
Lucy |
Brilliant advice here! I think it is so important to give back where we can, understanding of course that a lot of people will find Christmas difficult this year.
My school are creating hampers for the families in our community that need it the most, people have been so amazing.
Small businesses can just take all my money right now! I have found so many amazing companies that I love and will use over and over again x
I loved this post! Some really great ideas to give back this Christmas and continue acts of kindness to maybe not make 2020 a write off in the final few weeks. This year I am trying to exclusively shop at small businesses and ethically where I can, to make this my kindest Christmas in a way! A really great blog post, with some fantastic ideas x
Really enjoyed this post, such wonderful ideas here. This year I’m doing what I can to support small businesses in whatever way I can. Will share this great post!
This is great! I usually declutter in the New Year but I never thought of doing it now. I’ll have to make some time to do everything on this list this year 🙂
These are all great ideas on how to give back!
I definitely agree it is good to support small businesses especially during this time of year!
I also have some of my daughter’s old clothes & toys that I’ll donate to this mother’s help charity.
Yes on every one of these! I have been making weekly calls to the elderly since March and the gift idea would go miles. 💕
I loved this blog. I think random acts of kindness is the best thing to do this time of year. I also love the idea of giving a present to the elderly. Xx
I love this list of ideas, especially the idea of buying a little something extra for elderly neighbors and supporting local and small businesses. I have been making an effort to buy small this year. 🙂
We finished our household cleaning today and always come up with a pile of items we no longer need. Recently we have been giving unwanted but still useable items to our local “Buy Nothing” group. It is a great feeling knowing that good items are being re-circulated into the community. 🙂
Massive yes! 2020 had been harsh on us but it always important to give back to people as you mentioned in this post like sending a nice small gift to an elder, compliment a stranger, donate unwanted items and so on…
Every year my mom and I donate a gift for children (like coloring books), hygiene stuff, and other goodies. I do hope this year people in need receive what they need.