AD | When it comes to university majors and careers, STEM subjects have become a buzzword in the last 20 years. STEM forms many essential aspects of modern societies and economies. They cover a vast range of qualifications and facilitate various career disciplines from civil engineering, neuroscience to artificial intelligence.
Studying STEM at university is not only intellectually stimulating but also enables graduates to develop highly rewarding careers. Due to their extensive coverage, there is undoubtedly confusion among young people and parents when it comes to choosing which STEM subjects to study, what preparation you need to excel at them. I have collaborated with Ashbourne College, one of London’s best sixth form colleges, to put together a comprehensive guide on this topic.
What is STEM?
The term STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. In recent years, university teaching has developed a more skill-based and industry-focused curriculum across these disciplines. For instance, an Engineering undergraduate will also acquire knowledge from other disciplines during the course of his study.
There continues to be a high demand for graduates with STEM skills in numerous sectors and the number of graduates is falling short. According to the UK study “Jobs of the Future”, STEM jobs will grow at almost double the rate of other occupations. It is expected to create 142,000 extra jobs in the UK only between now and 2023.
Why are STEM skills so in demand?
The exponential development of technology has been the main driver for this. A report from Engineering UK highlighted that the country would need 1.8 million new engineers and technicians by 2025. Jobs in technology requires technical expertise and highly specialised skills, which makes them unsuitable for graduates from a non-STEM major. Meanwhile, many STEM graduates can secure employment in other industries thanks to their transferable skillset.
STEM studies and careers put graduates at the forefront of innovation with exposure to cutting-edge research projects. These projects aim to solve pressing problems in various industries and foster our technological developments.
Transferable skills
Teamwork and problem-solving skills are at the centre of any STEM degree. STEM curriculum emphasises practical learning and application of theories in solving real-life problems. For instance, a Biomedicine graduate will practise laboratory testing and medical diagnostics as part of his study.
What STEM degrees can you study at university?
There is a wide range of subjects that can match young people’ interests, skills and career aspirations.
Science-related Degrees
● Biochemistry
● Biomedical Science
● Ecology
● Neuroscience
● Genetics.
Technology-related Degrees
● Computing
● Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence
● Computing for Digital Media
● Games and Multimedia Environments.
Engineering-related degrees
● Civil engineering
● Electronics
● Electrical engineering
● Mechanical engineering
● Robotics.
Maths-related degrees
● Accounting and Finance
● Economics and Finance
● Mathematics
● Mathematics with Economics
● Mathematics with Finance.
What do I need to study STEM at university?
Below are the most common subjects to study in A levels to progress to a STEM-related degree at university:
● A-level Biology
8.9% go on to study Biology at degree level
● A-level Chemistry
8.1% go on to study Chemistry at degree level
● A-level Physics
10.9% go on to study Mechanical Engineering at degree level
● A-level Design & Technology
23.5% go on to study Design Studies at degree level
● A-level Maths
9.5% go on to study Mathematics at degree level
● A-level Information Technology (IT)
14.8% go on to study Computer Science at degree level
● A-level Computing
46.3% go on to study Computer Science at degree level
● A-level Economics
25.5% go on to study Economics at degree level
● A-level Geography
9.9% go on to study Physical Geographical Sciences at degree level
* Data from Pathways for entry into HE 2016/17
The skills that are most commonly used in STEM studies are:
● Analytical and problem-solving skills
● Some technical/mathematical/scientific understanding (depending on the degree) ● The ability to breakdown and understand complex ideas.
● Accuracy and attention to detail.
Most UK universities require A-level/ IB grades and usually at least one of those in a STEM-related subject such as Mathematics or Sciences. BTEC qualifications, various Baccalaureates or equivalent international qualifications are also accepted by some universities.
Like with other subjects, the UK university application (UCAS) requires a personal statement that demonstrates the applicant’s interest in the subject and their potential to pursue the degree. Therefore, A-level students are encouraged to expand their reading beyond the syllabuses, take on related work experience and volunteering. This not only helps them decide on which STEM discipline or degree they want to study at university but also enriches their application.
It is important that students must spend time researching on university websites, study blogs, reaching out to alumni and making the most out of the university application support at their current college to make an informed decision.

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I studied maths at uni and really enjoyed it! Although I studied pure maths, which has no real world applications and is terrible for career prospects 😂
I really considered studying Maths at uni, but ended up going with English 😂 a 180 I know 😂
Great post! STEM subjects are really great for careers and lots of fun too!
This is super interesting! STEM subjects are great for future careers but also so much fun for people who thrive academically through subjects such as Maths and Science. It’s also super important for more women to become involved with STEM subjects and jobs! x
I love that there is such a push to consider STEM subjects now. I’ve seen similar discussions kicking up around here in Canada as well – especially in terms of encouraging girls to consider STEM. There are so many great careers available!
As someone with a chemistry A level, degree and PhD, I love this post! Viva STEM! Whichever of those types of degrees someone studies, they open so many doors. I work in software now, but still in a science domain and all the critical thinking, information organisation and data analysis that I learned during my degree are things that I use every day.
I studied A-level maths but really didn’t like it. Strangely enough, I love my accounting job and it’s changed my life. I used to love Biology in secondary school and wish I had continued it further. Stem subjects are so important and have become a big part of my life. I highly recommend students take them 🙂
Em x
Thank you for sharing this post! These are very good fields. I highly encourage students to pursue one of these areas of studies.
xo Erica
Yes! Thank you for sharing! I am a huge advocate for STEM careers as I have been a STEM recruiter and career advisor for years!
Such valuable advice and tips too.
I was going to study Maths at A-level as I enjoyed it but decided against it as I didn’t need it for the careers I was looking into but I wish I’d kept it going now.
Tash – A Girl with a View
I loved reading about the stem subjects, thanks for sharing 🙂 I am currently studying media and communication at uni so completely different haha but always wonder what it would have been like to do a different degree!
Lauren | https://www.wooloftheking.com/
This is an interesting post, thanks for sharing! My school was very focused on STEM subjects, which I studied up until A – Level. They really are useful for employability and careers, so I do recommend people study them.
A very detailed post about STEM! I really didn’t know too much about this subject, so it was nice to learn a little more!
I have learned so much by reading this post! I love the idea of a STEM program and could very well have seen myself in one had there been such a thing the many years ago I went to university. Thanks for sharing!
I’ve honestly never heard of STEM subjects before, I may have in school but I can’t honestly remember! This was such an interesting post and I’ve learnt a lot from it! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
very interested read Kayleigh!
This was such an interesting read! I never went to university, but I would have loved to give it a try to computing and artificial intelligence! Thank you for sharing x
I have never heard of stem before but it sounds like they have so many subjects too choose from if you have the skills. I will have to tell my sister
Good post and raising awareness of stem subjects! I’m a stem ambassador and go to local schools from time to time to help with projects and careers stuff!
Great and informative post to raise awareness of stem subjects! I didn’t really know much about this so was really interesting to learn more xx
This was a great post, I didn’t actually know but STEM stranded for before this post. It sounds like there are huge benefits to applying for these courses at University and will teach you a variety of skills that are in demand in the workplace. My littlest sister loves Science and wants to do all Marine Biology or some sort of science at University, she is currently in year 10, so thank you for sharing this informative post as I have some information I could tell her.
Lauren http://www.bournemouthgirl.com