Hey lovelies, its offically Autumn meaning it’s spooky season aka the best months of the year. I know you might be thinking well its only the middle of September but I’ll have y’all know I’ve got my first halloween purposes of the year in August and bought three pumpkin spice candles from TKMaxx just yesterday! I thought today I’d share with you all the reason I’m excited for the better part of the year.

Cold weather
I’m done with sweating my tits off in the summer heat, I’m ready for rainy days, coats and all the duvets and Netflix nights! I’ve always preferred being cold so autumn/winter are my favourite seasons simply because I can wear a scarf all the time, and I don’t wake up sweating my tits off.
Pumpkin Scented Everything
I love pumpkin scented everything. If it smells like a pumpkin it’s going right in my basket and straight home to my home, which could often be mistaken for a halloween emporium! I’m also a really big fan of pumpkin spice lattes and I really don’t care what y’all pumpkin spice latte haters think on this one, I bloody love them.
Pumpkin Carving
I honestly end up carving all the pumpkins for my work every year and it’s the best few hours of my life. This year I’m hoping to have a pumpkin carving night with my friends, full of wine, laughter and butchering pumpkins.
Bonfire Night
I do love visiting an old fashioned burning. I just love the atmosphere and locally there are always some great celebrations with amazing food and fireworks! I’m all for it.
American Horror Story
Look if you don’t love American Horror Story I would fully have to question any friendship we could ever have because I absolutely love it, it’s my favourite autumn TV show. This years AHS 1984 has already kicked off and I’m so in love with the first episode and the characters already, especially the characters played by Cody Fern and Emma Roberts. I’m so excited to see where
Mulled Wine
I’m sorry but mulled wine is my favourite seasonal drink, I love it. Especially around bonfire night when it gets much colder.
The Clothes
Autumnal, and Winter fashion is just the best if you ask me. Big coats, massive scarves and it’s acceptable to wear Chelsea boots all day everyday? I love the cosiness that comes with the coldness. Also who doesn’t love massive jumpers!
Winter Markets
I love German Christmas Markets and hopefully I’ll be able to visit some next year, but in the mean time the ones here in the UK will have to do. I’m a big fan of visiting London in the winter months so hopefully my winter marker dreams will come true.
Christmas is one of the rare times that I have an excuse to go home and see my family, presents and celebrations aside it’s one of two times per year I travel to visit my family and get to spend time with them. I literally look forward to having a few days at home for Christmas all year round.
Both mine and my nans birthday fall in December which does sometimes leave the opportunity for me to see my family or for my nan to come see me here in Northampton and it’s the best gift. I used to hate having a December birthday but now I love the idea of chugging mulled wine at Winter Wonderland why freezing my tits off in a long line coat.
I’d love to know the reasons you’re excited for Autumn/ Winter, and what your favourite seasonal activity is.
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