Hey lovelies, with the academic year just around the corner I’ve made a small list of all the things that I want to do and achieve before I start my masters.

- Make my house homely – I’M MOVING IN TOMORROW. I love decorating when I move into new places and making it more homely. I much prefer to work from home than at university so I spent a lot of time at my desk writing. Don’t worry I’ll be sharing a homeware haul really soon, I’ve got lots of decor and homeware necessities to share.
- Spend time with my friends – I’ve not seen my friends over the summer because I had no choice but to go home, I’ve missed all my friends so a cheeky night out, a few coffee trips and cinema trips are definitely on the books! I’m also meeting the lovely Robyn from MidnightandLace and I’m really excited for that too.
- Spend time with my boyfriend – I’ve only seen my boyfriend three times in the last three months, with none of them really being occasions for us to spend any real time together. I’m used to being apart from him but I’m so happy we will be living together again for the next ten months. I’m all about the pizza and cuddling life whilst watching Netflix.
- Get ahead of blogging – I’m someone who schedules a lot of my posts but now more than ever I need to be a bit further ahead because when masters degree starts I will have very little time regularly blog, it’s a shame but I really need to achieve the best grade from my masters as that’s my future. I will still be blogging three days a week unless it becomes too much and I’ll then blog twice a week but for now it’s not an issue.
- Start meal prepping – I have such bad eating habits when at university so I really want to get into meal prepping, so my hard work at the gym isn’t ruined by what I eat. I don’t start back at university until October so I’ve got a few weeks to practice – I am trying to stick to a budget too which will make it even harder.
- Read more – I’ve got a couple of books I want to finish reading before the academic year starts.
- Plan some trips to London – I love visiting London to see art and to eat all the amazing food I can find. So I tend to plan my trips before term starts, I’ve got a couple of Christmas events I’m attending in London too so it’ll be fun!
If you’re a student I’d love to know the things that you’re planning to do before your next academic year!
If you enjoyed this head over to my Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018 and My Experience With Case App + Giveaway
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