GUEST POST | Today’s topic is how to win in life. But, there’s a twist. Financial success is not in the equation!
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- About the blogger
- Introduction
- Why we always think of money when it comes to success
- The issue with only equating success with money
- 10 ways to win in life without taking money into account
- Tips for recognising success
Hi I’m Kat!
I’m a lifestyle and wellness blogger, based in Surrey UK. I’m over at I blog about a little bit of everything lifestyle related, but tend to focus on work and home life, fitness, and mental health.
Everything that I blog about is centred around one key goal: how to live a more positive lifestyle.
If you’re interested you can find out more on my about me page, and read all of my blog posts here.
The inspiration for writing this post first originated from my own money related stresses.
As a relatively new blogger, it can be difficult sometimes to see others making money through their blogs online. It’s definitely easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to other people’s successes.
I’d assume that the majority of us probably worry about money, or how we can make more money in order to feel more successful.
Whilst being money motivated is certainly a good thing and by no means would I ever take anything away from anyone’s financial successes, there’s two things I want to achieve in this post.
Firstly, I want to highlight that we should feel motivated and inspired by others’ financial successes. Rather than feeling jealous or giving up because we think we’ll never be able to do what they’re doing.
Secondly, we should acknowledge that there are many other ways we can win in life. Without focusing on how much money we have or don’t have.
Why does money = success?
So before I dive into how to win in life, I want to discuss why we always think of money when it comes to success.
There are plenty of reasons for this but I think these are some of the main reasons:
Financial security
Feeling financially secure is, personally, the biggest factor for me. Understandably, everyone wants to feel financially stable.
Ideally, we’d all like to be able to live comfortably, pay our bills, treat ourselves, and provide for others without having to worry about money too much. Therefore we feel like the more money we make, the more secure, and hence the more successful we will be.
Other things that make us feel successful come from having money. If you think about common big goals in life, they are usually things like:
- Owning a house
- Buying a nice car
- Having your dream wedding
Pretty much all of life’s major goals require a hefty amount of money to achieve them. So, of course when we can afford to put a deposit down on a house, or buy a nice, new flashy car we feel like we’ve won because we had enough money to purchase the thing’s we’ve longed for.
The freedom to live how we want
Again, money allows us to live in a more attractive way.
Whether this is creating an income stream that allows us to work for ourselves, and do something we really enjoy, on the hours we choose, rather than working for someone else.
Or maybe it’s as simple as being able to go on a night out and not have to worry about sticking to a tight budget.
Money, to a certain extent, does offer freedom. Proof that our hard work has paid off.This is another big point. If we’re working consistently hard, we want to see physical proof that the effort we’re putting in is paying off.
When we get a promotion at work, or start earning off of our side hustle it shows that all the hard work we’re putting in has been worth it. So, with all this in mind, is there an issue with placing too much importance on money?
The issue with equating money with success
To be honest, there isn’t an issue with viewing money as success in such words. The issue begins if we fail to acknowledge all of the other ways we can win in life too.
Personally I think if we spend our whole lives thinking we need more money, or just as much money as someone else to be successful, we will never be able to truly enjoy what we have in the moment.
Plus, it’ll probably end up being counter-productive. If you spend all your time putting yourself down for not being successful enough, you’re wasting time when you could be putting that energy into taking steps to grow in the future!
So with all that in mind, I’m now going to tell you how to win in life, asides from earning more money!
How to win in life: Top 10 ways to feel like a winner
Now that I’ve discussed why we automatically think of money when it comes to success, and the potential issues with this, I’m going to share the other ways that you can win in life.
If you want to know how to win in life, just take a look at the people around you. You’ve already won. A happy family is one of the best achievements in life.
Whether it’s with your parents, grandparents, children, siblings, cousins.. having people around you that love and support you unconditionally is a sure way to feel like a winner.
Now, sadly I know that not everyone has a positive relationship with their family. Plus, not everyone places the same importance on family, that’s ok too.
But, at the end of the day, family isn’t restricted to blood. You can choose your family. Your friendships, relationships, even your pets count as family!
As I briefly touched on above, your friendships should make you feel like you’re winning at life. Whether that’s friends at work, friends from school or university, family friends, friends you’ve made online, friends you met in the toilet on a night out, or those “I can’t even remember how I know you” friends.
You should celebrate all those amazing people around you who love and support you. The right friends help you to win in life! By allowing you to BE and FEEL more successful!
Similar to the above, a successful, happy and healthy relationship is a massive win.
Now, by no means am I saying you need to have a romantic relationship to succeed in life, because you don’t. You should absolutely only enter a relationship that allows you to thrive – never settle just because you feel like you should.
But, with that being said, as a single person myself, I can acknowledge that maintaining a healthy romantic relationship that positively contributes to your life, is something you should be proud of! Especially when we have so many other things going on in our lives.
Your job
Now, I know when we think of work our first thought is probably the money we make from it. But, I want to suggest thinking about it in a slightly different way.
Think about the actual job itself.
Think about the effort you put into the interview to get the job in the first place. How hard you try every day to get your job done to a high standard. How you help people every day at work – whether that be customers or colleagues. The things that you get from your job that aren’t money related (this could be confidence, a sense of purpose, friendships). You can get so much more out of a job than just the money!
Whether your education finished at school, or you went on to college and university or to do an apprenticeship, and whether you loved education or hated it, your education should make you feel like a winner.
All those hours you spent attending lessons, studying for exams, writing essays and coursework etc should not be downplayed.
Your personal growth
Think about how you’ve grown over the last few years, or month’s or even weeks. Maybe you got through a difficult time with your mental health. Perhaps you got over a breakup you didn’t think you could get over.
Or maybe you’ve developed a more positive mindset towards yourself and your life. Whatever it is, how you’ve grown as a person always deserves to be celebrated. The positive impact you have on other people
I always think you’re winning in life if you’re being the best possible person you can be. If you’re genuinely helping people just because you want to help them, you’re a winner.
You’re having a positive impact on other people, every single day. The things you’ve achieved outside of work
Things like sports, dance or singing competitions, climbing a mountain, running a marathon, or passing your driving test. Now, I know a lot of these things to require money to be able to do them.
But the dedication, perseverance and talent all comes from you.

Everyday successes
You’re winning at life simply because you managed to get out of bed, or eat or have a shower. Life can be tough and sometimes even the simplest, smallest tasks are difficult to achieve. For that reason, all of the little things we achieve every day deserve to be celebrated.
Your passions
Whether you’re a blogger, author, artist, dancer, musician, athlete.. the goals you set and achieve for your passions are another way that you can win in life. Not everything you do for your passion has to be about money.
It could be reaching a certain number of followers or views, writing a certain amount of words, making new friends, helping other people.. there are so many different ways your passions can bring you success.
So now you know some other ways you can win in life, how can you start to recognise these things?
Tips for recognising success
Gratitude journaling
I use a gratitude journal, which helps me to put everything in perspective, celebrate my achievements, and be thankful for the things I have in my life.
Have a more positive mindset
Taking steps to having a more positive lifestyle can help you to recognise your success.
Check out my recent collaboration piece for how to have a positive lifestyle
Or purchase a book of daily positive quotes – read one first thing in the morning to start your day off positively.
Set goals
Write down your goals in a planner each month, for every area of your life, that way you’ll have something to look back on to track your success.
I hope you enjoyed today’s post and found it useful! Thanks so much to Kayleigh for giving me the opportunity to write on your blog. I absolutely loved writing for you and your readers!
This is a really insightful and positive post!!! Wonderful perspective and message about how to approach success, which can be complex with financial success being an easy thing to visualize and compare against.
I thoroughly enjoyed this 😀
This is great! It is true that a lot of people believe that success can only be measured by the amount of money made but there are so many other things in life to focus on that are so much more worthwhile and can make you happier. (:
This is very true, there’s nothing wrong with equating money with success as long as you remember to recognise all of the other ways you could be successful too. And as long as you don’t define yourself on money alone x
This is so true to not compare yourself to others. Others are at a different point than where you are. I never equate money with success. I equate having more freedoms with getting success. Even though it all seems to come down to money. That just brings in negative feelings and stops you from achieving your own vision of what success looks like
Love this post, it’s so nice to read something so positive and empowering on a Monday morning! I was terrible for comparing myself to others but recently I’m much better at not even seeing it!
Such a great and effective post. Truly the meaning of winning evolves at every step of life and it helps to know we are on the right path.
Love this post! I’m really focusing on my personal “wins” right now and going into October I have loads of personal goals but barely any financial ones because I’m trying to teach myself that there’s more to life than work. “Winning” at life really does embody so many different aspects!
This post is great and it truly is helpful. While I feel like lately I have been doing my best I know that there are ways I could improve. Your post here is inspiring as many of your posts are. I hope to follow through and make the end of this year a win for me!
This post is great. Success is definitely varied dependent on the person. One of my goals is to own my own property. Setting goals are so important.
I absolutely love this, I really needed to see this today, thank you x
This is a very motivating and inspiring post! Setting goals is so important and when you achieve them, that feeling of winning at life definitely arrives! x
Lucy |
What a lovely piece! It’s a good reminder to stop comparing ourselves to others and to be grateful for the good things in life we have. 😀