AD | With years gone by, your website will naturally start to look outdated and less refined. As criteria to make your website perform better changes you will need to give your website some attention now and again, to keep it looking ship shape and shiny.
There’s so much that makes up the perfect website for your business, so if you’re looking for a place to start…here’s a few ideas.

Standing Out
Your website should be an exact replication of your business, but online.
No doubt there are several other businesses in your industry whom you are competing against, and online competition needs to be approached in the same way. Hence why your website needs to also stand out and show off the ‘best bits’ that your business has to offer straight up. Best practice is to avoid site builders and set up a website which is design specifically to work to your business aims and website goals.
In the modern world, responsive web design is the best way to ensure that your website is being spotted on all devices and its set out exactly as your design it, not matter what device they’re using.
The Logistics
The smallest mistakes can have the biggest negative impact on the response your audience will give to your website.
Anything from spelling mistakes to misplaced images will tell your audience that you “couldn’t be bothered” and that will give them the assumption that this is how you handle business and promotes your business in a negative light.
The thing to remember here is that users are searching for a brand which is new, but which they need in their life and is better than the product/service they’ve had before. So, keep your branding sleek and sharp. Make sure your images are bright and attractive. Avoid fonts which are too squiggly and unreadable.
Recycle Your Websites Content
Okay, so you’ve already got a website, but you don’t have new content…why not recycle your websites existing content?
If you’re a wholesaler for example, you could recycle blogs about your products by re- promoting them on social media (Facebook/Instagram or Twitter). Go in and edit a blog which has been posted before and make it relevant to current events or trends, then share it again on social media. Remember… content doesn’t have a use by date, but it must be up to date if you’re going to continuously promote it.
On Brand is Best
Everything about your business should scream to your users “This is US!”.
Whatever you do, your audience need to know this from the second your website loads. They need to see logos, colours, fonts and images which relate to your brand and represent what you do.
Web pages are long gone. Audiences want short and sweet pieces of text which tell them that they need your products/services. The key is to sell yourself and Stockport website design agencies can help your website to promote your business to new visitors and to be recognised instantly by existing customers.
These are the best methods for making the most of having a website in the first place. Stockport website design agencies are experts at taking old and new websites and making them work harder on behalf of your business.

This is an AD – Prewritten Guest Content
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You’re so right that the maintenance of a website is so important! Thank you for sharing these tips – they’re really helpful xx
I love this, I’m definitely going to give my blog an overhaul soon!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
So important, these points are spot on. If I see spelling mistakes etc I have that exact reaction (not that my spelling is perfect, the amount of edits I have to do! 😂).
Thanks for sharing 💜
I never thought about repurposing a post, thank for for that idea!!!
This is such a useful post. I totally agree about standing out but still being on brand! X
This is a great post. I do need to give my blog some TLC and come up with a fresh look. I have been working on some ideas, but I’m still brainstorming. But with your tips, I’m sure I will work some more and have a new look soon.
Another great post from you! My blog genuinely needs an MOT at least every quarter. It’s an ongoing labour of love that is so much more than just writing a blog! It’s cool that after reading this, people will understand how much more goes into running a successful blog!
Recycling old content is so important! Since I’ve started using a plugin to post tweets of my old posts I’ve notice that my older content gets viewed more now which is great. It’s easy to forger about older content sometimes. Even though it’s just as good and certainly not out of date!
Yes to all of these for sure. I definitely need to recycle some older posts as I haven’t done that in ages.
Mel 🌙 | Moonlight Mel
Absolutely! I did some recycle when I upgraded my WordPress for business account and the past week I have been making some other upgrades. I like webdesign a lot, so its really fun for me!
Thanks for sharing!
These are all great tips! Refurbishing the website was not something I would have ever thought before I started blogging! Alos reusing old content I think is a great idea and gives you the chance to freshen it up and check for broken links. Currently going through all of the old content to check them out x