Hey lovelies, so I didn’t write a weekly summary last week because I really had very little to say, I worked 60 hours and was too sick to go to uni and ended up spending most of the week in bed! I have allergies to a ton of medicines and there’s very few cough/flu/medicines I can use. I’m feeling so much better this week I still have a little cold but it’s been so much more manageable.
So let’s start with uni, this week marked my second week back at uni and for those that don’t know I’m at university studying Fine Art, and I’m specialising in painting. I haven’t been making any studio work as far as it goes I’ve just been reading and spending a lot of time working on my dissertation. For my dissertation I’m writing about digital art/culture and the difference in perception of work and curation, I’ve managed to get 1,600 words written this week and I was really happy with that! I’m quite a quick writer so I’m aiming to get 600 words done a week minimum for my draft copy.
I also finally got my bank card back which was such a massive relief! I can’t really spend any money till I get paid but I did treat my kitten to a cute little halloween collar and some new toys and made a really small missguided order. I got a skirt that had candy canes and gingerbread on which was £4 and a midi black and white striped dress which was £10 I believe. I also got some blogger mail through my letter box this week for an upcoming fashion post and a really cool competition that will up on my blog the week of halloween ( not giving any spoilers away haha).
This week also marks there being under two months till my 21st birthday. I’m super excited for my birthday this year and I also booked tickets to go to the Harry Potter Studio tour for my birthday which I’m really looking forward too, because the last time I went was on my 18th birthday! I’m super excited to see the Hogwarts express and all the other cool new things they have, I’m also really happy about going as it means I’ll see some of my family on the actual day which I’m really looking forward too.
Apart from that I’ve enjoyed some food out, spent time with my boyfriend and watched Nightmare Before Christmas a whole bunch of times. It’s been a really busy but plain week, I have quite a few plans next week so next weeks post will be slightly more interesting. I’d love to know what you’ve done!
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