According to the latest figures, over 600 million blogs now exist globally, with the creation of as many as 576,000 a day meaning that, even as you read this, that figure’s probably risen a fair amount already! For many, low initial outlays are the main driving force for this business choice, especially since sites like Blogger made free blogs accessible for all.
Unfortunately, this nothing for something mentality could quickly see you falling on the wrong side of the blogging success divide considering that, like any business, blogging requires some expense to keep profits rolling. Ideally, this should involve keeping as much as 10% of your profits cycling directly back into your blog for a positive, profitable loop that keeps your momentum rolling. The question is, what exactly should you spend that 10% on?

As mentioned, sites like Blogger are great for a free starting point, but amateur connotations here can prevent affiliations and the growing readership that success rests on. As such, it’s typically worth spending a little money upfront to host on a platform that’s more professional from day one. WordPress is an increasingly popular option here, and hosting through Bluehost is an increasingly viable option. Equally, it’s now possible to start a professional and lucrative blog on less tech-based sites including Squarespace and Wix for a relatively small annual fee that’s unlikely to exceed that 10% bracket for long.
If you want your blog to be successful, you need to make it accessible. Fundamentally, this means accounting for things like mobile compatibility and compliance with global regulations like GDPR, all of which can be achieved with affordable site add ons. True accessibility is also increasingly reliant on further steps, including closed captions on video content, and podcasts that enable even readers on the go to enjoy uploads Spending money on things like automated caption software and professional podcast intro or editing services may seem like a lot to start with, but the ROI that they offer is so impressive you’re certain to see that 10% coming back around in no time.
Project Scope
The cost of running a profitable blog also rests on the scope of your projects themselves. After all, if readers are literally and figuratively going to invest, they need to see that you’re putting work in, be that in the form of long articles resting on stats/interviews/research, or even just projects like reviews that involve buying and testing reader-relevant products. Either way, breaking up your fast-fire uploads with projects that have taken you this extra time is a sure way to increase your standing with both readers and affiliates. It may cost a little more money to do so, but this alone could soon increase that 10% outlay to at least a 20% return!
However much 10% of your income is right now, set it aside and spend it wisely. There’s no better way to double your income, and your blogger reach, in the shortest possible time frame!
Wow, I didn’t realise how many blogs are created and exist that is crazy! This blog post was really informative. I have been using some of my money to purchase advertising with other blog posts as well as going towards other app costs that aid blogging. Thank you for sharing Kayleigh.
Lauren –
I like this post because I learned from it. I agree that we have to put a lot into a blog to get anything out. Satisfaction is the greatest thing but a little income is a nice factor too.