With rising rental costs around the country, an increasing number of millennials prefer returning home immediately after college to save money as they prepare themselves to move out once they are mentally and financially ready to live on their own. You are never really ready to move out of your parent’s home, no matter the age. However, it is a significant step to being independent, as dreadful as it may sound. It is the first step to creating your own life without the influence of others. Below are some things to consider as you plan your move.

Setting A Moving Out Date
When you finally decide that you want to move out and try life on your own, you should set a date that you would like to move out. It should not be too soon to allow you to make the necessary preparations. Also, it should not be too far to prevent you from changing your mind and procrastinating. Informing a family member or a friend of the date can help you stick to the plan.
Manage Your Finances
You should be ready to pay your rent and bills without depending on your parents or guardians when you move out. Therefore you need to make sure that you are smarter with your finances. Have a working budget for the entire process of moving out. Ensure you have money to hire a moving company, get furniture for your new house, and pay the rent deposit, aside from the many expenses that come with moving out.
Ensure You Have a Stable Source of Income
You might need to get a stable source of income to avoid overstretching your finances and eating into your savings. This will ensure you are well equipped to pay your rent and monthly bills without stress.
Get A Place
Try to find yourself the most suitable apartment where you can pay rent comfortably. If you need help with that, here are a couple of suggestions to get you started. Whatever place you settle for, make sure it meets your criteria of a place you would like to stay, as you may stay there for an extended period.
Hire A Credible Moving Company
Getting a credible moving company will alleviate the anticipated worry and hassle when moving. The movers make sure that your property is transported quickly and safely as feasible. In addition, some movers will help you unpack and arrange your new house, helping you settle in quickly. Since the moving process is costly, you should factor your moving cost into your budget. Having a quote will help you manage your moving-out budget before they arrive.
Gather the Necessities to Furnish Your New Home
You would need to shop for furniture for your new place. There are several options to get cheap, quality furniture that matches your needs. Therefore, don’t overwhelm yourself trying to get yourself expensive furniture. You can always upgrade them whenever you feel the need to later on.
Move into Your New Place
After getting your new place furnished, your next and final step would be moving in. You can hold a housewarming party with your friends and family to mark this important step in your life. Enjoy your independent space as you begin to conquer the world on your own.
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I haven’t lived at home since I moved out for university, but the one thing that’s the most shocking to me about renting/owning is not only how much money you need for it, but also how savvy you have to be. The amount of times I need things fixed/sorted and can’t wait for maintenance etc, just knowing basic things like how to bleed radiators etc is so important! xx
It’s been a long time since I first moved out on my own (probably about 20 years) and I absolutely loved it and was so ready for that change. There was so much to learn so your tips and advice here are really useful for those looking to do that same. It is an amazing experience but also quite stressful so any support is always a good idea!