2) Cleaning
This is a weird one, but since having more time to clean I’ve been cleaning a lot. I’ve really gotten into buying cleaning products and trying new things. I’m absolutely addicted to the Mandarin and Lime Zoflora (AF) because it gorgeous. I’ve also been using a lot of the pink stuff, and it is also exceptional.
3) Tiger King
I’m not going to lie on this one, I’m bloody obsessed. The who series had me saying WTF, but I couldn’t stop watching it. Joe Exotic is most definitely a character and if you’re bored during isolation then I recommend it. Question of the day, do you think Carole killed her husband? Leave your reply in the comments, as I’m dying to know.
4) Urban Outfitters
I’ve been doing a little bit of online shopping because even though I’m out of a job, obviously I needed some new bedsheets to soften the blow. Excuse the pun. I also got some new bath matts and cute bits for my house. I can’t wait for them to arrive, I’m waiting for two weeks for the delivery which is cool I’m just so excited,
5) Pinterest
This is a bit crazy for me to say but I hit 3 million impressions on Pinterest yesterday, and I’ve seen over 15,000 new visitors from Pinterest alone this week. I’ve been working really hard on it, so I’m really happy that it is working out well.
6) Wine
I’m just popping this one in here as I’ve been religiously drinking wine on Friday/Saturday/every night I feel like it. Bloody beautiful stuff.
7) Dead To Me
I couldn’t get over how great this amazon season was. I gave the ‘The Stranger” a go and personally couldn’t see the hype with it, I personally thought it was a really poor attempt at the genre they were going after. I whacked on Dead To Me when I finished it and binged the whole thing over night staying up until 10am to complete it. It’s so incredibly heartwarming, funny and full of suspence.
8) Homeware shopping
If anything, lockdown has taught me that I want to own my own place. I rent my current house which is a 3 bedroom place and due to my flatmate being evicted, I’m currently in it alone. I’d love to own a house that I could decorate and do up, rather than the house that I’m in. I’ve been trying to make my current place more homely with new bits for the bathroom and the kitchen but it still doesn’t really have the home vibe just yet.
9) Reading
This free time has given me a few hours to crack on with some reading, outside of my PhD reading list. I’ve been reading a variety of books and I will update you all with a new blog post on my reads really soon. If you need some inspiration though, check out my latest Waterstones Haul.
10) Amazon Wishlists
This is a really weird one, but since seeing a few threads of people sharing their wish lists online I genuinely really loved getting a few bits for people. I think it’s so heartwarming, and just kind. I know not everyone is in the final position to do so but I personally just wanted too. I live alone, so I understand the happiness that a small package in the post can give someone.
I’d love to know the things that you’ve fallen in love with during isolation, let me know in the comments.
If you enjoyed this read How To Reflect On The Past Year In A Healthy Way and 6 Ways You Can Give Yourself a Life Makeover
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