Guest post | Today I have a guest post from Noemi one of my incredible monthly advertisers today on planner organisation.
Are you looking for ways to stay organized in your planner? Here are ten tips that help me stay organized in my planner.
One of the things that’s super important is to customize your planner to the way you need so that you always reach for it when you need it. Part of that is to make it very functional.
It’s never a bad thing to check on your planner set up and update it to keep you interested in the planner monthly. It can be rather difficult to stay interested in your planner daily.
I know the feeling because before I found my best planner system, I struggled a lot with reaching for my planner and using it on a day to day basis. So, I’ve come up with my best tips on how to help you continuously reach for your planner.
This includes what helps me the most when it comes to using my planner. There are 10 tips, I hope you find them super useful and help you be a more productive planner gal!

Useful Planner Tips
Tip #1- Have a monthly spread laid out for the entire year in order to forward and back plan.
These monthly spreads will come in handy to reference important events and dates that took place. You’ll also have them all in one section, so you won’t be scrambling looking around for an important piece of paper.
This was a game changer for me in my personal rings planner because I used to forget my appointments so much. It seemed a bit of a hassle to ask receptionists to look up my last appointment date.
I realized things go by a lot quicker when you have all of your information ready on hand. So, I do use an insert from Peanuts planner co to help me with that. It’s just a yearly layout with blank space to list important appointment dates I need to reference periodically.
Tip #2- Use a weekly overview.
It’s helpful to have sections added to place important items to buy for the week and also any important reminders. I like to lay out my week in a way that times out my schedule. Pre-planning is my jam.
When I have a weekly overview it’s that much easier for me to plan my busy days.
Tip#3- Use a menu/ grocery planning section.
Weekly meal planning has to happen for my family. I do use an insert for this, most of my planner inserts come from Peanuts planner co.
However, sometimes I’ll just use a blank page, write out my meal for the week and a list of ingredients to get or order.
Using inserts is great but I do run out at times and don’t have a ton of time to print. That’s why I did bullet journal for some time.
Tip#4- Pre-plan out my finances a month in advance.
The month before, I like to plan out my finances. Sometimes, there are different bills/debts to pay off. It all varies.
What I have found to help is to just plan them out in advance to really help. When you have them checked off, it’s super helpful.
Tip#5- Having a daily page.
Okay, this is just a must. I never knew how helpful my daily lists were until I tried going a few days without it. I ended up forgetting things and it become frustrating.
I like to have a section on the left side with a timed schedule because I need a visual outline of the day since I do homeschool both of my children.
Life can get pretty hectic and fast, so I like to keep a visual view.
You can also just use a simple to-do list. A lot of people function better that way. I would say during school holidays, I function better that way too.
If I don’t complete a task, I make sure to move it over to the next day. If it’s not that important, I’ll leave it there and look over it later.
Whenever I finish a task, I don’t cross it off. I actually highlight it because my eyes seem to work better that way. Clutter and scribbles don’t help me be very productive, they only slow me down.
More tips on planner productivity.
Tip #6- Use a habit tracker for the month.
Usually, I am very good at filling in my habit trackers. However, sometimes when life gets busy I do forget.
Either way, I like to have them there every month to reference back to. There are tons of habits you can track to keep yourself healthy, physically and mentally.
Habit trackers are a great tool in keeping yourself organized and happy. You can track how much water you drink, how much screen time you use, and whether you’re exercising enough or not. My habit trackers include my children also.
Tip #7- Labeled dividers and sections.
I create my own dividers and sections using Canva. I just outline the template myself, add a tab, and write in my own sections with Canva’s many beautiful fonts.
I have so many sections that this is the only way I found to be much easier, by creating them myself.
Tip#8- Great planner printables that are functional.
Any good planner knows that there are many phases we go through in life. Sometimes, it’s useful to have different planner layouts available.
I do have my own Etsy shop where I sell my own printables. Recently, I released my Planner Productivity planner which comes with many handy layouts.
Tip #9- Brain dump paper for any ideas, notes, or scratch paper to jot stuff down.
Having a brain dump section in your planner is so handy. Even sticky notes help too. Later, I throw it away and fill out sections in my planner. However, sometimes scratch paper is just that. I use a lot of scratch paper for work that I throw away.
Last helpful tip: Check your planner every morning with a relaxing cup of tea. Checking my planner daily has helped me so much.
When I look at it in the morning, I try to get the most accomplished during that time period.
Having a planner keeps your life organized and makes it all the more easier!
I hope this helped you with your planner organization.
God bless and until next time, Mrsplanahead
If you enjoyed this post head over to my Bullet Journal Spreads You NEED Every Month
These are all great tips! I started using a planner this year and it’s much better but still need to use it to its potential! I think I will add a monthly overview and some dividers, also planning the finances for the months sounds like a great idea to add! Thanks for sharing x
I love this! I’m very much someone who brain dumps everything on paper – but i could be much more organised! Maybe that’s a goal I can set for myself
Wow so many tips! I’m not this organized, and I don’t k ow if this kind of structure would work for me but I like a lot of the ideas. Definitely going to consider a few. Thanks!
These are great tips, I love the habit tracker idea. I’m not sure how I can do it but will definitely the habit tracker. Thank you
Absolutely love these tips! I plan my spending every month once I’ve received my payslip and plan my meals / shopping list too. It’s a fantastic way to keep on track of everything and really helps with my mental wellbeing too.
Thank you for sharing x
Kate |
These are great tips! I must admit, I am not the best at keeping a planner up to date, but I often use post-it notes to help organise myself haha! I am looking to have a project plan and ideas planner though for all my DIYs, so hopefully this will help me be more organised with that side of my life!
Thanks for sharing your tips, I love the idea of the Canva design dividers..would neverhave thought of that!
Aimsy xoxo
Aimsy’s Antics
This post contains so many great tips. I am also trying to improve my organisation skills. Thank you for sharing these tips.
These are some really great suggestions to help keep your planner organised. I love using habit trackers as they keep me accountable. Thank you for sharing your other suggestions.
This post is brilliant with lots of helpful tips! I especially love the the finance page and daily list x
Amazing tips for using a planner to its advantage Kayleigh, I need to start doing weekly lists as I think it’ll be good for me to have weekly targets as well as daily ones! x
Lucy |
These are very helpful tips. I haven’t used a planner for 2 years but I have been thinking about using one just for blogging info. I think having daily lists definitely helps me to stay focused and motivated!
Coralle x
This is a very informative post! I love planning and staying organized and really feel that it’s a time saver. You have now provided me with even more ideas! Thanks for sharing this guest post!
Great tips! I love my planner and am always looking for ways to get the most out of it. I love the idea of using planner inserts. Thanks for sharing!
These are some great tips. Personally my planner is much more simple but I keep track of everything I need to and it works great for me! x
This is great! keeping a planner is something that I’ve been wanting to do. instead of my current method of just dump it all in my brain and hope I remember it all 🙂
These are all such great tips for planner organization. Thanks so much for sharing this guest post! So helpful and informative!
So many amazing tips, thank you so much for sharing! I defiantly need to start being more organised, it’s a mess in my brain sometimes so I’ll defiantly be taking these tips on board! Xo
Elle –
This is a great post. I currently do weekly planners, but I need to get my calendar out and start monthly planning again to help me feel more organised.
Such helpful tips! I really love the idea of using a planner everyday but it can be so hard to remember to use it! I love the idea of a ring planner so you can move pages around and have different sections for monthly overview! Thanks for sharing!
What a lovely post. I love the idea of a brain dump page – I’ve actually got a note book that is just for brain storms and mind maps. It’s basically a circle with little legs coming off so that you can chuck your ideas down and see where they go