Hey lovelies, so it’s safe to say as the summer has started and I’ve had more time I’ve fallen back in love with social medias, especially Pinterest. It’s taken me a long time to learn the ropes of Pinterest, but I’m loving it and here’s why.
- It’s inspires me so much – I find Pinterest so inspiration when it comes to finding new ideas for painting or my artwork. I especially find it great for creating mood boards and colour themed collages. It’s also a great place to find blog post and blog related boards that can be super inspiring for photography or new blog posts.
- You can find everything – Pinterest is my favourite social media because of it’s huge variety of content too. If you’re looking for DIYs/recipes/artworks/crafts anything really you are more than likely to find something. I’ve found that you can find anything without having to search for hours too which is an added bonus.
- You don’t need followers to enjoy it – I feel with a lot of social medias there is a pressure to have followers to gain interaction and progress. Pinterest is different in the sense that if you’re pinning things you love you’re doing it for yourself and followers really are just an added bonus? That’s the way I like to look at it anyway. I had around 10 followers for my first month on Pinterest and even though I wasn’t growing it didn’t take away from enjoying the app.
- You determine your feed – Everything on your feed is curated from pins you pin and pins you have searched. You can also find similar pins to the one you’re viewing by scrolling down which is amazing. It makes it so much more personal than other social medias.
- Connecting with others is optional – Pinterest allows you to have group boards and this a way to interact and connect with others, this is completely optional, so if you want to pin solo you can if you want to pin with friends or others that’s cool too.
- It’s like being in a dream world – This is probably one of my favourite parts of Pinterest. You can honestly spend hours pinnings things for you future home, finding homeware inspiration, looking for you dream wedding dress or the perfect wedding cake and flowers. You can make boards that mirror your dreams and ideas. It’s like stepping into another world sometimes. I find that my home inspiration, and painting inspiration board do this for me!
If you enjoyed this head over to my The 10 Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms For Beginners and How to Succeed in Business Overseas
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