Hey lovelies, I can’t believe it’s October already I feel like I blinked and the year has gone by. With such little time left of this year I’ve got a lot of goals to crack on with before the end of the year, and the end of this month.

- Stay on top of the extra reading and work – We honestly get set homework like assignments every week which are extra readings, writings and genuinely useful course bits to get done. Whilst it is great, these have so far been really time consuming activities, such as presentations to complete in a matter of days, large quantities of reading and preparing talks. I’ve been trying my best to finish them every Monday night after they’re set so I get them done with plenty of time to go.
- Go visit some more galleries – I have recently booked tickets to go to Birmingham, London (twice), Leicester and Nottingham this month to check out some exhibitions and museums, as I won’t be able to next month.
- Continue to go to the gym – Fitting in going to the gym around my masters and working full time has been really hard. I’ve been going 3-4 times a week instead of 5-6 because I only have the time for it on certain days. I don’t want to stop going so I’m hoping I can keep it up.
- Make more time for my friends – This year my friends and I are trying to hang out more because there is the potential I could be leaving Northampton to go to a different university next year. We’re trying to book at-least one thing every month, this month we’re seeing the new Thor film, going for a meal at Turtle Bay next week and well we’ll be in Venice on the 30th.
- Get sorted for Venice – I’m actually going to see the Venice Biennale and I’m so excited, it’ll be six days of pizza, art and all the Italian coffee I can drink. I still need to buy some clothes for it, pack and get my euros.
- Buy a new camera – I decided to buy a new camera a few months back, not for the purposes of blogging but for university/my job but I found one that could fit as a multi-purpose camera for me if I buy two lenses for it. Since I’m buying it anyway I thought why not invest in another lens for blogging.
- Start using lights – I also bought two soft box lights for the winter months, because getting photography taken can be an absolute choir when there is zero light. These months are perfect to get some practice in before the sun disappears until the start of the new year haha.
- Get my christmas content sorted – I am doing Blogmas this year like I have the past two years, so I’m trying to get a start on the content because I have very little time to blog in December.
I’d love to know what your plans are for the month, and if you have anything that you want to achieve.
If you enjoyed this post head over to my Series Releases I’m Looking Forward Too In 2018 and January Plans and Goals
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