There are many reasons why you may be considering starting your own blog. You could be looking for an extra income stream. Perhaps you simply want to create a platform where you can have your own voice and share your opinions? Or, maybe you are looking to add a blog to your company website? No matter your reasons for starting a blog, here are three tips that you can help you. These tips will help you set up a successful blog.
Do Your Research
There are a lot of people who dive right in and try to create a blog without assessing the current market and looking at competing websites. Instead, you need to spend some time researching what is out there. Firstly, you need to look at blogs that are doing it well. This will give you inspiration for your own blog. You will be able to see what works and what doesn’t work. You should also look at the blogs you are going to be competing against for readership. This will help you to see what you are going to need to do to outwit the competition and gain readers for yourself.
Use A Blog Building Platform
There are a lot of different website builders out there that are compatible with Safari, Internet Explorer, and Google Chrome. If you want to use Internet Explorer on your Mac to create your blog, this tutorial will explain exactly how to do so: https://setapp.com/how-to/use-internet-explorer-for-mac. From Wix and WordPress to Site123 and Squarespace, there are so many different website builders that are available today. While these platforms have free versions available, it is advisable to go for one of the paid packages. This is the only way you are going to be able to remove the website building branding and use your own domain name. These site builders are straightforward, enabling you to have a blog built up in a matter of hours.
Work On Your SEO Skills
– Last but not least, you can have the most attractive and visually appealing blog in the world, but if no one visits it, you are not going to make a success out of it. This is why you need to spend some time mastering the world of SEO. This includes on-page SEO, which incorporates everything on your blog, from the keywords incorporated into your text to your Meta titles and descriptions. This also incorporates your off-page strategy, which can include commenting on other blogs and guest blogging on other websites. If you do not have any SEO knowledge, there are lots of great resources and books online that can help with this sort of thing.
To conclude, starting a new blog is not the easiest task in the world. Yes, there are site builders that can make the process straightforward. However, this does not mean you are going to have a successful blog. A lot of hard work and dedication is required, and if you follow the three tips that have been mentioned above, it will certainly go a long way. Let me know how you’re working towards a successful blog!

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So true that research is one step that bloggers may overlook before starting a blog. And it’s so important especially if you want your blog to be your side-hustle or business. Great point on SEO too! I made sure that I kept SEO in mind when I launched my blog and it’s helped so much as one of my main traffic sources is organic traffic 🙂
Very good points – I should of done more research before I started my blog but at the same time if I hadn’t posted it when I did I’m not sure I ever would of 😂 Thanks for sharing
Love these tips! SEO is still something I’m yet to get my head around but it’s so so important and something I really need to tackle!
SEO is one of the most important skills and tips which in continuously learning! Great tips!
SEO is something I really need to do some research into. I’ve been putting it off for a while but I now need to get round to sorting it out x
These are some amazing tips. SEO and research always works in thr long run
These are amazing tips for anybody who wants to start a blog Kayleigh. I love when you said that SEO is important, that’s so true and blogger’s need to remember that! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Yes. Seo has brought a lot more traffic to my site now that I’m utilizing it, but It hasn’t increased my followers much. I’m never going to pay for followers either. I question blogs that have thousands upon thousands of followers. (But you gotta do what you gotta do too). Good tips! Thank you 😊
I wish someone had recommended that I look into SEO more before I started my first blog. If I had known what I was doing there, my first blog may still be alive! Lol I learned a lot from that experience though, and have since applied that information to the two blogs that I have operating right now. Especially my pet blog – it’s my most recent creation (just launched this year) and I am watching it grow WAY faster than the others.
There are so many blogs out there, it can be difficult to stand out. SEO is something I’m really putting time and effort into. For those starting a blog, I wish more knew what to do from the start. I was lucky to have knowledge on blogging beforehand, but some jump in and use pre-generated titles, forgetting meta tags and not using headers. Thanks for sharing!
Em x
SEO is essential! I had no idea what it was when I first started. I’m still working on fixing my oldest posts.
SEO is something I really need to work on. I read your post on other tips to help and I am trying to boost it. This is the area of blogging I am really struggling with. Thank you for sharing this post, so helpful for people wanting to start a blog and bloggers already on their journey.
Lauren | http://www.bournemouthgirl.com
Short and sweet! Thank you for the advice <3
I did have a question for you (or anyone reading this), What are your recommendations on sources to learn about SEO?
Hi, Nele/TheNavigato is the best person for SEO. She helped me improved ten fold
Great tips! I wished I had done and learned more before starting to blog, but I love that it’s a continuous chance to learn everyday! SEO would have been truly helpful since the beginning, but it’s fine anyway to learn while on the job i guess! Thanks for sharing x