AD | Dating can be hard at the best of times, after a year or more of isolation it can be even harder. With a pre-dominate shift to virtual dating, much has changed. Apps are often the go-to for meeting new people.If you’re feeling anxious about post lockdown dating, you really aren’t alone. After a year of virtually no socialising, isolation and restrictions you may feel really anxious about getting back out there.
Arguably going on dates used to be so much more straightforward: you met up, you talked, you texted, you went out a few times and you decided if this was something worth pursuing but there is so much more to it now! So today I’ll be sharing 4 Post Lockdown Dating Tips.

Know What You Looking For
We’ve all got a year or two older during the pandemic. During that time you might have thought about what you’ve want from a romantic partner. Now you’re able to go on dates and meet up with people you’ve been talking to you, don’t let yourself think you are desperate. The anxiety and urgency you might feel when picking a partner, might hinder your decision making. Take a second to think about if you’ll find long term happiness with this partner.
It might be worth taking the time to think about the qualities you want in a partner before you start dating, this will help you navigate through dating with some direction.
Pick A Date Type You’re Comfortable With
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with having hesitation for a face to face date as restrictions lift. Between vaccination, mask etiquette and your personal beliefs or views of the virus, you might not feel ready to meet in person. You might find that dating locally helps you pick people you can date near you for example those in Essex could use Essex dating.
If you feel more comfortable having a virtual date first you can use this as a way to get to know someone better! Ultimately, if a person you’re talking with doesn’t respect your boundaries virtually, chances are they’ll be disrespectful in the long run. This could be a major red flag down the line, and something you need to consider. For those in southend or basildon, you should consider Essex Dating!
Don’t Rush Into Anything
Expectations with post lockdown dating might lead to disappointment. You might have developed the mindset that because you’ve been single in lockdown, you need a partner. This isn’t true, and you shouldn’t rush into anything. After a year of social isolation, one or two dates might feel like enough, but you’re really going to want to take your time to find the right match for you.
You don’t need to rush to make up for lost time. It’s important to remember that you’re on your own timeline and you don’t have to reach a milestone because other people are.
Not All Post Lock Down Romances Will Work Out
If you’ve found yourself talking to someone why restrictions were in full swing, there’s no shame if it doesn’t work out. Communication can be different face to face and you might not feel that spark, or connection. Remember as mentioned above you don’t need to settle at all. It’s okay to feel differently once you’ve been on a few dates. If you’re the party being rejected – remember every rejection just teaches you what you do want from a romantic relationship. There are just some levels of compatibility that can only be tested in person.
If you enjoyed the post then why not check out How To Make The Most Out Of Your Home Workout and How To Reflect On The Past Year In A Healthy Way
This is a great post. Just what I needed to read. Fill with great tips. Thank you for sharing.
I needed this right now! It’s defiantly knocked my confidence this pandemic when it comes to dating so reading this has really helped. Thank you so much for sharing Xo
Elle –