AD affiliate links | When it comes to making money from your blog you may not be sure what the best option is for you. If you read my monthly income reports you’d know that I have a steady income from my blog. This is from hard work over years to increase my domain authority, to provide content my readers want, affiliate marketing and having long lasting relationships with brands.
If you’re newer to blogging, or haven’t built an established following you may be thinking ‘What ways can I make money with my blog with less than 10,000 pageviews’ and today I’m going to share some ways you can do that. How you make money will change niche to niche so take that into consideration!
A small side note, it’s not wrong to say that there are many established bloggers who get tens of thousands of blog views a month who actually don’t make very much money from their blogs. When it comes to making money from your blog it really isn’t the number of pageviews you have, but the ‘do you know what you’re doing’ factor that matters. If you’re looking to create a new website, have you considered pay monthly websites? It’s a great way to have a super-talented, UK based design team create a flawless new website for your business.

Scope Out The Best Referral Deals
When it comes to affiliate marketing, if you have low page views you may struggle to make money because your click through rate might be lower. You might also find that most platforms that you are able to sign up for have a lower commission rate (Amazon Associates we’re looking at you) meaning you struggle a bit to make significant money from them.
Here’s where you need to work smarter and not harder. There are so many affiliate platforms out there that offer great referral deals per sign up. For example one purchase through my Bluehost affiliate link is worth $65. Which could be more than 50 Amazon sales.
I often see fellow bloggers cultivate this with the FreeTrade Referral Scheme – for every sign up you also get a new stock worth between £1-200. Why this isn’t a platform I’d suggest using unless you have been using it before and understand the basics of investing I think it’s a really good example. It’s a solid way to make money weekly from something you may already be using or that is valuable to your readers.
If you’re struggling with affiliate platforms to use head over to The 10 Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms For Beginners. I also highly recommend signing up to the affiliate platform AWIN.
Use SEO To Your Advantage
If you don’t have an established following or you’re struggling to bring in pageviews you’re going to want to use SEO to bring in more viewers, which you can use to make money. For this you will need to know the basics of keyword research. You’ll need a keyword research tool, that can test the difficulty of keywords. You’re ideally going to want to look for something that is easy or moderate to rank on.
Some keywords are worth ranking on because they’re going to bring you in decent money. For example my 8 Beautiful WordPress Blog Themes You Need To Check Out. now ranks on the bottom of the second page of google. It’s a keyword that has an extremely difficult keyword to rank on (it was 80+ on KeySearch). That one post now brings me 100s of ££ regularly. This can be done with easier keywords too, and the aim is always to get the top spot on Google. You just need to think about, will someone will be searching this keyword with the intent of purchasing something mentioned in the post, or the item the post is based around?
Things to consider when looking for a profiteable keyword:
- Does this fit my niche?
- Will I be able to rank on it?
- Is it something my current audience would be interested in?
If you struggling with Keyword Research, I suggest picking up a copy of Keyword Research For Bloggers. It’s what’s helped me gain all my rankings. You can use the discount ‘kayleighzara’ for 1/3rd off.
Utilise Your Mailing List
With a mailing list you can start making money from day one. Growing your mailing list isn’t an easy task but 10 engaged subscribers can make you 10 sales. When I started out with mailing list I invested in the Blog To Brand Email Marketing Guide (it’s around $19/£15). It was the best resource I found on learning everything from setting up your account to creating highly converting opt-in forms + landing pages. It has over 80 Pages of Advanced Email marketing tips & strategies.
I personally have my mailing with Convertkit, and I use these evergreen templates for my sign up sequence. My sequence makes me around £800 per month, having a welcome sequence really is important.
Here are a few tips to utilising your mailing list for sales:
- Know your target audience and great content that fits that
- Find relevant affiliate links or sponsored opportunities for your mailing list
- Don’t over-send emails, quality over quantity.
- Have a solid sign up sequence
- Email out on holidays and for trends (black Friday etc)
- Analyse all your conversion analytics after you send an email.
Sponsored Posts
As your blog grows you’ll be taking on sponsored work/ADs. In many cases brands will reach out to you for this, but you can openly pitch to brands yourself. This is something that I recommend doing to get your foot in the doorway with sponsored work, and because you’ll have more control on charging.
Brands do not always look for high blog views, sometimes they are after a higher Domain Authority because this is beneficial to them. They may even look to sponsor your socials, such as an instagram AD or Pinterest ADs (yes this exists). So if you have low blog views for a decent amount of social followers this could be for you. Depending on your niche, you could take sponsored content on just about any subject, whether it’s baby clothes, software, courses, or even guides on how to buy Ripple (XRP). Stick with brands that you know your audience would be interested in, and make anyone you work with is a good fit for your blog.
A few tips for looking for sponsored work:
- Find relevant blogging platforms (be aware that you’ll be paid less than organic collaborations in most cases)
- Reach out to brands who have previously done ADs
- Find sponsored opp facebook groups with under 1000 members (the less the better)
- Check recent hashtags on social media for job opportunities
- Find yourself a friend with similar stats so you can make sure you’re not undercharging.
- Pro tips: remember sorting out VAT if you are in UK.
Affiliate Marketing
How you make money from affiliate marketing with come down to your niche, viewers and much more. It is completely possible to make money with low blog views. You just need to be smarter with. Seek out new affiliate links, that people in your field don’t promote. Cookie data might mean that you will find it highly competitive with sharing the same links as others.
You’re going to want to seek out affiliate links that have a higher commission so you make more money per sale. This might mean signing up to affiliate programs directly through a brand rather than through a 3rd party. This could look like becoming an affiliate for products created by other creators. This obviously depends on your niche but you need to do as much research as you can.
If you’ve ever purchased one of my ebooks, and want to be an affiliate for my ebooks, I offer 50% commission.
Top tips for making more affiliate sales:
- Use Pinterest to promote your affiliate links ( you need to learn what links you can and can’t share before you do this)
- Create content around your affiliate links
- Look for the best deals and promotions for your affiliate links.
- Recommend things you’ve used before ( don’t just share links for thing you’ve never used)
- Be consistent.
I think it’s really worth noting, that you don’t need to do what other bloggers are doing. For example if you have a complete different niche to mine, doing the same as me isn’t going to make you money. You need to grow your own unique following, and do you own thing. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing.
If you enjoyed this head over and check out Finding The Best Blogging Resources On Etsy
These are all great tips! Still making my way through affiliate and improve SEO, but completely agree that it’s not just the number of views that will help! Thank you for sharing x
Thanks for these. I’ve been blogging for a while and I’m just now trying to make some money with it.
You’ve shared some great tips here, I’ll definitely focus on these. Thank you for sharing!!
Awesome tips as usual! Thank you for sharing 🙂 xx
These are fab tips. There are so many different affiliate programmesout there, its hard to see which would be more beneficial for your blog, isn’t it?!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
Aimsy xoxo
Aimsy’s Antics
Such super helpful tips as usual! I love how to really break everything down and discuss how it worked for you too!
These are great tips! I reaaly need this infor right now, I’m glad I came across your post on Twitter!
I loved doing sponsored posts and pitching to brands. Thank you for sharing these other tips for making money. I have a mailing list but have never really done anything with it. I think this is a sign for me to start utilising it and making some extra money!
Em x
This is brilliant advice. I’m realising now that I just don’t have the time to really invest in monetising my blog. I make the most money during the school holidays because I have the extra time to invest in pitching and sharing my affiliate links.
13 weeks a year is not quite enough to make any real money, but I hope by working on SEO and my DA score it’ll all make a difference in the long run x
I’m always so impressed with your blogging income reports, so I appreciate any tips you have like this. I’ve been utilizing all of these things in the past 5+ years I’ve been blogging, but after my recent rebrand, I basically lost all traction and income, so I’d like to regain that. Thanks for the tips!
Thanks so much! I can’t wait to dive into the affiliate marketing ebook you recommended.
These are such great tips! I feel like I was part of the blogger world for a few years before I realized that I wasn’t utilizing ANY of these things. Now that I’ve started, I’m slowly getting more traction. It wasn’t fast, but it was possible!
Yet another great post for microbloggers. Facebook has recently become my haven for finding little gems who offer sponsored posts!
These tips are so helpful! I’ll definitely be putting these to use sometime, and hope to start a mailing list soon. Thanks for sharing x
Really helpful post. I think a lot of bloggers with under 10k views will find this really reassuring as well because I think there’s definitely still this notion that you have to have a TON of views to make money but you absolutely don’t!
Your advice is always fantastically helpful! I think my current plan is to hopefully focus on growing an audience and domain authority first, but I’ve bookmarked this page to allow me to look into making money in a few months.
Some incredible money making advice Kayleigh, I’m saved this post for future reference! x
Lucy |
These are all such great tips Kayleigh I have bookmarked this post for future reference.
Great tips! I will definitely be utilizing them in the coming months. Your posts are always so helpful. Thanks for sharing!
As a new blogger, this post is so helpful to me! I’m inspired by your hard work done over the years that resulted to the standing you have right now today. These are awesome tips and I look forward to applying this to mine! Thank you so much for sharing.
This is encouraging! I took a long break from my blog but I’m finally ready to start taking it seriously. 🙂
This was really helpful! I am using affiliate market but need to develop it a lot more, or even sign up to more. I am also really working on SEO and my blog as well. But thank you for this post x
These are really useful tips! I would love to be able to score some more sponsored posts and I have really been sleeping on affiliate marketing too x
These are such amazing tips! I really need to get into the affiliate marketing game!
Katie |
This is such good solid advise! I need to basically save and bookmark this page and deal with one point at a time! Thank you!
I’m always surprised by how many people overlook the power that SEO offers. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t try to focus on our social media or other marketing opportunities, however, there is nothing that has a longer long-term value than SEO as a blogger. I have a post on my one blog that was written in 2017 and continues to bring a passive income today.
I’ve been blogging for a few years now and I want to start making some money from my blog so I’m definitely going to try out some of these tips and give it a go! X
These are great tips. I am looking at increasing my blog income and this post will be very helpful with that.
Great tips Kayleigh! I don’t have a huge number of page views, but have just recently dipped my toe into blogging full time. Thank you for sharing this! I’ve definitely taken a lot from it!
I am struggling with getting advertisers or sponsors, your tips and ideas are very helpful.
Thank you.
I so wish I had discovered you when I first started blogging. I am basically binge reading all of your content LOL! Thanks so much for sharing this.
Olivia |
Thanks for the great tips. Keyword research is something I still need to work on to up my SEO game.
Some great tips in here! I’m going to go back and check them out more thoroughly.
Your Blog is very informative. Thanks.
Great tips. I’m always on the lookout for ways I can monetise my blog in the future. Thanks for a all the recommendations and tips.