Hey lovelies, this might seem like an odd post, but if you’ve been following me for a while you’d know I have more than one account and I change up my blog look a-lot. This is because I really love ‘pretty’ WordPress themes, and today I thought I’d share some of the best ones I’ve come across and share the ones I use on my other blogs. A lot of these themes are currently on a Boxing Day/ New Years sale, and y’all know I love sharing a discount.
Disclaimer! This post includes affiliate links.
The Amelia Theme

The Amelia theme is the theme that I purchased for my second blog. It is gorgeous, SEO friendly and has everything a blog theme needs. It looks incredible and so professional. It is also one of those themes that has a shop the look widget which is perfect for those that who are looking to improve their affiliate sales, or who may have a fashion or food blog! I actually use it on my food blog.
The Samantha Theme

The Samantha theme is a super elegant and the theme that I have installed on my third blog, and she is stunning! I can tell you the theme looks every bit as sleek and elegant as the demo. It’s a SEO friendly theme which is super important! It has a responsive design, GDPR Cookie Consent and so many features which could be so useful to new bloggers in particular.
If you’re looking for a pretty WordPress theme. This is the theme for you. Bluchic are having a New Years Sale until the 4th of January where you can get 20% off!
The Harper WordPress Theme

The Harper Theme is the theme I’m looking to switch this blog too. I love the colour blocks, and the design looks so sophisticated. It’s SEO friendly, which is really the most important part about any WordPress Theme. It has a ton of great functions such as a Trending Now popular posts footer section AND Category archive grid with subcategory navigation.
Click here to buy the Harper Theme
The Olivie WordPress Theme

I was really drawn to the Olivie WordPress theme! It’s described as ‘Feminine, but not too girly, Olivie’s optimized, responsive design woos and delights with details that help your audience focus on the next step. The colour scheme is customisable to fit your brand’s unique aesthetic’ This theme is the closest one I’ve seen to my Blog Pixie theme! Also it is SEO friendly.
Buy the Olivie WordPress Theme Here
The Mia WordPress Theme

One thing I genuinely adored when looking at the Mia theme is that is available for three different demos. There’s one for a food, travel and fashion blog. It’s so easy to customise the colours, layout, & much more in the Theme customiser!
It’s SEO friendly, has a unique three column footer AND is completely mobile responsive to display beautifully on all devices
Buy the Mia WordPress Theme here
The Rachel Theme

Meet Rachel, chic WordPress Theme for lifestyle bloggers. Flaunting a gorgeous modern style, she tidily presents your blog posts as excerpts. Rachel theme is perfect for a fashion blog, a fitness blog, or a foodie recipe blog.
I love how this theme looks on mobile devices. It’s so sleek, it is perfect for blogs that also have a shop and is incredibly user friendly. I’m a sucker for pink themes.
The Charlotte WordPress Theme

Charlotte’s soft, feminine details are designed to beautifully accentuate your content and inspire your audience. With endless flexibility and customization options built right in, Charlotte is perfect for bloggers and business owners alike
One of the redeeming features I love for this theme is that you can the. optional secondary navigation menu below the header, Instagram feed in the footer and related posts built in. That and the colour scheme for this theme is so beautiful!
The ChicShop WordPress Theme

“Meet ChicShop, a WooCommerce WordPress Theme for Online Shop. We know that female entrepreneurs starting and running a product-based business need a website that helps them grow.”
Lastly is the ChicShop WordPress theme! This theme is designed for those that have a business that sells. For example if you’re a blogger with a coaching service, or who regularly sells products this is one for you. It’s genuinely so sleek and pretty. I love the commerce aspect to this theme and I’ve got my eyes on it for a future blog theme! It’s a SEO friendly design too.
Buy the ChicShop WordPress theme here
If you’re looking to get a new them for your blog in 2021 let me know in the comments! I’m a big fan of having a blog spruce up here and there, and moving to WordPress earlier in the year gave me a-lot of options for themes! I’ve tried to only share themes that are SEO friendly.

If you enjoyed this post and you’re looking for some help to grow your own blog 35 Useful Resources For Bloggers and Simple Tips For Growing Your Own Brand.
I love all this themes you mentioned, I am definitely going to check them out, I have been looking for Themes that will replace the one I am currently using.
These themes are so cute! I really love the first one!
-Kyra xx
I really love 17th Avenue Designs! I love Amelia and it was tied to the theme I have now. When I create a second blog, I’ll use Amelia 🙂 I love all the themes you recommended!
These are gorgeous! 😍 I really struggle with balancing a good-looking theme with finding one that’s good for SEO and page speed. It’s a continuous search haha!
These are some really good themes, my favorites are Harper and Olivie.
This is the perfect post for me right now! I’d love to start the year with a fresh looking blog.
I am just not sure which of these I love the most!
Thanks for sharing x
These themes are beautiful! Are they wordpress.org or WordPress.com themes? Just curious! Thank you!
Everything looks so lovely! Personally the Harper speaks to me the most 🤍🤍 I can also very much relate with you as I change my theme every once in a while. I’m currently using Blogger but I’ve been pondering on the idea of doing the big WordPress switch, if and when that happens I’ll definitely keep these in mind.
Thanks for sharing your resources, Kayleigh! New reader here and looking forward to see more in the future.
Happy New Year to you!🤗✨
Oh wow, I actually love so many of these, it’s hard to pick a favourite. I love how easy wordpress make it to add a new theme to your blog. when I changed mine up around two years ago, it gave me a whole new lease of blogging!
I’ve been thinking about getting a new theme for a while, so this post has given me lots of inspiration! I especially like the look of Samantha and Rachel so I will be keeping those in mind xx
Some many stunning themes. I think Harper is my favourite, makes me want to redo my blog x
These are all such stunning themes! I think the Samantha is my favourite of the 8 though – it’s gorgeous! I’m always wanting to switch up my blog theme but never do it haha. One of these themes could persuade me to go for it though! X
These are all so beautiful! I might have to treat myself to a new theme for the new year!
Beautiful themes here! Including mine – Harper! I absolutely love it, so pleased with how it looks on my blog
Rachael x
Oh wow, all of these look so beautiful! I especially like the look of the Harper one. I’ll have to bookmark this post for when I’m searching for new themes, as they can be so hard to come by xx
Hannah | https://luxuryblush.co.uk/
These are all so lovely! I just switched mine and am experimenting but I think I may end up choosing one of these sometime. Thanks for sharing !
I love the Harper theme so much! I also didn’t know a shop the look widget already can be included with the theme you purchase. Great recs!
Thanks for sharing! I’ve been looking for a new theme to change the look of my blog a little. These are all so pretty so I’ll definitely consider a few of these!
Some really lovely themes and I never change my theme up, and I really should! Thank you for sharing this ❤️😊
I’m looking to move over to WordPress next year and this post has been super helpful in helping me pick out a theme! I’ve been eyeing up 17th Avenue themes as they look beautiful, the Harper theme is beautiful! x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
I highly recommend moving if you can! WordPress has been so good to me and my blog and I wish I’d done it much much earlier x
I’ve been thinking about refreshing my blog for a while now so this post is great timing. I like the look of Samantha but TBH I also love your Blog Pixie theme too. I’ll have to investigate all your recommendations, thank you! x
Hi Lisa! My blog pixie theme is great but it does have limitations on the SEO aspect! So why I love it I would probably recommend the Samantha theme more x
I love themes that offer a variety of different customization options so that you can easily make it look unique. That’s what drew me to Solopine’s Sitka theme for my current blog. Reading your descriptions, it sounds like there are a few year that I should consider now that I’m making changes on my older blog!
I’m looking for a new theme for my blog but searching for one is exhausting. The Olivie and Rachel themes look fantastic.
I love the Mia theme – but to be honest they all look fresh and professional! Bluechic always has the best themes too! xx
I love all these themes. They are very elegant. I was looking at changing my blog theme last year so that’s definitely a good list.
These themes are so cute!
I loved the look of all of these themes, anything pink and feminine catches my eye! I would love to change up my theme some point this year, I’ll need to go self-hosted first though, so fingers crossed! x
These are great, modern themes!
These are some super cute themes, I love them!! Thanks for sharing x
All of these themes are so cute! I change my theme a lot as I get bored pretty quickly so I’ll definitely keep these in mind! X
Themes have always confused me because there are so many out there, so I’m always interested in posts like this.
Ive got my eye on the Rachel theme. I love the colours and layout. I might change things up a bit this year and go for a new design 🙂
Awesome themes. My style is more like the Olivie WordPress theme and if I start a new blog, I will consider it. Thank you for sharing it!
I always get tempted to change my blog theme whenever I see beautiful themes like these. If ever I do change my theme this year, I’ll definitely consider the options you suggested. I like the Harper theme too 😊
I really wish I know how word pressed worked and understood how themes work. I am a Wix user and created my blog off of a Blank page…everything I did was myself…but these Themes are simply beautiful!!! I absolutely love the Olivie WordPress theme but again they are all so beautiful!!!
Oh my gosh I’ve only just edited my theme but now you got me considering changing it again! These templates are so beautiful. And wait – you have 3 blogs?!
Ooo! Will have to check some of these themes out!
Loved the post- thanks for sharing xx
These themes are beautiful! Love Harper and Rachel the most. Thank you for sharing xx
These look like lovely themes. I’m hoping to switch themes later this year so I’ll definitely be taking a look at some of these!
Wow these are some really nice themes. I will definitely keep these in mind for if I decide to take the plunge and move from Blogger to WordPress. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Lauren | https://www.wooloftheking.com/
These are really nice. I like Mia the best. It’s great to have so many options.
I think it’s so important to invest in a nice theme since we are quite visually drawn to websites. These are some great themes but I think Harper is my favourite! x
Oh they’re all so pretty!
I’m so tempted to make the switch from Blogger to WordPress, but I just cannot get my head around the WP post editor and I’ve been playing with it for months.
Cora | https://www.teapartyprincess.co.uk/
These are such beautiful themes! As one who is partial to blues I think my favourite is Mia. I have been thinking of making a move from blogger to WordPress but I don’t think I have the skills to do so. If I do decide though, I will definitely keep your themes in mind!
I actually use the Charlotte theme myself and I am in love with it! I had such a hard time trying to pick one as they are all so beautiful so in the end, I preferred the charlotte layout!
Amber | The Unpredicted Page
I love these themes! It’s always a struggle to find the right one. I love Harper and Mia. Thanks for sharing x
I’ve been eyeing up the Mia theme for a while now but I’ve been too afraid to make the switch. Do you know how customisable these themes are?
These themes are so pretty! They remind me of my WP theme- Olsen !
So many gorgeous themes here! I really need to look into making the change over to WordPress xx
Ooooh I love so many of these themes – especially Samantha and Mia! I’m thinking of investing a blog theme so thank you for the ideas! x
All the themes are beautiful. I am in love with Rachel Theme…will check out…thank you for sharing these wonderful themes…
The Harper is gorgeous. If i was purchasing a new one that would be the one I would go for too
These are all beautiful themes! Mia and Harper are my favorites!
I changed my theme a few weeks ago and didn’t go with a paid one as I wasn’t sure which to trust – bookmarking this for next time I want to switch it up! The Charlotte theme is especially gorgeous. x
Loved this post. I’m thinking of switching to self-hosted and would need a WordPress theme so this post was so helpful!
There are far too many pretty themes to choose from, delightful! Amy 🙂 amymarshment.com
These are some really gorgeous themes, all of them look so elegant and classy. I brought my theme when I redesigned my blog. I think as my brand grows I will probably invest into a more expensive theme when I want to rebrand with the colours etc. Thank you for sharing, I have saved these names just in case.
Lauren http://www.bournemouthgirl.com
These are all so gorgeous!!
I love all of these! Its so hard to choose just one haha!
Oh I love these themes. I am kinda thinking about changing mine up this year! We shall see! Thanks so much for sharing these ideas.
I love how WordPress themes have transformed over the years. These are gorgeous themes!
These are such beautiful themes, I’ll be keeping them in mind if I ever swap themes xx
What beautiful themes! They’re so aesthetically pleasing!
These themes are so cute. I think I like the Mia one the best.
I love all of these! I’ve been wanting to change up the look of my blog for a while, so I’ll definitely have to look into these in the future! Thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love the themes you shared. When picking out a theme I like for it to be classy and clean cut. Somewhat of a minimalist theme.
I am considering changing my theme in the future and I will keep these themes in mind. I am bookmarking this post. Thank you so much for sharing.
Xo Erica
i love choosing themes for anything so when it came to choosing something for my wordpress blog i was extremely detailed to find the clean simple yet sophisticated one!
All these themes look lovely! I will have to check a few of them out when I am ready to change up my theme. The problem is, they all look fab so will be hard to choose!
Thanks for sharing!
Aimsy xoxo
Aimsy’s Antics
These themes are so cute! I love all of them, but the Charlotte and Rachel ones are definitely my fave! I’ve been thinking about redoing my blog design for a while now, so this post is absolutely perfect 😀
I actually just bought the Amelia theme! It’s honestly the best one I’ve had.
Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing 🙂
These themes look very beautiful. I will check them. Thank you for sharing.
I’m IN LOVE with the Harper Theme… I should look to find one like that for Blogger!
Hi Kayleigh. I love the wide range of options that are available to WordPress bloggers in terms of themes and plugins – the choice is just amazing. Thank you for the review of these themes.
These are beautiful themes! I definitely think I need to change up my theme and site and I might dedicate some time this weekend to do that, thanks for these themes! X
The harp theme is lovely, there’s some lush ones but I’m scared to explore incase it doesn’t fit my ‘blog’ type thing but I am thinking of changing my theme as I’m a little bored of mine now haha xx
Wow these are beautiful themes, I’ve just changed my theme and updated my header and it makes me so happy when I’m updating my blog now. Wild how it can make such a difference!
I try to change up my WordPress theme every year to get new features and possibility’s. I haven’t start with a new one yet so this post was interesting to read. I like the mia theme!
All these themes look fab, I’m looking to change mine up and will definitely be checking these out!!
The Rachel theme looks similar to the theme I have now! These are all so beautiful!
These are all so pretty – I love the Harper one in particular!
These themes are all so pretty! I love the Mia WordPress theme 😍
These are such beautiful wordpress blog themes! I always love looking at those!
Oooh some absolutely beautiful themes here!
Love, Amie ❤
The Curvaceous Vegan
Everyone looks great Kayleigh but wow does Samantha look clean. I dig a nice, clean theme, for the UX of course but as a blogger, using clear themes makes me feel better about my blog. No clutter means greater mental clarity, too.
I adore the Charlotte theme – it’s gorgeous! I’ve always been unsure about where to go for WordPress themes for when I switch so this is so helpful xx
I absolutely LOVE the “Charlotte” theme! This is such a helpful post, there are so many gorgeous templates out there xx
These are all beautiful themes, I don’t know how I would choose between them!
I’ve been planning on changing my blog theme before August and I really like Samantha, Charlotte, and Rachel so let see who those three win.
As always I personally enjoy reading your blog post!
Michelle| http://www.brokebutflawless.com
These site themes give me some serious design love vibes — they all look so good! I’ve fairly recently updated my site to look a bot more professional/sleek but I always like to look for new ideas to make things even more visually appealing and user friendly. Thanks for sharing these!
These are beautiful themes! I LOVE the themes from 17th avenue & when I went self-hosted, I decided on one of their themes & I love it!
Very pretty themes indeed! I love the Harper and Mia themes. I haven’t bought a theme but looking at these it feels like a good idea all of a sudden xx
These are all so pretty! I really like the Amelia, Harper & Charlotte themes in particular.
These themes are beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
I have to control myself when exploring WordPress themes, otherwise I want to start seven different websites haha. Thank you for sharing this list, though! I enjoyed going through them 🙂
Thanks for sharing, these themes if i move to wordpress than I will keep these in mind 🙂